reutils 0.2.3 ================== * `content(x, 'parsed')` returns `tibble`s instead of `data.frame`s where approbriate. * Change base URLs for NCBI services to use https instead of http (#7). * Correctly return the first esummary record from an epost (#6). reutils 0.2.2 ============= * Correctly print empty LinkSets (#5). reutils 0.2.1 ============= * Updated URLs in documentation (#4). * New parameters 'version' and 'retmode' in `einfo()`. * New parameters 'sort' and 'retmode' in `esearch()`. * New parameter 'retmode' in `esummary()`. * Support for JSON as alternative output format for EInfo, ESearch and ESummary. * Allow batch download to file for more than 500 records in `efetch()` (#2). * Correctly return hit count in `esearch()` if `rettype = "count"` (#3). reutils 0.1.2 ============= * Add global option `reutils.test.remote` to control if unit tests that require online access to NCBI EUtilities are run or not. reutils 0.1.1 ============= * Add global option `` to control the number of head lines displayed in show,efetch method (currently only if `rettype = "text"`. * new return type `content(x, as = "textConnection")`.