lifecycle: Manage the Life Cycle of your Package Functions

Manage the life cycle of your exported functions with shared conventions, documentation badges, and user-friendly deprecation warnings.

Version: 1.0.4
Depends: R (≥ 3.6)
Imports: cli (≥ 3.4.0), glue, rlang (≥ 1.1.0)
Suggests: covr, crayon, knitr, lintr, rmarkdown, testthat (≥ 3.0.1), tibble, tidyverse, tools, vctrs, withr
Published: 2023-11-07
DOI: 10.32614/CRAN.package.lifecycle
Author: Lionel Henry [aut, cre], Hadley Wickham ORCID iD [aut], Posit Software, PBC [cph, fnd]
Maintainer: Lionel Henry <lionel at>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
NeedsCompilation: no
Materials: README NEWS
CRAN checks: lifecycle results


Reference manual: lifecycle.pdf
Vignettes: Communicate lifecycle changes in your functions
Manage lifecycle changes in functions you use
Lifecycle stages


Package source: lifecycle_1.0.4.tar.gz
Windows binaries: r-devel:, r-release:, r-oldrel:
macOS binaries: r-release (arm64): lifecycle_1.0.4.tgz, r-oldrel (arm64): lifecycle_1.0.4.tgz, r-release (x86_64): lifecycle_1.0.4.tgz, r-oldrel (x86_64): lifecycle_1.0.4.tgz
Old sources: lifecycle archive

Reverse dependencies:

Reverse depends: frscore
Reverse imports: admiral, admiraldev, admiralonco, admiralophtha, admiralvaccine, adobeanalyticsr, aeddo, aedseo, airnow, allofus, almanac, ami, antaresEditObject, antaresRead, AnxietySleep, aorsf, apache.sedona, APackOfTheClones, arcgislayers, ARUtools, atSNP, baldur, BatchGetSymbols, bayesTFR, bcmaps, beeca, bennu, BFS, BIGL, bigrquery, bigrquerystorage, BindingSiteFinder, biodb, biodbKegg, biodbLipidmaps, biogrowth, BiostatsUHNplus, boral, boxr, BRcal, broom, broom.helpers, bs4Dash, bslib, bumbl, bupaR, bvhar, cardx, causact, CausalQueries, cccrm, CDMConnector, censored, chattr, checkhelper, checkthat, chevron, chk, clock, clubSandwich, ClusterR, ClustMC, CodelistGenerator, CohortAlgebra, CohortCharacteristics, CohortExplorer, comtradr, congress, connectapi, crew.cluster, crossmap, crosstable, crplyr, cryptoQuotes, cSEM, csodata, csranks, cvasi, cvms, czso, daiR, databraryr, dataclass, dataquieR, datefixR, dbplyr, deeptime, DemoKin, dendroNetwork, denguedatahub, devtools, dials, DiscreteFDR, DiscreteTests, disprofas, distributional, dittodb, dm, dplyr, dropR, DrugUtilisation, dtplyr, dttr2, duckplyr, dySEM, ECOTOXr, edeaR, edibble, EdSurvey, EGM, embed, EpiNow2, epiregulon, epiregulon.extra, epitweetr, epoxy, expirest, expstudy, extras, f1dataR, fabletools, fabR, fastpos, fastrep, FastUtils, feasts, ffscrapr, fhircrackr, fitbitViz, fitzRoy, flobr, flow, fmesher, forcats, formatters, fPASS, fscache, funspotr, furrr, galah, gargle, gateR,, GDPuc, genMCMCDiag, GGally, gganimate, ggbeeswarm, ggcharts, ggforce, ggfoundry, ggh4x, gghdx, gghighlight, gghilbertstrings, ggpattern, ggplot2, ggpointless, ggraph, ggstats, ggthemes, gh, ghclass, glmSparseNet, gmailr, googledrive, googlesheets4, gptzeror, gratia, grec, groupdata2, gtable, gtsummary, haven, heemod, hermes, hms, hmstimer, HotellingEllipse, httr2, hubUtils, iai, idmc, igraph, IncidencePrevalence, infer, inlabru, IPEDSuploadables, ipumsr, ir, ISAnalytics, isoorbi, ivs, janitor, jmastats, JointFPM, joyn, jpcity, jpgrid, jpstat, kanjistat, khisr, labelled, lazytrade, LDATree, learnr, linelist, locateip, logrx, madshapR, maestro, mailmerge, malariaAtlas, maldipickr, maraca, matsbyname, matsindf, mcauchyd, mcmcr, mcradds, mctq, medfateland, meteoland, MetricGraph, mggd, midoc, MigrationDetectR, MiscMetabar, mizer, mlbplotR, mlfit, mmrm, MOCHA, monashtipr, moodleR, mousetRajectory, mousetrap, mpathsenser, mrgsolve, mtscr, multibias, mxfda, N2H4, naijR, NAIR, naniar, naryn, navigatr, nestcolor, nestedmodels, NetCoupler, nflplotR, ngsReports, nhppp, nichetools, nlist, nmslibR, nodeSub, nomnoml, nonlinearTseries, nuts, odbc, ODRF, omopgenerics, openai, openairmaps, opencage, OpenImageR, OpenMx, openscoring, PAGFL, panelPomp, parafac4microbiome, parquetize, parsermd, parsnip, PatientProfiles, pcFactorStan, peacesciencer, PEIMAN2, pense, periscope2, perutimber, petrinetR, photosynthesis, phsmethods, phylosamp, pillar, pins, pkgload, PKNCA, plu, plumber, plumberDeploy, plume, polmineR, powRICLPM, ppcseq, PrettyCols, ProbBreed, processcheckR, processmapR, profoc, PROJ, prospectr, protti, psycModel, PublicationBias, purrr, qualtRics, quanteda, qwalkr, r2dii.analysis,, r2dii.match, r4ss, radsafer,, RAQSAPI, rATTAINS, readr, readwritesqlite, ready4, rearrr, recipes, recmetrics, reportRmd, reprex, resemble, rgeoboundaries, rgho, rgnparser, rgoogleads, rio, ripc, rliger, Rmonize, rpf, rphylopic, RPresto, rqPen, rsample, rsconnect, rsi, rsimsum, rSPDE, RStoolbox, rsurveycto, rsyncrosim, rtables, rticles, RTL, rtlr, rtweet, rvest, rYWAASB, safejoin, salesforcer, santoku, saros, scales, sccomp, scCustomize, SCDB, scoringutils, scrutiny, sdmTMB, SeaVal, SeedMatchR, SelectionBias, selenider, selenium, serocalculator, Seurat, SeuratObject, shiny, shiny.reglog, shiny.telemetry, shinyCohortBuilder, shinydashboardPlus, shinyMobile, Signac, simfinapi, simlandr, SimplyAgree, simpr, SimSurvey, SiPhyNetwork, skipTrack, slickR, smdi, socialmixr, SomaDataIO, sparrpowR, SpatialFeatureExperiment, speakr, specr, SPLICE, sprtt, ssdtools, states, statnipokladna, SticsRFiles, stoRy, stratallo, strex, stringr, supportR, survParamSim, systemfonts, taylor, teal, teal.code,, teal.logger, teal.modules.clinical, teal.reporter, teal.slice, teal.transform, teal.widgets, tensorflow, term, tern, tern.mmrm, testdat, testthat, text2sdg, textrecipes, textshaping, themis, tibble, tibbletime, tibblify, tidybulk, tidychangepoint, tidyEdSurvey, tidyfinance, tidygate, tidygeocoder, tidygraph, tidyHeatmap, tidyhte, tidymv, tidyr, tidyselect, tidyseurat, tidySingleCellExperiment, tidySpatialExperiment, tidySummarizedExperiment, tidytable, tidytext, timbr, tongfen, TOSTER, Tplyr, TreeTools, TSDFGS, tsibble, tune, u5mr, UnalR, usedthese, usethis, valr, vctrs, vdiffr, vembedr, vetiver, visOmopResults, vivainsights, volker, Voyager, vroom, waves, wbstats, weibulltools, winch, workflows, workflowsets, WpProj, wrappedtools, xpectr, xportr, yardstick, yatah, youngSwimmers, ypr, zipangu
Reverse suggests: academictwitteR, AccelStab, attachment, bage, cffr, civis, climaemet, CopernicusMarine, csquares, doctest, eq5d, EstimationTools, excluder, ggplot2.utils, ggPMX, googleAnalyticsR, lambdr, mpindex, NEONiso, nflfastR, nominatimlite, onetime, pkgdown, PL94171, Racmacs, RKorAPClient, rlistings, rnaturalearth, rprojroot, rstac, rtern, rxode2, sdtm.oak, spinifex, theft, theftdlc, tidyBdE, tidysq, tidyterra, twoxtwo, unusualprofile, wehoop, wpa


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