% This is the file fenixpar.sty % Author: Javier A. M\'ugica de Rivera % This file is in the public domain. % \ifx\RequirePackage\undefined \def\tempa{\input fenixtok.sty} \else \def\tempa{\RequirePackage{fenixtok}} \fi \tempa \def\NewParType#1#2{\NewTypeoftok{everypar}{#1}{#2}} \def\NextParL#1{\NexteveryparL{#1}} \def\NextParR#1{\NexteveryparR{#1}} \let\NextPar\NextParL \def\AllParsL#1{\AlleveryparsL{#1}} \def\AllParsR#1{\AlleveryparsR{#1}} \def\EndPars#1{\Endeverypars{#1}} \let\AllPars\AllParsL %If you want to make \par a toks register and use fenixtok with it you %probably want to comment or modify this line: \def\nextpar#1{\fornexttokl{everypar}{#1}} % Next is an example: % \NewParType{asterisk}{\hbox to0pt{\hss$\ast$\kern6pt}} % % \NextPar{asterisk} This par will get an asterisk.\par % But this will not. % % \AllPars{asterisk} This par will get an asterisk.\par % And this one.\par % And all these.\par % ... % \EndPars{asterisk} % % To directly add code to the next par, % \nextpar{\hbox to0pt{\kern-2em \romannumeral\mycounter.\hss}} % % L and R stand for Left and Right. However, they cannot be used % to push letter-format macros in order to format the first letter % of the paragraph, unless you are a TeXhacker. % % See the file fenixtok for details. \endinput