%%% xytree.sty
%%% Ver 1.0 xytree.sty written by Koaunghi Un <2004/08/10>
%%% Ver 1.1 modified by Koaunghi Un <2004/11/05>
%%%         \barnodeconnect with label
%%% Ver 1.2 added two new macros by Koaunghi Un <2004/12/20>
%%%         \yytree: a new tree macro
%%%         \xynodefont: font changing macro for all nodes in \xytree
%%%         and \yytree.
%%% Ver 1.3 added three new macros by Koaunghi Un <2006/02/27>
%%%         for drawing diagrams for Discourse Representation Structure
%%%         \drsbox: with referent and predicate
%%%         \drsrectbox: only for predicate
%%%         \drsdiabox: diamond-shaped box for DRS conditions.
%%% Ver 1.4 Bug fixed by Koaunghi Un <2006/03/07>
%%%         \drop'ing a frame after \xytrinode shifted the reference
%%%         point to the lower right corner of the triangle.
%%% Ver 1.5 correct font change of \xyterminal by Koaunghi Un <2006/08/15>
%%% 	    italic font shape of \xyterminal after \\

\ProvidesPackage{xytree}[2006/8/15 Pacakge for drawing trees]
\typeout{`xytree.sty' package v1.5 for drawing trees.}


%% \xytree[column spacing in pc]{matrix}
%% -------
%% A tree is a simple macro of the form "\xytree{...}"
%% It is an xymatrix, with "&" as column separator and "\\" as row
%% separator:
%% \rowheight: sets row spacing.

\newdimen\rowheight\newdimen\XyColumnSpacing \rowheight2pc
  \xymatrix @R=\rowheight @!C=\XyColumnSpacing @M=0pc {#2}}

%% \xyconnect[line shape]
%%      [line bend]
%%      (source corner, target corner)
%%      {target row, target col}
%%      "label"

  \ar @{#1} []+#3;[#5]+#4 #6
  \ar @{#1} @/#2/ []+#3;[#5]+#4 #6



%% Tree Node
%% \xynode[connecting nodes delimited by ,]{entry}
%% \xytrinode[+/-triangle width]{entry}
%% \xyterminal{entry}
%% Following code
%%   \xynode{ & xynode[-1,1]{S} \\
%%           \xynode[0]{NP} & & \xytrinode{VP} \\
%%           \xyterminal{I} & & \xyterminal{ate an apple}
%%   }
%% will draw following tree diagram:
%%          S
%%         /\
%%        /  \
%%       /    \
%%      NP    VP
%%      |     /\
%%      |    /  \
%%      |    ____
%%      I ate an apple
%% with the terminal nodes written in italic shape.
%% Lines are drawn with the macro \xyconnect defined above.

\def\xyn@de[#1]#2{{\txt{{\strut\xyn@def@nt #2}}}%
\newcommand{\xyterminal}[1]{\textit{\txt{\strut #1}}}

%% \xytext
%% -------
%% For morph-syntactic agrement "\xytext{...}" is used in place of "\xytree"
%% It is \xytree with one column:

    \xymatrix @C=1ex @M=0pt {#1}}\hspace{-2pt}}

%% \xybarconnect[line displacement]
%%      [line shape]
%%      (source corner, target corner)
%%      {target row, target col}
%%      "label"

    \csname c@rner@#3\endcsname#1\relax/%
    \csname c@rner@#4\endcsname#1\relax}%
  \ar @{#4} '[0,0]+#5 '[0,0]+#5+(0,#1) '[0,#7]+#6+(0,#2)#8 [0,#7]+#6

%% \xybarnode{entry}
%% Following codes
%%   AGR \xytext{\xybarnode{Det}\xybarconnect{1} & \xybarnode{head-noun} & verb} ...
%% will draw following diagram:
%%            ______
%%           |      |
%%           |     \/
%%      AGR Det head-noun verb ...


%% \yytree[indentation in pc]{matrix}
%% -------
%% A \yytree is an another tree drawing macro of the form "\yytree{...}"
%% It is an xymatrix, with "&" as column separator and "\\" as row
%% separator:

  \xymatrix @!0 @C=#1pc @R=1.5pc @W=0pc @*[r] {#2}

%% \yynode[daughter nodes delimited by ,]{entry}
%% -------
%% For example
%%   \yytree{ \yynode[1,4]{top} \\
%%     & \yyode[1,2]{A} \\
%%     & & \yynode{Aa} \\
%%     & & \yynode{Ab} \\
%%     & \yynode[1]{B} \\
%%     & & \yynode{Ba}
%%   }
%% will produce the following tree:
%%   top
%%    |-- A
%%    |   |-Aa
%%    |   |-Ab
%%    |-- B
%%        |-Ba
%% with proper bending line for the last daughter node.

\def\yyn@de[#1]#2{{\txt{{\xyn@def@nt #2}}}%

  \POS[#1,0]+(1,0);[#1,1]+L **\dir{-}%

%% \xynodefont
%% -----------
%% Default font for node entries in \xytree and \yytree.
%% This is initially set to be empty, which is the same as \rmfamily
%% \xynodefont{\itshape} typeset all node entries in italic shape.


%%% Discourse Representation Structure
%% This is not related with linguistic trees, but because no other
%% packages provide a convenient way to draw DRS diagram without the
%% help of pstricks, these three macros for drawing DRS diagram are
%% added here.  They use also Xy-pic feature to construct boxes.


%% \drsbox[line art]{referent}{predicate}
%% -------
%% [line art] : optional.  specifies the art of lines.  All \dir
%%   directionals of Xy-pic kernel library can be used (not \dir2,
%%   \dir3, \dir_, \dir^ directionals)
%% referent:
%% predicate:

%% ------------
%% | x        |
%% ------------
%% |          |
%% | donkey(x)|
%% | green(x) |
%% |          |
%% ------------

    \drs@ht=\ht\drs@boxa\advance\drs@ht by\dp\drs@boxa
    \advance\drs@ht by\ht\drs@boxb \advance\drs@ht by\dp\drs@boxb
    \divide\drs@ht by2
    \advance\drs@ht by1.5\drsboxsep

%% \drsrectbox[line art]{content}
%% -----------

%% -------------
%% |           |
%% | man(u)    |
%% | unicorn(u)|
%% | seeks(u,v)|
%% |           |
%% -------------


%% \drsdiabox[line art]{conditions}
%% ----------

%%      /\
%%     /  \
%%    /    \
%%   /      \
%%  /        \
%% /  every   \
%% \    x     /
%%  \        /
%%   \      /
%%    \    /
%%     \  /
%%      \/

    \advance\@tempdima by.5\ht\drs@boxa
    \advance\@tempdima by.5\drsboxsep

%%% Autosegmental Representation
%%% ----------------------------

