--- title: "Visualization of European basketball data" author: "Guillermo Vinue" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Visualization of European basketball data} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- This document contains all the needed R code to reproduce the results described in the paper *A Web Application for Interactive Visualization of European Basketball Data* ([https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2018.0124](https://doi.org/10.1089/big.2018.0124){target="_blank"}), which presents the dashboard available at [https://www.uv.es/vivigui/AppEuroACB.html](https://www.uv.es/vivigui/AppEuroACB.html){target="_blank"}. This dashboard belongs to the platform available at [https://www.uv.es/vivigui/basketball_platform.html](https://www.uv.es/vivigui/basketball_platform.html){target="_blank"}. ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ``` ```{r packages, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # Firstly, load BAwiR and other packages that will be used in the paper: library(BAwiR) library(tidyverse) library(FSA) library(gridExtra) ``` ```{r figure 1, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 1: # Load the data_app_acb file with the ACB games from the 1985-1986 season to the 2017-2018 season: load(url("http://www.uv.es/vivigui/softw/data_app_acb.RData")) title <- " Number of Spanish and foreign players along the ACB seasons \n Data from www.acb.com" get_pop_pyramid(data_app_acb, title, "eng") ``` ```{r data, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # Create the data with games and players' info, add the advanced stats and compute the total numbers: df0 <- do_join_games_bio("ACB", acb_games_1718, acb_players_1718) df1 <- do_add_adv_stats(df0) df2 <- do_stats(df1, "Total", "2017-2018", "ACB", "Regular Season") ``` ```{r figure 2, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 2: df3 <- df2[which(df2$Position == "Center"), c("MP", "PTS", "Name", "CombinID")] df3 <- df3[df3$MP > 100,] ggplot(df3, aes(x = c(df3[,1])[[1]], y = c(df3[,2])[[1]], group = Name)) + geom_point() + geom_text(aes(label = Name), size = 2, vjust = -0.8) + labs(x = colnames(df3)[1], y = colnames(df3)[2], title = "ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season. Total stats. Centers.") ``` ```{r table 2, eval=FALSE} # Code for Table 2: df4 <- df3 %>% mutate(Player_info = paste("http://www.acb.com/jugador.php?id=", CombinID, sep = "")) %>% select(-CombinID) df5 <- df4 %>% arrange(-MP) headtail(df5, 3) ``` ```{r figure 3, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 3: stats <- c("GP", "MP", "PTS", "FGPerc", "FTPerc", "TRB", "AST", "TOV", "PlusMinus", "PIR") descr_stats <- c("Games played", "Minutes played", "Points", "Field goals percentage", "Free throws percentage", "Total rebounds", "Assists", "Turnovers", "Plus/minus", "Performance index rating") df2_1 <- df2 %>% select(1:5, stats, 46:49) perc_plot_doncid <- get_bubble_plot(df2_1, "Doncic, Luka", descr_stats, 3, 7, 8) + theme(strip.text.x = element_blank()) + ggtitle(label = "Doncic, Luka", subtitle = "ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season. Total stats.") + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20)) perc_plot_abalde <- get_bubble_plot(df2_1, "Abalde, Alberto", descr_stats, 3, 7, 8) + theme(strip.text.x = element_blank()) + ggtitle(label = "Abalde, Alberto", subtitle = "ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season. Total stats.") + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 20)) grid.arrange(perc_plot_doncid, perc_plot_abalde, ncol = 2) ``` ```{r figure 4, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 4: months <- c(df0 %>% distinct(Month))$Month months_order <- c("septiembre", "octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre", "enero") months_plot <- match(months_order, months) months_plot1 <- months_plot[!is.na(months_plot)] months_plot2 <- months[months_plot1] df1_m <- df1 %>% filter(Player.x %in% c("Doncic, Luka", "Abalde, Alberto")) %>% group_by(Month) %>% do(do_stats(., "Average", "2017-2018", "ACB", "Regular Season")) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(Month = factor(Month, levels = months_plot2)) %>% arrange(Month) df1_m1 <- df1_m %>% select(1:5, stats, 46:50) %>% select(-EPS) %>% mutate(Month = plyr::mapvalues(Month, from = c("octubre", "noviembre", "diciembre", "enero"), to = c("October", "November", "December", "January"))) max_val <- max(df1_m1[,colnames(df1_m1) %in% stats]) min_val <- min(df1_m1[,colnames(df1_m1) %in% stats]) get_barplot_monthly_stats(df1_m1, "ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season. Monthly average stats.", 3) + scale_y_continuous(limits = c(min_val - 10, max_val + 10)) ``` ```{r figure 5, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 5: df0$Compet <- "ACB" plot_yearly <- get_stats_seasons(df0, "ACB", c("Doncic, Luka", "Abalde, Alberto"), stats[1:4], "Regular Season", TRUE, FALSE) plot_yearly$gg + labs(title = "ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season. Yearly average stats.") + theme(strip.text.x = element_text(size = 15)) ``` ```{r figure 6, message=FALSE, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 6: levels_stats <- list("Offensive" = c("PTS", "FG", "FGA", "FGPerc", "TwoP", "TwoPA", "TwoPPerc", "ThreeP", "ThreePA", "ThreePPerc", "FT", "FTA", "FTPerc", "ORB", "AST"), "Defensive" = c("DRB", "STL", "PF"), "Other" = c("GP", "MP", "TRB", "PlusMinus", "PIR"), "Advanced" = c("EFGPerc", "PPS")) get_heatmap_bb(df2, "Real_Madrid", levels_stats, "PlusMinus", 9, paste("ACB", "2017-2018, Regular Season.", "Total stats.", sep = " ")) ``` ```{r figure 7, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 7: get_shooting_plot(df2, "Real_Madrid", 3, 1, "ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season.", "en") + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 15)) ``` ```{r figure 8, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 8: df1_10 <- df1 %>% filter(Day <= 10) teams <- as.character(rev(sort(unique(df2$Team)))) df_four_factors <- do_four_factors_df(df1_10, teams) get_four_factors_plot(df_four_factors$df_rank, df_four_factors$df_no_rank, c("Real_Madrid", "Valencia"), "en") + ggtitle("ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season.") ``` ```{r figure 9, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 9: df0$Compet <- "ACB" gg <- get_table_results(df0, "ACB", "2017-2018") gg$plot_teams ``` ```{r figure 10, eval=FALSE} # Code for Figure 10: get_map_nats(df2) + ggtitle("ACB 2017-2018, Regular Season.") ``` ```{r session info} sessionInfo() ```