/* Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2014 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author. FILE: parallel_monitor_ph.lex Dates: 3 Jun 2004 Purpose: parse arbitration contruct Output: Err_no_syntax_code_present Err_comment_overrun Err_duplicate_directive Err_no_close_brace Err_no_directive_present Err_not_arbitration_code_kw Err_no_pp_ctrl_mntor_kw_present */ /@ @i "/usr/local/yacco2/copyright.w" @** |parallel_monitor_ph| thread.\fbreak Parse arbitration contruct. Typically there is no arbitration to be done but when 2 or more threads of subset / superset context are deployed deplomacy is required. This thread is a ``chained procedure call''. \fbreak Example of a parallel-control-monitor construct to parse:\fbreak \listing{"/usr/local/yacco2/diagrams+etc/ppmntr.txt"} @/ fsm (fsm-id "parallel_monitor_ph.lex" ,fsm-filename parallel_monitor_ph ,fsm-namespace NS_parallel_monitor_ph ,fsm-class Cparallel_monitor_ph{ user-prefix-declaration using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals; #include "lint_balls.h" #include "eol.h" #include "c_comments.h" #include "cweb_or_c_k.h" #include "identifier.h" #include "c_string.h" #include "o2_sdc.h" *** user-declaration public: void add_sdc_to_directive(yacco2::CAbs_lr1_sym* Dir,T_syntax_code* Sdc); T_parallel_monitor_phrase* parallel_monitor_phrase_; *** constructor parallel_monitor_phrase_ = 0; *** user-implementation void Cparallel_monitor_ph:: add_sdc_to_directive(yacco2::CAbs_lr1_sym* Dir,T_syntax_code* Sdc){ using namespace NS_yacco2_T_enum; using namespace NS_yacco2_terminals; yacco2::INT eid = Dir->enumerated_id__; switch (eid){ case T_Enum::T_T_arbitrator_code_: { T_arbitrator_code* k = (T_arbitrator_code*)Dir; k->syntax_code(Sdc); break; } default: { CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_improper_directive; sym->set_rc(*Dir,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP_FSM(sym); parser__->set_stop_parse(true); } } } *** op if(parallel_monitor_phrase_ != 0){ delete parallel_monitor_phrase_; parallel_monitor_phrase_ = 0; } parallel_monitor_phrase_ = new T_parallel_monitor_phrase; parallel_monitor_phrase_->set_rc(*parser__->start_token__,__FILE__,__LINE__); AST* t = new AST(*parallel_monitor_phrase_); parallel_monitor_phrase_->phrase_tree(t); *** } ,fsm-version "1.0",fsm-date "24 mar 2004",fsm-debug "false" ,fsm-comments "Parse a rule's arbitration code: \n into the valley of someone's dementia...") parallel-parser ( parallel-thread-function TH_parallel_monitor_ph *** parallel-la-boundary eolr *** ) @"/usr/local/yacco2/compiler/grammars/yacco2_T_includes.T" rules{ Rparallel_monitor_phrase (){ -> "#parallel-control-monitor" Rlint Ropen_brace Rlint Rdirective_phrase Rclose_brace Rlint { op Cparallel_monitor_ph* fsm = (Cparallel_monitor_ph*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; RSVP(fsm->parallel_monitor_phrase_); fsm->parallel_monitor_phrase_ = 0; *** } } Ropen_brace (){ -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_open_brace; sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> "{" } Rclose_brace (){ -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_close_brace; sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> "}" } Rdirective_phrase (){ -> Rlint Rparallel_directive_cweb_k Rlint Rdirective Rsyntax_code Rlint { op AST* cwebt = sf->p2__->cweb_t_; Rdirective* dir = sf->p4__; Rsyntax_code* sdc = sf->p5__; if(cwebt != 0) sdc->syntax_code_->add_cweb_marker(cwebt); Cparallel_monitor_ph* fsm = (Cparallel_monitor_ph*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; fsm->add_sdc_to_directive(dir->directive_,sdc->syntax_code_); *** } } Rdirective ( lhs { user-declaration CAbs_lr1_sym* directive_; *** op if(directive_ == 0) return; Cparallel_monitor_ph* fsm = (Cparallel_monitor_ph*)rule_info__.parser__->fsm_tbl__; CAbs_lr1_sym* result = fsm->parallel_monitor_phrase_->add_directive_to_mntr(directive_,rule_info__.parser__); if(result == 0) return;// ok added directive_->set_auto_delete(true);//dup: delete when popped from stack RSVP(result); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } ){ -> ||| "#arbitrator-code" NS_identifier::TH_identifier { op directive_ = sf->p2__; *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op directive_ = 0; CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_not_arbitration_code_kw; sym->set_rc(*sf->p2__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } -> |?| { op CAbs_lr1_sym* sym = new Err_no_directive_present; sym->set_rc(*sf->p1__,__FILE__,__LINE__); RSVP(sym); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rsyntax_code ( lhs { user-declaration T_syntax_code* syntax_code_; *** } ){ -> ||| "syntax-code" NS_o2_sdc::TH_o2_sdc { op syntax_code_ = sf->p2__; *** } -> ||| "no syntax-code present" NULL {// allow no syntax code op syntax_code_ = 0; sf->p2__->set_auto_delete(true); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { // catcher in the Rye? These are errors op syntax_code_ = 0; RSVP(sf->p2__); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } Rlint (){ -> ||| lint NS_lint_balls::TH_lint_balls -> } Rparallel_directive_cweb_k ( lhs { user-declaration AST* cweb_t_; *** constructor cweb_t_ = 0; *** } ){ -> -> ||| "cweb-comment" NS_cweb_or_c_k::TH_cweb_or_c_k { op T_cweb_comment* k = sf->p2__; AST* cwebk_t_ = new AST(*k); cweb_t_ = new AST(); T_cweb_marker* cw = new T_cweb_marker(cweb_t_); cw->set_rc(*k,__FILE__,__LINE__); AST::set_content(*cweb_t_,*cw); AST::join_pts(*cweb_t_,*cwebk_t_); *** } -> ||| |?| NULL { op RSVP(sf->p2__); rule_info__.parser__->set_stop_parse(true); *** } } }// end of rules