--- title: "An Overview of the aqp Package" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{An Overview of the aqp Package} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, echo=FALSE, results='hide', warning=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, background = '#F7F7F7', fig.align = 'center', dev = 'png', comment = "#>" ) # keep examples from using more than 2 cores data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2)) options(width = 100, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, timeout = 600) ``` Soil morphology, observed properties, and geomorphic context represent a complex package of interrelated information that can be difficult to analyze and communicate as a whole. Graphical methods such as soil profile sketches and cross-sections represent a few of the possible methods commonly used to report on these kind of data. The Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology (AQP) project encompasses several related R packages tailored to this style of work. A specialized data structure (SoilProfileCollection) maintains linkages between soil horizons, diagnostic features, above-ground data, and geomorphic context. SoilProfileCollection objects can be filtered, subset, resampled (over new depth intervals), and re-ordered; all while preserving links to above and below-ground, linked data. Functions are provided for the conversion of soil colors to and from Munsell notation and several other color space coordinates. Graphical methods for the SoilProfileCollection provide a simple but flexible framework for the design and layout of soil profile sketches, aligned to x and or y axes defined by linked data. # Related Tutorials by Topic ## Soil Morphology * [Soil Profile Sketches](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/sketches.html) * [Visualization of Horizon Boundaries](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/hz-boundaries.html) * [Assigning Generalized Horizon Labels](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/gen-hz-assignment.html) * [Dealing With Troublesome Data](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/dealing-with-bad-data.html) * [Simulation of Soil Morphology by Perturbation](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/perturb.html) * [Soil Texture Visualization Ideas](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/soiltexture-vizualization-ideas.html) * [SPC Sketch Tips](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/SPC-plotting-ideas.html) * [Vertical vs. Perpendicular Horizon Depths](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/vertical_vs_perpendicular.html) ## Soil Color * [Mixing Munsell Colors](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/mix-colors.html) * [Soil Color Contrast](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/color-contrast.html) * [Some ideas on summarizing soil color](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/sharpshootR/aggregate-soil-color.html) * [Soil Color Tiles](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/color-tiles.html) * [Investigating Soil Color](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/investigating-soil-color.html) * [Some Ideas on Soil Color Signatures](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/soil-color-signatures.html) * [Soil Color Transition Probability](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/series-color-TP-graph.html) ## Numerical Classification * [Pair-Wise Distances by Generalized Horizon Labels](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/genhz-distance-eval.html) * [Pair-Wise Distance Between Profiles and Mixed Variable Types](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/profile-compare-factors.html) ## Soil Hydrology * [Theoretical Water Retention Curves](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/water-retention-curves.html) * [Water Retention Curve Development from KSSL Data](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/fetchKSSL-VG-demo.html) ## Geomorphology * [Hydrologic Ordering of Geomorphic Proportions](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/sharpshootR/geomorphic-summaries-and-ordering.html) * [Exploring Geomorphic Summaries](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/exploring-geomorph-summary.html) ## Soil Taxonomy * [What does a subgroup look like?](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/subgroup-series.html) * [Querying Soil Series Data](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/soil-series-query-functions.html) ## Multivariate Summaries of Soil Property Data * [L1 Profiles](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/L1-profiles.html) * [Getting and Comparing KSSL Data](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/soilDB/KSSL-demo.html) ## Soil Spectroscopy * [Soil Colors from VNIR Spectra](https://ncss-tech.github.io/AQP/aqp/VNIR-spectra-to-color.html) # Function Index by Topic ## SoilProfileCollection Objects ### Creation * `depths()`: init an SPC from `data.frame` * `site()`: set or add site-level attributes of an SPC * `quickSPC()`: quickly build an SPC from simple text templates * `random_profile()`: generate random SPC from suite of depth functions ### Metadata * `hzdesgnname()`: get/set column containing horizon designations * `hzDesgn()`: get vector of horizon designations * `hztexclname()`: get/set column containing horizon texture class * `metadata()`: get/set SPC metadata (list) * `hzID()`: get vector of horizon IDs * `hzidname()`: get/set column containing horizon IDs * `horizonDepths()` get/set columns containing horizon top and bottom depths ### Properties * `length()`: number of profiles in a SPC * `nrow()`: number of horizons in a SPC * `names()`: list of horizon and site names * `siteNames()`: site-level column names * `horizonNames()`: horizon-level column names ### Subset * `glom()`: extract horizons based on overlap criteria defined by point or interval * `trunc()`: truncate SPC to given depth interval * `subset()`: subset profiles based on logical expressions * `subsetHz()`: subset horizons based on logical expressions * `[`: `data.frame`-like subsetting of profiles (i-index) and/or horizons (j-index) * `[[`: access site or horizon-level columns by name * `k-index expressions`: `.FIRST`, `.LAST`, `.HZID`, `.NHZ` ### Depth * `min()`: minimum bottom depth within a SPC * `max()`: maximum bottom depth within a SPC * `depthOf()`: generalized "depth to" based on REGEX matching * `minDepthOf()`: special case of `depthOf()` * `maxDepthOf()`: special case of `depthOf()` * `getSoilDepthClass()`: estimate soil depth based on REGEX matching applied to horizon designation and associated depth class * `aggregateSoilDepth()`: statistical estimation of soil depth (REGEX matching of horizon designation) within groups of profiles ### Utility * `combine()`, `c()`: combine multiple SPCs into a single SPC * `duplicate()`: duplicate profiles within a SPC * `perturb()`: randomly adjust horizon thickness or depths to simulate from a template SPC * `warpHorizons()`: expand / contract horizon thickness * `harmonize()`: create new profiles within a SPC based sets of related horizon-level data * `hzAbove()`, `hzBelow()`: locate horizons above or below some criteria * `unique()`: determine uniqueness among profiles of an SPC via MD5 hash * `split()`: split SPC into list of SPCs based on grouping factor * `site()`: get site data as `data.frame` * `horizons()`: get horizon data as `data.frame` * `replaceHorizons()`: replace horizon data * `diagnostic_hz()`: get/set diagnostic features * `restrictions()`: get/set restrictions * `denormalize()`: convert site-level data into horizon-level data via replication * `compositeSPC()`: downgrade an SPC to list of site and horizon-level data ### Iteration * `profileApply()`: apply a function to each profile within an SPC (slow but simple interface) * `summarizeSPC()`: perform group-wise summaries over profiles within an SPC * `transform()`: modify a SPC using expressions that operation on site or horizon-level data ### Change of Support * `dice()`: convert SPC to 1 depth-unit intervals by replication * `slab()`: apply an aggregate function over groups within a "dice()-ed" SPC * `spc2mpspline()`: interface to equal-area spline fitting from mpspline2 package * `segment()`: generate segment labels for depth-weighted aggregation * `L1_profiles()`: create representative profiles via multivariate median (L1 estimator) * `slicedHSD()`: apply Tukey's HSD over groups within a "dice()-ed" SPC ### Horizon Depth Logic * `accumulateDepths()`: fix horizon depths when old-style O horizon notation has been used * `fillHzGaps()`: fill topological gaps in horizon depth * `repairMissingHzDepths()`: attempt fixing missing or duplicated horizon bottom depths * `flagOverlappingHz()`: flag horizons with perfect overlap * `checkHzDepthLogic()`: apply battery of horizon depth topological tests * `splitLogicErrors()`: split an SPC according to variety of possibly horizon depth errors * `HzDepthLogicSubset()`: remove profiles from an SPC if any depth logic errors are present ### Data QC * `evalMissingData()`: report metrics of missing data by profile within SPC * `missingDataGrid()`: visual indication of missing data * `profileInformationIndex()`: experimental indices of "information content" by profile ### Object Coercion * `as(SPC, 'list')`: convert SPC to `list` * `as(SPC, 'data.frame')`: convert site and horizon data to `data.frame` * `as(SPC, 'sf')`: convert site and spatial data to sf object ### Spatial Data * `prj()`: get/set coordinate reference system (CRS) metadata * `initSpatial()`: set (site-level) column names containing coordinates * `getSpatial()`: get spatial data (site + coordinates) from an SPC ### Internal Consistency * `checkSPC()`: check SPC for internal consistency * `rebuildSPC()`: re-make an SPC from a previous version of aqp (rarely required) ## Soil Profile Sketches * `plotSPC()`: create sketches of soil profiles from an SPC * `explainPlotSPC()`: explain various elements of a soil profile sketch * `groupedProfilePlot()`: create grouped sketches of soil profiles * `plotMultipleSPC()`: create sketches from multiple, possibly non-conformal SPCs * `addBracket()`: add vertical brackets beside soil profile sketches * `addDiagnosticBracket()`: add vertical brackets beside soil profile sketches based on diagnostic features * `addVolumeFraction()`: add visual explanation of coarse fragment volume to soil profile sketches * `alignTransect()`: align soil profiles to an external gradient such as topographic sequence ## Soil Color / Color Science ### Color Conversion * `col2Munsell()`: convert various color notations to Munsell notation * `munsell2rgb()`: convert Munsell notation to sRGB or CIELAB color coordinates * `parseMunsell()`: parse and optionally convert a munsell color * `spec2Munsell()`: estimate the closest Munsell color given reflectance spectra in the visible range * `getClosestMunsellChip()`: estimate a reasonably close Munsell color given non-standard notation * `estimateSoilColor()`: estimate moist soil color from dry soil color (and vice versa) ### Comparison * `colorContrast()`: pair-wise color contrast and CIE2000 (dE00) based on colors in Munsell notation * `colorContrastPlot()`: visual explanation of soil color contrast and dE00 * `contrastChart()`: Munsell color book style explanation of soil color contrast and dE00 * `soilColorSignature()`: derive soil color signatures for profiles within an SPC ### Aggregation * `colorChart()`: Munsell color book representation of color frequency * `aggregateColor()`: estimate color proportions within an SPC according within groups of horizons * `colorQuantiles()`: marginal and L1 quantiles of color in CIELAB coordinates ### Utility * `huePosition()`: generate an ordered factor of the standard Munsell hues * `huePositionCircle()`: graphical representation of the standard Munsell hues, with optional simulation of common color vision deficiency * `simulateColor()`: simulate a range of Munsell colors given measures of central tendency and spread * `previewColors()`: graphical preview of colors as a grid or via nMDS * `soilPalette()`: generate swatch-like arrangements of colors and labels * `equivalentMunsellChips()`: for a specified Munsell color, identify other Munsell colors with a very lower CIE2000 color contrast difference ### Simulation of Mixtures * `mixMunsell()`: simulate an subtractive mixture of pigments specified in Munsell notation * `plotColorMixture()`: simulate a subtractive mixture of pigments, display reflectance spectra ## Numerical Classification of Soil Profiles * `NCSP()`: numerical classification of soil profiles, within a `SoilProfileCollection` * `compareSites()`: pair-wise comparison of site-level data from a `SoilProfileCollection` ## Pedology * `allocate()`: perform one of several classification systems to soil property data * `estimateAWC()`: estimate plant-available water holding capacity * `correctAWC()`: apply rock fragment or soluble salt corrections to AWC estimates * `hzDistinctnessCodeToOffset()`: convert horizon boundary distinctness codes to vertical offset * `hzTopographyCodeToLineType()`: convert horizon boundary topography codes to line types * `hzTopographyCodeToOffset()`: convert horizon boundary topography codes to offset * `ph_to_rxnclass()`: convert pH to reaction class * `rxnclass_to_ph()`: convert reaction class to pH range * `ReactionClassLevels()`: ordered factor of reaction classes * `horizonColorIndices()`: compute various soil color-based indices to horizons within an SPC ### Soil Texture * `textureTriangleSummary()`: graphical summary of sand, silt, clay fractions on a soil texture triangle * `bootstrapSoilTexture()`: simulation of realistic compositions (sand, silt, clay) from a small set of example data * `SoilTextureLevels()`: ordered factor of soil texture classes * `texcl_to_ssc()`: convert soil texture classes to sand, silt, clay centroids * `ssc_to_texcl()`: convert sand, silt, clay values to soil texture class * `texture_to_taxpartsize()`: convert soil texture to Soil Taxonomy particle size class ### Coarse Fragments * `fragmentSieve()`: classify coarse fragments by fragment diameter * `texmod_to_fragvoltot()`: estimate ranges in coarse fragment volume based on a soil texture modifier * `texture_to_texmod()` * `fragvol_to_texmod()` * `fragmentClasses()`: coarse fragment diameter thresholds used by USDA-NRCS ### Soil Taxonomy * `getArgillicBounds()`: estimate the upper and lower boundaries of an argillic horizon * `getCambicBounds()`: estimate the upper and lower boundaries of a cambic horizon * `getSurfaceHorizonDepth()` * `getMineralSoilSurfaceDepth()` * `getPlowLayerDepth()` * `hasDarkColors()` * `estimatePSCS()` ### Generalized Horizon Labels (GHL) * `generalize.hz()`: apply REGEX rules to group horizon designations into a reduced set of "generalized horizon labels" * `evalGenHZ()`: evaluate internal consistency of assigned GHL * `genhzTableToAdjMat()`: convert a cross-tabulation of GHL vs. original horizon designations to adjacency matrix * `get.ml.hz()`: extract most likely horizon boundary depths from probability depth functions * `guessGenHzLevels()`: estimate the correct ordering of GHL given horizon depths * `GHL()`: get/set GHL metadata for a `SoilProfileCollection` ## Misc. * `invertLabelColor()`: automatic adjustment of label color for maximum contrast, based on specified background color * `hzTransitionProbabilities()`: derive transition probability matrix from horizon level data * `mostLikelyHzSequence()`: use Markov Chains to predict the most likely sequence of horizons ### Accuracy and Uncertainty * `shannonEntropy()`: Shannon entropy * `brierScore()`: Brier's score * `tauW()`: weighted tau statistic ### Overlapping Annotation * `findOverlap()`: identify overlap within a vector of positions based on a given threshold * `overlapMetrics()`: metrics of overlap within a vector or positions based on a given threshold * `fixOverlap()`: attempt the minimum of adjustments to vector of positions such that a given distance threshold is enforced ## Example Data * `sp1` * `sp2` * `sp3` * `sp4` * `sp5` * `sp6` * `sierraTransect` * `wilson2022` * `rowley2019` * `jacobs2000` * `osd` * `SPC.with.overlap` * `us.state.soils` * `soil_minerals` * `munsell` * `equivalent_munsell` * `munsellHuePosition` * `munsell.spectra` * `spectral.reference` * `ROSETTA.centroids` * `reactionclass` * `soiltexture`