Changes in version 2024.1.21 - fix legends2hide issue with ggplot2 3.5.0. Changes in version 2023.8.25 - CRAN NOTE doc fixes. - use Suggests conditionally in examples/tests. Changes in version 2021.2.24 - rgb to grayscale formula corrected in polygon.method(). Changes in version 2021.1.13 - Remove bitmapType cairo in examples vignette. Changes in version 2020.12.29 - fix for single ggplot with two geom_dl with same method. previously this would create two grobs with the same name in a single gTree, which is not allowed (as documented in ?gTree) and resulted in only the first geom_dl being drawn. Now we append a unique integer id to each name so that grid draws both geom_dl. - fix for lattice: Get lattice transformation functions working again + tests. (Error: data must have a column named label for qqmath examples) - dldoc no longer uses type="cairo" at request of CRAN. Changes in version 2020.6.30 - custom.colors argument for polygon.method, default choice of white or black depending on how dark the color would be if rendered as grayscale. Changes in version 2020.6.17 - grid grobs have names. - vignette example / LOPART100 data for black/blue pos swapped for t=100. (bug fix in make.tiebreaker, use rule=2 in approx for no NA) - using top.qp with one point gave an error: need at least two non-NA values to interpolate. (bug fix in make.tiebreaker, only run approx if there are at least two values) - legends2hide inside tryCatch to fix error with parsing legends in ggplots with custom themes, - fix test failures that showed up with new code. - examples vignette for geom_dl with same aes(label), but different aes(, color). - draw.polygons/polygon.method support top/bottom as well as first/last/left/right. New *.polygons methods. Changes in version 2020.6.7 - initial code for: - polygons below the point. - aes(label) which may have the same value for two different aes(group) values, e.g. two algorithms/groups which both compute the same thing, optimal changepoint tau^*, but we want to compute and show a label for each of them. - using stringDescent to compute height of boxes. maybe consider grobDescent or descentDetails? Changes in version 2020.1.31 - remove Suggest ElemStatLearn. - remove prostate dl.combine example. Changes in version 2019.12.5 - update for new testing software. Changes in version 2018.10.5 - Non-syntactic variable names supported, e.g. aes(color=`car class`) Changes in version 2018.5.22 - Update Suggest dplyr to pass CRAN checks. Changes in version 2017.03.31 - test case and bugfix for lasso.labels with a constant line. Changes in version 2017.03.24 - test case and bugfix for using directlabels when ggplot2 is not attached to the global namespace. this happens if directlabels is used in a ggplot in a package that imports ggplot2 but does not attach it, e.g. Changes in version 2017.01.03 - Test and bugfix for angled.boxes -- there was some problem with the colour column (one of the columns to.restore after applying far.from.others.borders) being treated as a factor. Changes in version 2016.10.25 - delete browser() in qp.labels Changes in version 2015.12.16 - importFrom non-base packages. Changes in version 2015.12.15 - ggplot2 does not need to be installed for package checks to pass. Changes in version 2015.12.14 - suggest ggplot2 >= 2.0. Changes in version 2015.11.28 - Works with new ggplot2 >= internals. (and no longer works with older ggplot2 internals!) Changes in version 2015.6.17 - Namespaces fixes to ensure that R CMD check runs cleanly, and that you can use `geom_dl()` without attaching directlabels to the search path. Changes in version 2014.6.13 - geom_dl(show_guide=FALSE) is default. Changes in version 2014.5.12 - custom colors for dotplots in lattice, see etc/lattice-custom-colors.R Changes in version 2014.4.25 - BUGFIX: bumpup works when there is only 1 group. Changes in version 2014.1.31 - use fill if no colour in ggplots. - guides(others_with_colour="none") Changes in version 2014.1.27 - polygon.methods for lineplots. Changes in version 2013.11.21 - projectionSeconds data set and angled.boxes Positioning Method, inspired by Mark Schmidt's prettyPlot. - draw.rects draws a rotated box when rot is specified. Changes in version 2013.9.17 - label.endpoints can handle the case (common for scatterplots) where there are several endpoints with the same x value. Changes in version 2013.8.2 - geom_dl aes inherits from the colored geom aes. Changes in version 2013.7.24 - Doc updates: drawDetails.dlgrob documents interpretation of columns, apply.method uses itemize list, \code{\link{fun}} hyperlinks. Changes in version 2013.6.15 - Documentation updates. Changes in version 2013.6.14 - Depend on quadprog. - Bugfix for decrease the text size based on previous cex, rather than assuming the previous cex is 1. - Remove follow.points, perpendicular.(lines|grid). - Change with/within/transform/subset to alternatives that do not generate NOTEs during package check.