## ----include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------- # nolint start library(magrittr) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # the next lines are commentend, since we avoided to have 'dataquieR' as yet # another dependency to our package; however, if you have installed it, you # can uncomment these lines to load the required files from the dataquieR-package #list.files(system.file("extdata", package = "dataquieR")) # load the ship dataset # ship_data <- readRDS( # system.file("extdata/ship.RDS", package = "dataquieR") # ) %>% # data.table::data.table() ship_url <- "https://dataquality.qihs.uni-greifswald.de/extdata/ship.RDS" tmpf <- tempfile() download.file(ship_url, tmpf, mode = "wb") ship_data <- readRDS(tmpf) %>% data.table::data.table() # export the dataset to a CSV-file (one of the formats supported by DQAstats) ship_data_export_fn <- "ship_data.csv" data.table::fwrite( x = ship_data, file = file.path(tempdir(), ship_data_export_fn) ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load the ship metadata # ship_meta <- readRDS( # system.file("extdata/ship_meta.RDS", package = "dataquieR") # ) %>% # data.table::data.table() ship_meta_url <- "https://dataquality.qihs.uni-greifswald.de/extdata/ship_meta.RDS" tmpf <- tempfile() download.file(ship_meta_url, tmpf, mode = "wb") ship_meta <- readRDS(tmpf) %>% data.table::data.table() ## ----results='asis'----------------------------------------------------------- ship_meta %>% DT::datatable(options = list( scrollX = TRUE, pageLength = 4 )) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mdr <- data.table::fread( file = system.file( "demo_data/utilities/MDR/mdr_example_data.csv", package = "DQAstats" ), header = TRUE, nrows = 0, colClasses = "character" ) dim(mdr) colnames(mdr) ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # get names of dataelements from ship dataset ship_var_names <- intersect(colnames(ship_data), ship_meta[, get("VAR_NAMES")]) # loop over dataelements for (var in ship_var_names) { # get variable type from ship metadata data_type <- ship_meta[get("VAR_NAMES") == var, get("DATA_TYPE")] # get variable description from ship metadata labels <- ship_meta[get("VAR_NAMES") == var, get("VALUE_LABELS")] split_list <- strsplit( x = labels, split = " | ", fixed = TRUE ) # convert variable description into human readable format if (length(split_list[[1]]) == 1 && is.na(split_list[[1]])) { descr <- paste0("Description for dataelement '", var, "'") } else { descr <- paste0( "Description for dataelement '", var, "': \n\n", paste0(unlist(split_list), collapse = "; ") ) } # for this dataelement, fill row of DQAstats-MDR with extracted information mdr <- data.table::rbindlist( l = list( mdr, data.table::as.data.table( x = cbind( "designation" = var, "definition" = descr, "source_variable_name" = var, "variable_name" = var, "key" = var, "source_table_name" = ship_data_export_fn, "source_system_type" = "csv", # indicates that datasets format is CSV "source_system_name" = "ship", # arbitrary name for this dataset "dqa_assessment" = 1, # default value for dataelements to be analyzed "variable_type" = data_type ) ) ), fill = TRUE ) } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # save all categorical variablees in a vector cat_vars <- c( "id", "sex", "obs_bp", "dev_bp", "obs_soma", "dev_length", "dev_weight", "obs_int", "school", "family", "smoking", "stroke", "myocard", "diab_known", "contraception", "income" ) # change variable type from integer to "enumerated" (to get meaningful # results from DQAstats) mdr[get("designation") %in% cat_vars, ("variable_type") := "enumerated"] ## ----warning=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ # loop over categorical variables for (var in cat_vars) { # get definitions of category-levels labels <- ship_meta[get("VAR_NAMES") == var, get("VALUE_LABELS")] split_list <- strsplit( x = labels, split = " | ", fixed = TRUE ) # extract the allowed values for each categorical dataelement allowed_values <- strsplit( x = split_list[[1]], split = " =", fixed = TRUE ) # transform allowed values into a "value_set" array, which is stored # as a JSON object (required by DQAstats) c <- jsonlite::toJSON( list( "value_set" = sapply( X = allowed_values, FUN = function(x) { return(x[[1]]) }) ), pretty = TRUE ) # add constraints for this dataelement to the DQAstats MDR mdr[get("source_variable_name") == var, ("constraints") := c] } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # for comparison, show metadata definition from dataquieR ... # dataquieR: string, split by pipes '|' ship_meta[get("VAR_NAMES") == "smoking", get("VALUE_LABELS")] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ... and DQAstats: JSON mdr[get("source_variable_name") == "smoking", get("constraints")] mdr[get("source_variable_name") == "smoking", get("constraints")] %>% jsonlite::fromJSON() ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get names of continuous variables (float/integer) cont_vars <- mdr[ get("variable_type") %in% c("integer", "float"), unique(get("source_variable_name")) ] # loop over continuous dataelements for (var in cont_vars) { # extract constraints of continuous dataelement labels <- ship_meta[get("VAR_NAMES") == var, get("HARD_LIMITS")] split_list <- strsplit( x = labels, split = ";", fixed = TRUE ) # transform these constraints to a list, with entries "min" and "max" constraints <- lapply( X = split_list, FUN = function(x) { if (!is.na(x[[1]])) { return( list( "min" = as.numeric(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", x[[1]])), "max" = as.numeric(gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", x[[2]])) ) ) } else { return("error") } } ) # save list as nested JSON within the key "range" (required by DQAstats) if (length(constraints[[1]]) > 1) { c <- jsonlite::toJSON( list("range" = constraints[[1]]), pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE ) # write constraint for this dataelement to DQAstats MDR mdr[get("source_variable_name") == var, ("constraints") := c] } } ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The `id` variable should actually not be treated as a categorical variable, # since the number of potential categories is (theoretically) unlimited and # an analysis of the categories in this case is seldom meaningful. # Nevertheless, we could perform quality checks on the `id` variable, e.g. to # check for a required formatting of the values. # This can be achieved with DQAstats by changing the variable type to "string" # and use a regular expression that checks for the expected format. # change variable type to "string" mdr[get("source_variable_name") == "id", ("variable_type") := "string"] # add regular expression for the dataelement "id" mdr[get("source_variable_name") == "id", ("constraints") := jsonlite::toJSON( list("regex" = "^[[:digit:]]{1,5}$"), pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE )] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # add plausibilities # sex and contraception p <- jsonlite::toJSON(list( "atemporal" = list( "contraception" = list( "name" = "A_present_and_B_vv", "description" = "Contracept in males.", "join_crit" = "id", "filter" = list( "ship" = "^1$" ), "constraints" = list( "value_set" = list( "ship" = "1" ) ) ) ) ), pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE ) # write plausibility to mdr mdr[ source_variable_name == "sex" & dqa_assessment == 1, plausibility_relation := p ] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- p <- jsonlite::toJSON(list( "atemporal" = list( "diab_age" = list( "name" = "A_present_and_B_levels_vl", "description" = "Diab age but no diab.", "join_crit" = "id", "filter" = list( "ship" = "^(?!.*(99900|99901|99801)).*$" ), "constraints" = list( "value_set" = list( "ship" = "1" ) ) ) )), pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE ) mdr[ source_variable_name == "diab_known" & dqa_assessment == 1, plausibility_relation := p ] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- p <- jsonlite::toJSON(list( "uniqueness" = list( "sex" = list( "name" = "Every ID is associated with one Sex", "description" = paste0("With each distinct value of 'id', ", "only one value of 'sex' may be associated." ) ))), pretty = TRUE, auto_unbox = TRUE ) mdr[ source_variable_name == "id" & dqa_assessment == 1, plausibility_relation := p ] ## ----results='asis'----------------------------------------------------------- mdr %>% DT::datatable(options = list( scrollX = TRUE, pageLength = 4 )) ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ utils_path <- file.path(tempdir(), "utilities") dir.create(file.path(utils_path, "MDR"), recursive = TRUE) data.table::fwrite( x = mdr, file = file.path(utils_path, "MDR/mdr.csv") ) ## ----results='hide'----------------------------------------------------------- file.copy( from = system.file("demo_data/utilities/RMD", package = "DQAstats"), to = utils_path, overwrite = TRUE, recursive = TRUE ) ## ----eval=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE--------------------------------- # # ship data set # source_system_name <- "ship" # target_system_name <- source_system_name # # mdr_filename <- "mdr.csv" # output_dir <- file.path(tempdir(), "output") # logfile_dir = tempdir() # # # does only work, if "ship_data.csv" is lying next to this RMD-file # Sys.setenv("SHIP_PATH" = tempdir()) # # # provide all arguments to main function # all_results <- DQAstats::dqa( # source_system_name = source_system_name, # target_system_name = target_system_name, # utils_path = utils_path, # mdr_filename = mdr_filename, # output_dir = output_dir, # logfile_dir = logfile_dir # ) ## ----eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------- # library(DQAgui) # # set basepath for file-browser in GUI-config # Sys.setenv("CSV_SOURCE_BASEPATH" = tempdir()) # # ## launch GUI # DQAgui::launch_app( # utils_path = utils_path, # mdr_filename = "mdr.csv", # parallel = FALSE # ) # # nolint end