## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", warning = FALSE, message = FALSE, eval = FALSE, fig.width = 8, fig.height = 6 ) ## ----Get data, results='hide', message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, echo=FALSE------- # my_dir <- file.path(file.path(tempdir(), "florabr")) # dir.create(my_dir) # get_florabr(output_dir = my_dir, #directory to save the data # data_version = "latest", #get the most recent version available # overwrite = T) #Overwrite data, if it exists ## ----message=FALSE, warning=F------------------------------------------------- # library(florabr) # library(terra) # #Folder where you stored the data with the function get_florabr() # #Load data # bf <- load_florabr(data_dir = my_dir, # data_version = "Latest_available", # type = "short") #short version # #> Loading version 393.401 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Example species # spp <- c("Araucaria angustifolia", "Adesmia paranensis") # #Get spatial polygons # spp_spt <- get_spat_occ(data = bf, species = spp, # state = TRUE, biome = TRUE, intersection = TRUE, # verbose = TRUE) # #> Getting states of Araucaria angustifolia # #> Getting biomes of Araucaria angustifolia # #> Getting biomes of Araucaria angustifolia # #> Getting states of Adesmia paranensis # #> Getting biomes of Adesmia paranensis # #> Getting biomes of Adesmia paranensis ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # par(mfrow = c(3, 2), mar = c(2, 0, 2, 0)) # plot(spp_spt$`Araucaria angustifolia`$states, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - States"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Araucaria angustifolia`$biomes, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - Biomes"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Araucaria angustifolia`$states_biomes, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - Intersection"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Adesmia paranensis`$states, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[2]], " - States"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Adesmia paranensis`$biomes, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[2]], " - Biomes"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Adesmia paranensis`$states_biomes, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[2]], " - Intersection"), mar = NA) ## ----IMG01, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG01.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data("states") # states <- terra::unwrap(states) # data("biomes") # biomes <- terra::unwrap(biomes) # par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(0, 0, 0, 0)) # plot(states, main = "Brazilian states with simplified geometries") # plot(biomes, main = "Brazilian biomes with simplified geometries") ## ----IMG02, eval=TRUE, echo=FALSE--------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG02.png") ## ----warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE----------------------------- # #Install geobr if necessary and load package # if(!require(geobr)){ # install.packages("geobr") # } # #Load geobr # library(geobr) ## ----warning=FALSE, results='hide', message=FALSE----------------------------- # br_states <- geobr::read_state(simplified = FALSE) # #Convert br_states from sf to SpatVect # br_states <- vect(br_states) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Plot only State of Parana as example # par(mfrow = c(1, 2), mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2)) # plot(br_states[br_states$abbrev_state == "PR"], # main = "Not simplified geometries", mar = NA) # plot(states[states$abbrev_state == "PR"], # main = "Simplified geometries", # mar = NA) ## ----IMG03, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG03.png") ## ----warning=FALSE, results='hide'-------------------------------------------- # br_biomes <- geobr::read_biomes() # #Convert br_biomes from sf to SpatVect # br_biomes<- terra::vect(br_biomes) # #Drop off coastal system: # br_biomes <- terra::subset(br_biomes, # br_biomes$name_biome != "Sistema Costeiro") ## ----results='hide'----------------------------------------------------------- # #See names of biomes # br_biomes$name_biome # #Names that must be in the Spatvector to match with Flora e Funga do Brasil: # biomes$name_biome # #> [1] "Amazônia" "Caatinga" "Cerrado" "Mata Atlântica" # #> [5] "Pampa" "Pantanal" # #Translate # br_biomes$name_biome[which(br_biomes$name_biome == "Amazônia")] <- "Amazon" # br_biomes$name_biome[which( # br_biomes$name_biome == "Mata Atlântica")] <- "Atlantic_Forest" ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # spp_spt_2 <- get_spat_occ(data = bf, species = spp, # state = TRUE, biome = TRUE, intersection = TRUE, # state_vect = br_states, #The non-simplified Spatvector # state_column = "abbrev_state", #Column name with states acronyms # biome_vect = br_biomes, #The non-simplified Spatvector # biome_column = "name_biome", #Column name with names of biomes # verbose = TRUE) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(2, 2, 2, 2)) # plot(spp_spt$`Araucaria angustifolia`$states, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - States simplified"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt_2$`Araucaria angustifolia`$states, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - States non-simplified"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Araucaria angustifolia`$biomes, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - Biomes simplified"), mar = NA) # plot(spp_spt$`Araucaria angustifolia`$biomes, # main = paste0(names(spp_spt)[[1]], " - Biomes non-simplified"), mar = NA) ## ----IMG04, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG04.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # my_spp <- c("Abatia americana", "Araucaria angustifolia") # pol_spp <- get_spat_occ(data = bf, species = my_spp, # state = TRUE, biome = TRUE, intersection = TRUE, # verbose = TRUE) # par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = c(2, 0, 2, 0)) # plot(pol_spp$`Abatia americana`$states, # main = paste0(names(pol_spp)[[1]], " - States"), mar = NA) # plot(pol_spp$`Abatia americana`$biomes, # main = paste0(names(pol_spp)[[1]], " - Biomes"), mar = NA) # plot(pol_spp$`Araucaria angustifolia`$states, # main = paste0(names(pol_spp)[[2]], " - States"), mar = NA) # plot(pol_spp$`Araucaria angustifolia`$biomes, # main = paste0(names(pol_spp)[[2]], " - Biomes"), mar = NA) ## ----IMG05, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE------------------------------------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG05.png") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # data("occurrences") # #select Abatia americana and Araucaria angustifolia from the dataset # occ <- subset(occurrences, occurrences$species %in% my_spp) # head(occ) # #> species x y # #> 1 Araucaria angustifolia -51.15749 -29.58290 # #> 2 Araucaria angustifolia -50.02454 -28.44414 # #> 3 Araucaria angustifolia -46.77204 -23.45729 # #> 4 Araucaria angustifolia -48.98117 -25.49632 # #> 5 Araucaria angustifolia -54.50869 -25.55113 # #> 6 Araucaria angustifolia -50.92680 -27.01826 ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # occ_check <- filter_florabr(data = bf, occ = occ, # by_state = TRUE, buffer_state = 20, # by_biome = TRUE, buffer_biome = 20, # by_endemism = TRUE, buffer_brazil = 20, # state_vect = NULL, # biome_vect = NULL, br_vect = NULL, # value = "flag&clean", keep_columns = TRUE, # verbose = FALSE) # #> Returning list with flagged and cleaned occurrences ## ----warning=FALSE, results='hide'-------------------------------------------- # #Install mapview if necessary and load package # if(!require(mapview)){ # install.packages("geobr") # } # #Load mapview # library(mapview) ## ----fig.width= 9------------------------------------------------------------- # #Convert points to spatvector # abatia_occ <- subset(occ_check$flagged, # occ_check$flagged$species == "Abatia americana") # abatia_occ <- vect(abatia_occ, geom = c("x", "y")) # # #Iteractive plot # mapview(pol_spp$`Abatia americana`$states) + # mapview(abatia_occ, zcol = "inside_state", # col.regions = c("red", "green")) ## ----IMG06, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.pos="H", out.width="90%"------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG06.png") ## ----fig.width= 9------------------------------------------------------------- # #Iteractive plot # mapview(pol_spp$`Abatia americana`$biomes) + # mapview(abatia_occ, zcol = "inside_biome", # col.regions = c("red", "green")) # ## ----IMG07, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.pos="H", out.width="90%"------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG07.png") ## ----results='hide'----------------------------------------------------------- # #Get Brazl Polygon # br <- geobr::read_country() ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # #Iteractive plot # mapview(br) + # mapview(abatia_occ, zcol = "inside_br", # col.regions = c("red", "green")) ## ----IMG08, eval=TRUE, echo = FALSE, fig.pos="H", out.width="90%"------------- knitr::include_graphics("vignettes_img/IMG08.png")