Changes in version 1.7.4 * `disclapmix()` takes new agument: `init_v` (initial posterior probabilities to get EM started) * `disclapmix()` takes new agument: `ret_x` of whether to return data or not -- the default is not to (as opposed to earlier behaviour) * Added function `disclapmix_robust()` which is a wrapper around `disclapmix()` that tries to avoid errors. Can sometimes avoid errors with svd problems. * Added function `disclapmix_adaptive()` which is a wrapper around `disclapmix_robust()` that instead of fitting one model for a given number of clusters, fits models until the best model (lowest marginal BIC) is in the interior (with margin `M`) of all number of clusters tried. E.g., the best model has 3 clusters and the margin `M = 5`, then this function ensures that models with 1, 2, ..., 3+5 = 8 clusters are fitted. If e.g. then 7 is better than 3, then it continues such that also models with up to 7+5 = 12 clusters are fitted. Changes in version 1.7.3 * Adding suppressWarnings(RNGversion("3.5.0")) to tests as a result of Changes in version 1.7.2 * Maintenance updates * Remove Makevars files as not required by Rcpp >= 0.11. Changes in version 1.7.1 * Tag for the The Journal of Open Source Software paper: Changes in version 1.7 * Moving to Github * Roxygen * testthat * Travis CI Changes in version 1.6.3 * Avoid two centers being equal (mainly a problem for very few loci) * Internal: PedigreeSums added with increased stack size and progress indicator Changes in version 1.6.2 * Minor technical changes for keeping CRAN checks happy Changes in version 1.6.1 * Plot functionality for disclapmix was broken for fits with only one subpopulation/cluster. Changes in version 1.6 * Plot functionality for disclapmix fit takes an argument for the distances between clusters (defaults to clusterdist(x)). This can be used if the distances have been precalculated. * Minor technical changes for keeping CRAN checks happy Changes in version 1.5 * Added AICc (Akaike Information Criterium with finite sample correction) * Added plot functionality for a disclapmix fit * Corrected number of model observations, leading to corrected BIC values (AIC not affected) * Error in full likelihood ratio corrected (not used for model selection) Changes in version 1.4 * Added separation of two persons mixtures (see example in ?rank_contributor_pairs) * Added AIC (Akaike Information Criterium) for a model disclapmixfit Changes in version 1.3 * Added simulate from fitted model * Added haplotype diversity calculation from a fitted model * Added parameter to control number of IRLS iterations (glm_control_maxit) * Added parameter to control IRLS convergence (glm_control_eps) * Changed default iterations to 100L, glm_control_maxit to 50L and glm_control_eps to 1e-6 * Fixed error with no IRLS output for verbose = 2L expect for * Small changes in verbose output Changes in version 1.2 * Changed default glm_method to internal_coef due to speed considerations * Fixed issues when having one cluster, one locus or both Changes in version 1.1 * Code changes for OS X, Windows and Solaris compatibility Changes in version 1.0 * Totally rewritten such that the algorithm is more memory and CPU efficient and can be used to analyse larger datasets * Internal IRLS algorithm implemented, much faster than for this kind of data. is still available. See glm_method in ?disclapmix. * NOTE: Updated API Changes in version 0.4 * Fixed error when there is no variation in a subpopulation Changes in version 0.3 * Fixed error such that verbose = 1 outputs progress information * Number of model parameters corrected, which changes marginal and full BIC slightly, but only with a constant change meaning that for the same data, the optimal number of centers is the same Changes in version 0.2 * disclapmix: verbose more fine grained * FIXED: disclapmix: use.parallel = TRUE created problems under Windows * Corrected minor documentation errors Changes in version 0.1 * Initial release