NEWS in CEM version 1.1.31 * fixed vignette code NEWS in CEM version 1.1.30 * changed package maintainer info * fixed if(class(obj)==string) * removed warnings in k2k and pair when calculating distances. Data are transformed from factor/character to numeric with a message but does not generate a warnings that prevents cem to pass check on some platforms * remove warning when matching on missing data to let cem pass build check on some platforms * removed utf8x requirement from vignette that prevented clean build of vignette under some systems NEWS in CEM version 1.1.29 * fixed vignette formatting * fixed \url vs \doi in man pages NEWS in CEM version 1.1.27 * added this NEWS file * fixed Authors@R field adding Richard Nielesen in DESCRIPTION * added references to Shimazaki and Shinomoto (2007) in cem.Rd * correct attribution of code and refereces in * changed authors affiliations in the vignette cem.Rnw * changed everywhere in .Rd files the references section * replaced \dontrun with \donttest when examples takes long to run * removed all <<- entries in R code * fixed xlab label and values in spacegraph when no scaling occurs in explore=FALSE mode * fixed par() restoring on exit from relax.plot.R * fixed options() changes on finishing on the vignette inst/doc/cem.R[nw] * captured error in man page with random selection of data that prevented test to pass * fixed control for cat() statements through the verbose argument to functions * fingers crossed for CRAN approval