--- title: "Spreadsheet terminology" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Spreadsheet terminology} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#" ) ``` # Purpose This vignette provides a quick lookup of spreadsheet nomenclature, as used in the {aftables} package. # Terminology Certain language and conventions are used in the package to talk about spreadsheets. A _workbook_ is a spreadsheet-like structure. It contains _tabs_ that are each named with a unique _tab title_. Each tab contains a _sheet_. Sheets can be one of four _sheet types_ that dictate their content, layout and style: 1. A _cover_ sheet contains the title of the _workbook_ and information about the data it contains, who has produced it, etc 2. A _contents_ sheet contains a table showing the contents of the _workbook_ at a glance, with one row per _sheet_ (not including the cover or itself) 3. A _notes_ sheet contains a table with a lookup of note codes (e.g. '[note 1]') to their explanations 4. One or more _tables_ sheets contain statistical tables (the main purpose for the existence of the spreadsheet) or annexes of supporting information The _cover_, _contents_ and _notes_ sheets can be considered _meta sheets_ because they provide contextual information about the _workbook_ and its contents. _Sheets_ themselves are composed of inserted _elements_ that appear in the following row order (if present): * a _sheet title_ to be displayed at the top of the sheet (user-provided) * a _table count_ so users know how many tables are in the sheet (auto-generated) * a _notes statement_ that declares if a table contains _notes_ (if applicable, auto-generated) * a _blank cells statement_ that indicates the meaning behind any blank cells in a table (if applicable, user-provided) * a _source statement_ to explain where the data came from (if applicable, user-provided) * a _table_ that contains information as rows and columns (user-provided) and has a _table name_ (auto-generated) which appears as the 'name' of the marked-up table # Example This is an example xlsx output from the {aftables} package: