uniset 0.3.1
- An informative error message is displayed when a target package is
trying to hand over values in an outdated manner. (The target package is
probably using code from uniset versions < 0.3.0.)
uniset 0.3.0
- Changed the way uniset is communicating with the target package so
that the call to
is not required any more in the
function of the target package. This is due to
the fact that a call to attach()
is throwing a note when
running R-CMD-CHECK. And though the author believes the call to attach()
was perfectly justified and correct in this case, it still made it
impossible to get through the required checks.
- For Developers: Please use
to obtain
a fresh version of the files required in the target package and modify
your functions accordingly. Please observe that the code generated by
for the .onLoad()
function is not
required any more.
- Introduced a strategy to be able to run tests in the target package:
By assigning a variable to
in the test-code
assign("get_settings_from_XXX_package_root", TRUE, pos=.GlobalEnv)
(with XXX
being the name of the package) the settings file
from the package root instead of the user-defined settings file will be
- Website now made with pkgdown
uniset 0.2.1
Second submission to CRAN submitted on 2021-10-12
- User-space is not written into any more by default. Now there is a
dedicated setup-function to be called by the user. Only this
setup-function does write into user space according to the path provided
by the user. System-setup and system-check is now completely
- .GlobalEnv is not written into any more. Instead, a separate object
is created on the search path where all required environments
- Have an additional file ‘uniset_functions.R’ generated in the
process of preparing the target package, containing custom-tailored
functions to be used in functions defined in the target package.
- Manuals (all return values now explained in detail); readme.md;
- Examples: Only those examples that really can not be run stay
wrapped in .
- Various other details.
uniset 0.1.1
Initial submission to CRAN
Initial submission on 2021-10-01.