--- title: "Easily add today's date to filenames in R using quickcode package" author: "Obinna (OBI) Obianom" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Easily add today's date to filenames in R using quickcode package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r} # quickcode::clean(clearPkgs = TRUE) #clear environment and clear previous package quickcode::libraryAll(datasets) #load in-built dataset ``` ## fAddDate function #### In R, data often gets saved to files for future use or subsequent processes. However, without a version control system in place, ensuring the consistency and reproducibility of saved data can pose challenges, particularly when scripts evolve over time. The "fAddDate" function addresses such concerns by automatically appending the current date to the file name, mitigating the risk of data loss and enhancing reproducibility. By simplifying the process with just a single line of code, users no longer need to manually update the date of each run, thereby streamlining workflow efficiency. Reproducibility in programming is crucial for maintaining the integrity of analyses and fostering trust in research outcomes. Ensuring that results can be consistently replicated not only enhances transparency but also facilitates collaboration and builds confidence in the reliability of findings. Therefore, by incorporating automated date stamping, this function not only safeguards against data inconsistency but also reinforces the fundamental principles of reproducible research in R programming. ![](https://quickcode.obi.obianom.com/fadddate.png) ## Usage Let's load the USArrests data. And let's assume that we want to save data to the system using the content of the row names as our file names. ```{r} data("USArrests") filenames = paste0(row.names(USArrests), ".txt") head(filenames,8) # before adding today's date rev.filenames = fAddDate(filenames) # append today's date to the file names rev.filenames #...write further codes to use the file names to save new files. ``` ## List of other cool functions to use ``` %nin% Not in vector or array add.header Addin snippet function to add header comment to a current opened file add.sect.comment Addin snippet function to custom section comment add.snippet.clear Snippet R function to clear console and set directory add_key Add index keys to a vector or data frame or list or matrix ai.duplicate Prompt guided duplication of files archivedPkg Listing of all CRAN archived R packages as.boolean Convert boolean values between formats bionic_txt Generate a bionic text clean Clear environment, clear console, set work directory and load files compHist Compare histograms of two distributions data_pop Remove last n rows or column or specified elements from a data frame like array_pop in PHP data_pop_filter Remove elements from a data matching filter data_push Add data to another data like array_push in PHP data_rep Duplicate a data rows or columns X times data_shuffle Shuffle a data frame just like shuffle in PHP date1to3 Combine vectors to create Date, or split Date into vectors date3to1 Combine vectors to create Date, or split Date into vectors duplicate Duplicate a file with global text replacement fAddDate Append date to filename genRandImg Download random images from the web geo.cv Calculate geometric coefficient of variation, mean, or SD and round geo.mean Calculate geometric coefficient of variation, mean, or SD and round geo.sd Calculate geometric coefficient of variation, mean, or SD and round has.error Check if a call or expression produces errors header.rmd Snippet function to add header to a current Rmd opened file in.range If number falls within a range of values and get closest values inc Increment vector by value init Initialize new variables and objects insertInText Shiny app function to insert string to current file in RStudio is.gamma Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution is.image Is file name extension(s) an image is.logistic Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution is.lognormal Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution is.normal Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution is.poisson Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution is.uniform Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution is.weibull Check if a data fits a Normal or LogNormal or Uniform or Poisson or Gamma distribution libraryAll Load specific R libraries and clear environment list_push Add elements to a list like array_push in PHP list_shuffle Shuffle a list object just like shuffle in PHP minus Decrease vector by value mix.color Mix or Blend two or more colors mix.cols.btw Mix or Blend colors between two or more colors multiply Multiple a vector of numeric values newSuperVar Create and use a super variable with unique capabilities not.data Not a data not.duplicated Not duplicated elements not.empty Not empty not.environment Not an environment not.exists Not exists not.image File name extension(s) is Not an image not.integer Not an integer not.logical Not logical not.na Not NA not.null Not NULL not.numeric Not numeric not.vector Not a vector number Generate a random number (integer) pairDist Calculate the distance of points from the center of a cluster plus Increment vector by value randString Generate a random string rcolorconst R Color Constant rDecomPkg Check whether an R package has been decommissioned in CRAN read.csv.print Read a CSV and preview first X rows and columns read.table.print Read in a table and show first X rows and columns refresh Clear environment, clear console, set work directory and load files sample_by_column Re-sample a dataset by column and return number of entry needed setOnce Set a variable only once sim.logistic Generate logistic random values strsplit.bool Split a string of values and return as boolean vector strsplit.num Split a string of numbers and return as numeric vector summarize.envobj Get all the environment objects and their sizes vector_pop Remove last n elements or specified elements from a vector like array_pop in PHP vector_push Add elements to a vector like array_push in PHP vector_shuffle Shuffle a vector just like shuffle in PHP yesNoBool Convert Yes/No to Binary or Logical ```