2025-02-19 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.1-0 * * src/tclust.cpp - fix the issue with warning in chol() - non-symetric matrix * src/tclust.cpp - fix the issue with equal.weights has no effect * src/tclust.cpp - fix underflow: replace likelihood by loglikelihood * DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE, R/tclistIC.R - replace import from * ellipsis (check_dots_used) by import from rlang (thanks to olivroy) * R/randIndex - added function computing Rand-type indexes * R\tclust.R - equal.weights must be FALSE if mixture model approach is * assumed (opt='MIXT') * R/print.tclust.R - information on likelihood method and restriction included * 2024-10-15 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-5 * * R/tclust.R - added parameters to retruned object (n, p, NlogL, opt) * data - LG5data.Rdata changed to .rda * data - Error in the data set Wholesale customers dataset (wholesale) fixed * data - Data set Flea-beetle measurements (flea) added * R/tclust.R, src/tclust.cpp - implemented the information criteria * CLACLA, MIXMIX and MIXCLA * R/tclistIC - new function computing the ICs for different values of k and c * 2024-05-04 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-4 * * Corrections in the vignette * tests\ttclust.R - Suppressed tests of ctlcurves which could give * differences on some architectures, also run quite slow * src\tclust.cpp, tkmeans.cpp - fixed a bug: issue reported by Domenico * 2024-04-17 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 2.0-3 * * Completely new package, rewritten in C++ using RcppArmadillo * 2024-01-27 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-6 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-7 * * R/print.tclust.R - restore print.tkmeans() - it was disabled in 2018 (1.4-1) * DESCRIPTION: Dependence on R (>= 3.6.2) added - see Writing R Extensions, * 6.6.1 Fortran character strings, about USE_FC_LEN_T * man/tclust.Rd: some examples enclosed in \dontrun{} to reduce check time * 2023-12-06 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-5 * * R/tclust.R - Fixed: return the original (unscaled) X matrix * src/R_meal.cpp - Fixed: warning: format string is not a string literal (potentially insecure) * see mail of Kurt Hornik from 28.11.2023 * 2023-03-23 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-4 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-3 * * src/clust.cpp, tclust.cpp: Fixed warnings Wuninitialized, like: * warning: base class 'CClust' is uninitialized when used here to access 'CClust::m_p' [-Wuninitialized] * see mail of Prof.Ripley from 21.03.2023 * * inst/Citation: used the new style bibentry() instead of the old one citEntry() * 2022-10-24 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-2 * * src/tclust_init.c: Fixed warning: invalid UTF-8 in comment * see mail of K. Hornik from 17.10.2022 * 2022-01-21 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.5-0 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.4-3 * * src/makevars * src/R_meal.cpp - Fix for USE_FC_LEN_T becoming the default in 4.2.0 * src/R_meal_BLAS.cpp - -"- * - Fix the reference to jstatsoft.org in CITATION (replace by DOI) * (see mail from Achim Zeileis from 06.10.2021) * 2020-09-28 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.4-2 2018-05-24 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.4-1 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.4-0 * * - Fixed issue with non-ascii symbols in .bib * (see mail from K. Hornik from 14.05.2018) * - Remove dependencies to mvtnorm, mclust, cluster, sn * - src/tkmeans.h, tkmeans.cpp: tkmeans() now can work with p>n * - valgrind: ## VT::24.05.2018 - tclust(..., restr= "sigma"..., ) in vignette * * 2017-08-24 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.3-1 * * Removed accents in CITATION file * Tried to fix the valgrind issues * FIXME: Relax the dependencies on mvtnorm, mclust, cluster * 2017-08-09 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.3-0 * 2017-06-27 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-7 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-6 * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-5 * * src/smat.base.h - fix to compile on gcc-7: lines 737-741 * * C functions registered (warning "Found no calls to: R_registerRoutines , * R_useDynamicSymbols " fixed) * * A test example with random data suppressed * 2016-10-10 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-4 * * NAMESPASE - add importFrom() for functions in "grDevices", "graphics", "stats" and "utils". * * DESCRIPTION - fixed the description * * R/R_restr.eigen.R - removed non-ascii characters from comments * * src/R_meal.h: fix a problem on Solaris by adding ** using namespace std; * - however, I cannot test if this is sufficient * * 2014-10-20 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-3 * 2014-10-06 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-2 * * Test case regarding usage of 'mclust' fixed * 2014-09-23 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 1.2-1 * * New maintainer * * Reference to package 'fpc' fixed * * 'DUP = FALSE' in several .C calls changed to 'DUP = TRUE' * * test/* added * * NAMESPACE - import statement added * * vignettes directory created * * other minor issues fixed *