#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
# Last Change: Tue May 16 18:11:49 2006
=begin rdoc
= encodingtable -- print out a table with different encodings in colums

This is mainly an example how to use the ENC and Kpathsea class. 

== Usage
 encodingtable encoding[.enc] [encoding[.enc] ...]

== Example
 $ ./encodingtable ec texnansi 8r 8a

 dec | oct |hex | ECEncoding       | TeXnANSIEncoding | TeXBase1Encoding | StandardEncoding |
   0 |   0 |  0 | grave            | ---              | ---              | ---              |
   1 |   1 |  1 | acute            | Euro             | dotaccent        | ---              |
   2 |   2 |  2 | circumflex       | ---              | fi               | ---              |
   3 |   3 |  3 | tilde            | ---              | fl               | ---              |
   4 |   4 |  4 | dieresis         | fraction         | fraction         | ---              |
   5 |   5 |  5 | hungarumlaut     | dotaccent        | hungarumlaut     | ---              |
Author:: Patrick Gundlach <patrick@gundla.ch>

# :enddoc:

require 'rfil/tex/enc'
require 'rfil/tex/kpathsea'

include RFIL
include TeX

unless ARGV.size > 0
  puts "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} encoding[.enc] ..."

fmt=" %-16.16s |"

ARGV.each { |e|
  kpse.open_file(e.chomp('.enc')+'.enc','enc') { |f|

print "dec | oct |hex |"
encodings.each { |e| print sprintf(fmt,e.encname) }

0.upto(255) { |slot|
  print "\n"+"-"*(16 + encodings.size * 19 ) if slot % 32 == 0

  print sprintf("\n%3d | %3o | %2x |", slot,slot,slot)
  encodings.each { |e|
    print sprintf(fmt, e[slot]==".notdef" ? "---" :  e[slot])