## ----setup, include=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, fig.width = 7, fig.height = 5) ## ----library, echo = FALSE---------------------------------------------------- suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library(AirMonitor) Camp_Fire <- Camp_Fire }) ## ----Sacramento_2------------------------------------------------------------- monitor_leaflet(Camp_Fire) ## ----Sacramento_3------------------------------------------------------------- # create single-monitor Sacramento Sacramento <- # 1) start with Camp_Fire Camp_Fire %>% # 2) select a specific device-deployment monitor_select("127e996697f9731c_840060670010") # review timeseries plot Sacramento %>% monitor_timeseriesPlot( shadedNight = TRUE, addAQI = TRUE, main = "Hourly PM2.5 Concentration in Sacramento" ) # add the AQI legend addAQILegend(cex = 0.8) ## ----Sacramento_4------------------------------------------------------------- Sacramento_area <- # 1) start with Camp_Fire Camp_Fire %>% # 2) find all monitors within 50km of Sacramento monitor_filterByDistance( longitude = Sacramento$meta$longitude, latitude = Sacramento$meta$latitude, radius = 50000 ) monitor_leaflet(Sacramento_area) ## ----Sacramento_5------------------------------------------------------------- Sacramento_area %>% monitor_timeseriesPlot( shadedNight = TRUE, addAQI = TRUE, main = "Wildfire Smoke within 30 miles of Sacramento" ) addAQILegend(lwd = 1, pch = NA, bg = "white", cex = 0.8) ## ----Sacramento_6------------------------------------------------------------- # 1) start with Sacramento_area Sacramento_area %>% # 2) average together all timeseries hour-by-hour monitor_collapse( deviceID = "Sacramento_area" ) %>% # 3) calculate the local-time daily average (default) monitor_dailyStatistic() %>% # 4) pull out the $data dataframe monitor_getData() ## ----Sacramento_7------------------------------------------------------------- # 1) start with Sacramento_area Sacramento_area %>% # 2) average together all timeseries hour-by-hour monitor_collapse() %>% # 3) create daily barplot monitor_dailyBarplot( main = "Daily Average PM2.5 in the Sacramento Area" ) # add the AQI legend addAQILegend(pch = 15, bg = "white", cex = 0.8)