system environment/base

scap-security-guide - Security guidance and baselines in SCAP formats

License: BSD-3-Clause
Vendor: Scientific Linux
The scap-security-guide project provides a guide for configuration of the
system from the final system's security point of view. The guidance is
specified in the Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP) format and
constitutes a catalog of practical hardening advice, linked to government
requirements where applicable. The project bridges the gap between generalized
policy requirements and specific implementation guidelines. The Red Hat
Enterprise Linux 7 system administrator can use the oscap command-line tool
from the openscap-utils package to verify that the system conforms to provided
guideline. Refer to scap-security-guide(8) manual page for further information.


scap-security-guide-0.1.57-8.sl7_9.noarch [2.9 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2022-05-19):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right
scap-security-guide-0.1.57-6.sl7_9.noarch [2.9 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2022-02-28):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right
scap-security-guide-0.1.57-4.sl7_9.noarch [2.9 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2021-11-23):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right
scap-security-guide-0.1.54-7.sl7_9.noarch [2.6 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2021-07-26):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right
scap-security-guide-0.1.54-3.sl7_9.noarch [2.6 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2021-04-27):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right
scap-security-guide-0.1.52-2.sl7_9.noarch [2.9 MiB] Changelog by Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2020-12-15):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7

>Scientific Linux Auto Patch Process (2020-12-15):
- Added Source: scap-security-guide_spec-add-all-el-stigs.patch
-->  Package all EL scap guidelines, not just TUV
- Added Source: scap-security-guide.ini
-->  Config file for automated patch script
- Added Patch: 0005-rename-in-new-location.patch
-->  Make sure the branding is right

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7