2011/06/03 v0.52
- changed directory and package structure to be CTAN conform
- re-worked README to reflect new package structure, and added information on generating files from the source

2011/05/12 v0.51
- worked on the documentation, lots of changes
- fixed a typo in skb.cfg, which made the bibliography file unloadable
- changed linkcolor from AntiqueWhite4 to Brown4
- added acronym database (short version of the automatically generated) and acronym handling in the documentation
- removed \SKB, appropriately it's now an acronym rather than a special type setting
- added bibtex load to the documentation
- removed call to \cmd{\skbbibtex} from class files, users need to call that now manually. reason is that otherwise
  configuration changes for bib/bibfile have no effect
- changed load mechanism for the user guide, due to bibtex load problems
- changed the two skbnote environments (list/enum), removed unnecessary temp storage
- \textbf{changed default acronym file name to acronyms, note the added 's'}
- added skbmoderncv class using the moderncv package and adding some macros for reference lists using biblatex

2010/08/04 v0.5
- this is the first version on CTAN: http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/skb/
- added example describing how the \SKB~uses itself to create parts of its documentation
- removed the redefinition of \title and \author, since they intererred with the beamer package definitions of these macros.
  added \skbtitle and \skbauthor instead.
- added RequiredPackage in the class skbbeamer before loading beamer to load xcolors with x11names
- added test for nemoir class: if loaded, then skbnotelist and skbnoteenum will have no effect; if not loaded, then the package
  booktabs will be loaded (for top/mid/bottomrule
- added test for beamer package: depending if beamer or beamerarticle are loaded, the SKB will initialise a few newe ifs
- added required package dirtree, and redefinition of some dirtree styles
- added two options to the \SKB package: beameranim and beamernoanim
- added the package versions with the environments: skbmodetext, skbmodenote and skbmodeslide
- added the package optional with the options: text, note, slide, anim and noanim
- internally, the package optional also provides memoir
- changed the documentation, moved manual description to user guide in folder /doc, moved history.tex into the dtx file and
  changed most of the actual documentation (still not finished though)
- skbbeamer: corrected load of beamer package
- skblncsbeamer: moved load of skb after beamerarticle to allow skb to create proper options
- added \providecommand for \DescribeMacro and \cmd, so that we can use the user-guide in the dtx and stand-alone
- added conditional load of skb.dtx in the driver
- changed the sequence of definitions in the dtx file, again, hopefully the last time
- bug fixes (SF=sourceforge):
  + SF\#3032749 (skboptionsused doesn't work) -- fixed, changed \skb@setCfgVars
  + SF\#3032752 (history section for v0.4 has wrong date) -- fixed, changed the heading
  + SF\#3032754 (skb.cfg missing/empty) -- fixed, changed the installer (skb.ins) to generate it and my local scripts to put it into /run
  + SF\#3033124 (renewcommand title/author doesn't work) -- fixed, no renewcommand anymore, two new commands to set author/title for pdfinfo
  + SF\#3038935 (skbinput not working w/o from) -- fixed, can load from root directory now
- new commands
  + \skbtitle -- title for PDF info
  + \skbauthor -- author for PDF info
  + \skbslide -- load slides and annotations
  + \skbslidecite -- for citations on slide annotation pages
- changed commands:
  + \skbinput -- added option to load tex files from figures directory (option fig)
- replaced commands:
  + \SkbLoadSlideNotes => replaced by \skbslide with option annotate and first argument only
  + \SkbLoadSlideNotesDifferent => replaced by \skbslide with option annotate and both arguments
  + \SkbLoadSlideNotesExtern => replaced by \skbslide with option annotate and both arguments and option notefrom set
  + \SkbLoadSlideNotes => replaced by \skbslide without annotate and first argument only
  + \SkbLoadSlideOnlyNotes => replaced by \skbslide with option annotate and second argument only
  + \SkbSlideSource => replaced by \skbslidecite
  + \SkbBeamerAnimtrue => replaced by options beameranim and beamernoanim for skbbeamer
  + \SkbBeamerAnimtrue => usage of this if replaced by \opt with anim and noanim

2010/07/21 v0.4
- major re-write of the kernel subsequently the documentation.
  Most internal macros will have been changed or removed, some are
  added. Also re-arranged the macros in the dtx file to (hopefully)
  optimise the documentation
- added input for skb.cfg and skblocal.cfg to overwrite package
  options with configuration files
- added skb.cfg to the distribution
- new commands:
  \skbpathroot - returns current root path
  \skbfileroot - returns root/\#1
  \skbfileacr - returns current acronym path and file
  \skbfilebib - returns current bibtex path and file
  \skbpathbib - returns current bibtex path
  \skbfilerep - returns rep/\#1
  \skbfilepub - returns pub/\#1
  \skbfilefig - returns fig/\#1
  \skbfilesli - returns sli/\#1
  \skboptionsused - prints a warning with change log of otptions and current values
- changed commands:
  \skbconfig - added parameter to identify origin of the configuration change
- replaced commands:
  \SkbPathBib => replaced by \skbpathbib
  \SkbPathFig => replaced by \skbfilefig

2010/07/20 v0.32
- fastest re-release, I had built-in some problems and excluded important code in v0.31, fixed now

2010/07/20 v0.31
- fixed space problem in \skbem
- added error handling to the options skbconfig and skbheading
- added error handling for skbinput related macros
- separated documentation, skb.dtx is now using itself to create the documentation
- removed old code: DeclareOptions (none declared)
- changed a lot in the documentation
- prepare for CTAN submission, i.e. adding README and other things
- new commands:
  \skbconfig - change the path/file options
  \skbsubject - add subject information for PDF
  \subkeywords - add keyword information for PDF
  \skbpdfinfo - generate PDF information
- changed commands:
  \skbfigure - added option for position, moved caption/label from argument to option
  \title - re-newed to store PDF info information (experimental)
  \author - re-newed to store PDF info information (experimental)
- replaced commands:
  \SkbCodeInline => replaced by \skbcode

2010/07/14 v0.3
- first dtx release of the skb, including the package and all classes
  introduced in v0.2
- integrated parts of the v0.1 pdf as documentation and added documentation for
  many commands (not finished though)
- re-write of all load commands (publish, repository, figures, acronyms, bib)
  and rename of all old load commands, new command names use only lowercases
  in their names
- in rewrite, many commands could be removed w/o losing their functionality
- new commands:
  \skbfigure - load figures with some options
  \skbinput - load files with some options
  \skbheading - set heading text in a file loaded
  \skbheadingudc - set heading relatively to the last heading level (up, down, current) (experimental)
  \skbem - emphasise code using options
  \skbacft - rename of \SkbAcFT
  \skbacronyms - rename of \SkbLoadAcronyms
  \skbbibtex - rename of \SkbLoadBibtex
  environment skbnotelist - itemize list with \parskip 0 and \itemskip 0
  environment skbnoteenum - enumerate list with \parskip 0 and \itemskip 0
- replaced commands:
  \SkbSetTitle => replaced by \skbheading
  \SkbFigure => removed, closest is \skbfigure (but changed behaviour!)
  \listingInline => replaced by \skbem[code]
  \SkbEmIT => replaced by \skbem[italic]
  \SkbEmBF => replaced by \skbem[bold]
  \SkbAcFT => replaced by \skbacft
  \SkbLoadAcronyms => replaced by \skbacronyms
  \SkbLoadBibtex => replaced by \skbbibtex
  \SkbLoadRepository => replaced by \skbinput[from=rep]
  \SkbLoadPublish => replaced by \skbinput[from=pub]
  \SkbItemizeBegin => replaced by \begin{skbnotelist}
  \SkbItemizeEnd => replaced by \end{skbnotelist}
  \SkbEnumerateBegin => replaced by \begin{skbnoteenum}
  \SkbEnumerateEnd => replaced by \end{skbnoteenum}
  \SkbFigureBeamerTextWidth => replaced by \skbfigure[width=##]
  \SkbFigureBeamerTextHeight => replaced by \skbfigure[height=##]
  \SkbFigureBeamerNoResize => replaced by \skbfigure[]
  \SkbFigureBeamerTextWidthPDFMulti => replaced by \skbfigure[multiinclude=##]

2010/07/08 v0.2
- first LaTeX package version of the skb
- no changes in the documentation and no change in commands
- removed acronym list

2010/07/06 v0.1
- first source forge release of the skb
- at this stage a collection of .sty and .tex files
- documentation in a separate pdf file
- included acronym list