# Makefile generated by imake - do not edit!
# $Xorg: imake.c,v 1.6 2001/02/09 02:03:15 xorgcvs Exp $

# $ITI: Imake.tmpl,v 1.5 1995/01/24 17:48:12 schrod Exp $
# Makefile generated from "Imake.tmpl" and <Imakefile>
# Top level imake template of `Imake module edition'.

default: all

# ======================================================================
# MIT & XFree configuration files
# $ITI: MIT-config.imk,v 1.5 1997/01/14 10:30:25 herr Exp $

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# site-specific configuration parameters that need to come before
# the platform-specific parameters - edit site.def to change

# $ITI: site.def,v 1.8 1997/02/05 12:53:48 herr Exp $
# ITI site definitions
# starting from original MIT version

# site:  $XConsortium: site.def,v 1.2 91/07/30 20:26:44 rws Exp $

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# platform-specific configuration parameters - edit x386.cf to change

# $ITI: x386.cf,v 1.3 1994/06/30 17:03:54 schrod Exp $
# $XFree86: mit/config/x386.cf,v 2.44 1994/04/16 04:20:56 dawes Exp $
# platform:  $XConsortium: x386.cf,v 1.7 91/08/16 19:30:10 gildea Exp $

# operating system:  Linux

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# site-specific configuration parameters that go after
# the platform-specific parameters - edit site.def to change

# $ITI: site.def,v 1.8 1997/02/05 12:53:48 herr Exp $
# ITI site definitions
# starting from original MIT version

# site:  $XConsortium: site.def,v 1.2 91/07/30 20:26:44 rws Exp $

    KMEMGROUP = kmem

# ======================================================================
# Imake template with basic definitions
# $ITI: Base.imk,v 1.6 1995/07/11 16:24:09 deeken Exp $



# ======================================================================
# site specific configuration of Imake modules
# for THD ITI installations
# $ITI: iti-site.imk,v 1.13 1997/05/30 09:54:37 herr Exp $

    LOCALDIR = /usr/local

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Imake template for operations on files
# $ITI: files.imk,v 1.6 1998/02/24 15:39:05 kehr Exp $

    COPYIF = copyif
    CPP = /lib/cpp
    LN = ln -s
    MAKEDIR = mkdir -p
    MV = mv
    RM = /bin/rm -f


# ------------------------------------------------------------
# Imake template for use of imake & makedepend
# $ITI: imake.imk,v 1.10 1998/02/24 15:39:06 kehr Exp $


    IMAKE = imake

    IMAKE_STD_INCLUDES = -I$(LOCALDIR)/lib/imake-modules



    MAKE = make
    SHELL = /bin/sh


    TOPDIR = .
    CURDIR = .
    THISDIR = `basename $(CURDIR)`



	touch .dependdummy
	$(DEPEND) $(DEPENDFLAGS) -s "# DO NOT DELETE" .dependdummy
	$(RM) .dependdummy

    DEPEND = makedepend



# start of Imakefile

# $Id: Imakefile,v 1.2 1995/08/02 12:21:39 schrod Exp $

# ======================================================================
# Imake template for TeX & friends
# $ITI: TeX.imk,v 1.2 1995/08/04 16:40:19 schrod Exp $

    TEX_IT = tex-it
    TEXI2DVI = texi2dvi

# default rule created by TeX.imk

	$(RM) *.dvi *.log *.aux *.toc *.lo[ft] *.blg *.idx *.ilg

	$(RM) *.bbl *.ind

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# continue in Imakefile

regression:: clean
	$(MAKE) all

all:: empty-log.dvi

empty-log.dvi: empty-log.tex
	$(TEX_IT) latex $(TEX_FMT_OPTIONS) empty-log.tex

all:: rcsdef.dvi

rcsdef.dvi: rcsdef.tex
	$(TEX_IT) latex $(TEX_FMT_OPTIONS) rcsdef.tex

all:: rcsid-param.dvi

rcsid-param.dvi: rcsid-param.tex
	$(TEX_IT) latex $(TEX_FMT_OPTIONS) rcsid-param.tex

all:: rcsid.dvi

rcsid.dvi: rcsid.tex
	$(TEX_IT) latex $(TEX_FMT_OPTIONS) rcsid.tex

all:: log-error.dvi

log-error.dvi: log-error.tex
	$(TEX_IT) latex '\scrollmode \input' $(TEX_FMT_OPTIONS) log-error.tex

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# common rules for all Makefiles - do not edit

	@if [ -f Makefile ]; \
	then set -x; \
	$(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \
	else set -x; fi ; \
	$(IMAKE) $(IMAKE_FLAGS)	-DImakeTopDir=$(TOPDIR) -DImakeCurrentDir=$(CURDIR); \
	set +x

	@case "$(MAKEFLAGS)" in *[ik]*) set +e;; esac; \
	case "$(TOPDIR)" in \
	/?*) newtop=$(TOPDIR) ;; \
	*)	newtop=../$(TOPDIR) ;; \
	esac; \
	test "$(SUBDIRS)" -o "$(SUBDIRS)" = "NullParameter"  && \
	for d in $(SUBDIRS) '' ; \
	do 	if [ empty$$d != empty ] ; \
	then		echo "making Makefiles in $(CURDIR)/$$d ..."; \
	$(MAKE) subdirMakefiles SUBDIR=$$d TOPDIR=$$newtop	CURDIR=$(CURDIR)/$$d	 ; \
	fi ; \
	done  || \
	exit 0

	@cd $(SUBDIR) ; \
	if [ -f Makefile ]; \
	then set -x; \
	$(RM) Makefile.bak; $(MV) Makefile Makefile.bak; \
	else set -x; fi ; \
	$(IMAKE) $(IMAKE_FLAGS)	-DImakeTopDir=$(TOPDIR) -DImakeCurrentDir=$(CURDIR); \
	set +x ; \
	$(MAKE) Makefiles

	$(RM) $(CLEAN_EXTRA_FILES) *.CKP *.ln *.BAK *.bak *.o core errs ,* *~ *.a	.emacs_* tags TAGS make.log MakeOut "#"*

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# default rules for Imakefiles that do not generate them - do not edit


# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# dependencies generated by makedepend