% Save file as: SHSULET.STY Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET % SHSULET.STY Document Style -- with liberal extractions from % Leslie Lamport's ARTICLE.STY \typeout{Document Style 'shsulet'. Released August 10, 1989} \typeout{Letterhead design -- Sam Houston State University} \typeout{} % Letterhead style file for use in LaTeX. Default institution is Sam Houston % State University. Copyright, 1989, George D. Greenwade % Author: George D. Greenwade, Director, Center for Business and Economic % Research, Sam Houston State Univeristy, Huntsville, TX 77341-2056 % Voice: (409) 294-1518 BITNET: BED_GDG@SHSU % Original Release: August 10, 1989 (GDG) % Modification History: August 14, 1989 \memo option added (GDG) % % This style is provided for public domain use. The author provides no % warranty, express or implied, regarding the fitness of this code for any % specific use, nor for any loss associated with its use. Any comments or % suggestions regarding enhancement of this style will be welcomed by the % author. NOTE: THIS IS A MAIN STYLE FILE AND IS NOT DESIGNED TO BE USED % AS A SUB-STYLE OF ANY EXISTING LaTeX STYLE FILES. % % Usage (example): % \documentstyle{shsulet} % \sender{George D. Greenwade} % \title{Ph.D., Director} % \dept{Center for Business and Economic Research} % \deptaddress{P. O. Box 2056\\ % Huntsville, TX 77341-2056 \hfill Bitnet: bed\_gdg@shsu} % \deptphone{(409) 294-1518} % \toname{Dr. Martin J. Anisman} % \toaddress{Office of the President\\ % Sam Houston State University \\ % Huntsville, TX 77341-2001} % \prepare{GDG:ltx} % \cc{Leslie Lamport \\ Donald E. Knuth} % \re{Letterhead style file in \LaTeX} % \attach{1}{Commands for use in {\tt shsulet.sty}} % \encl{2}{{\sl The \TeX book}\\ % {\sl \LaTeX\ A Document Preparation System}} % \letterhead % % Text of the letter. Paragraphs are block style and a proper skip is provided % so that \verb+\\+ characters are not needed. % % \closing % % Alternatively, if a memo on letterhead is desired, replace the command % \letterhead with the command \memo. This creates a memo-style document. % The code for shsulet \def\@ptsize{1} % This style uses a basic article layout \@options % in 11 point (hardcoded), which accepts sub-style \input art11.sty \relax % arguments (useful for personal styles to define % many standard definitions for a user). %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Standard article definitions % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def\labelenumi{\arabic{enumi}.} \def\theenumi{\arabic{enumi}} \def\labelenumii{(\alph{enumii})} \def\theenumii{\alph{enumii}} \def\p@enumii{\theenumi} \def\labelenumiii{\roman{enumiii}.} \def\theenumiii{\roman{enumiii}} \def\p@enumiii{\theenumi(\theenumii)} \def\labelenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}.} \def\theenumiv{\Alph{enumiv}} \def\p@enumiv{\p@enumiii\theenumiii} \def\labelitemi{$\bullet$} \def\labelitemii{\bf --} \def\labelitemiii{$\ast$} \def\labelitemiv{$\cdot$} \def\verse{\let\\=\@centercr \list{}{\itemsep\z@ \itemindent -1.5em\listparindent \itemindent \rightmargin\leftmargin\advance\leftmargin 1.5em}\item[]} \let\endverse\endlist \def\quotation{\list{}{\listparindent 1.5em \itemindent\listparindent \rightmargin\leftmargin \parsep 0pt plus 1pt}\item[]} \let\endquotation=\endlist \def\quote{\list{}{\rightmargin\leftmargin}\item[]} \let\endquote=\endlist \def\descriptionlabel#1{\hspace\labelsep \bf #1} \def\description{\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin \let\makelabel\descriptionlabel}} \let\enddescription\endlist \def\theequation{\arabic{equation}} \arraycolsep 5pt \tabcolsep 6pt \arrayrulewidth .4pt \doublerulesep 2pt \tabbingsep \labelsep \skip\@mpfootins = \skip\footins \fboxsep = 3pt \fboxrule = .4pt \newcounter{part} \newcounter {section} \newcounter {subsection}[section] \newcounter {subsubsection}[subsection] \newcounter {paragraph}[subsubsection] \newcounter {subparagraph}[paragraph] \def\thepart{\Roman{part}} \def\thesection {\arabic{section}} \def\thesubsection {\thesection.\arabic{subsection}} \def\thesubsubsection {\thesubsection .\arabic{subsubsection}} \def\theparagraph {\thesubsubsection.\arabic{paragraph}} \def\thesubparagraph {\theparagraph.\arabic{subparagraph}} \def\@pnumwidth{1.55em} \def\@tocrmarg {2.55em} \def\@dotsep{4.5} \setcounter{tocdepth}{3} \def\footnoterule{\kern-3\p@ \hrule width .4\columnwidth \kern 2.6\p@} \long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent \hbox to 1.8em{\hss$^{\@thefnmark}$}#1} \setcounter{topnumber}{2} \def\topfraction{.7} \setcounter{bottomnumber}{1} \def\bottomfraction{.3} \setcounter{totalnumber}{3} \def\textfraction{.2} \def\floatpagefraction{.5} \setcounter{dbltopnumber}{2} \def\dbltopfraction{.7} \def\dblfloatpagefraction{.5} \long\def\@makecaption#1#2{ \vskip 10pt \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1: #2} \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize \unhbox\@tempboxa\par \else \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil} \fi} \newcounter{figure} \def\thefigure{\@arabic\c@figure} \def\fps@figure{tbp} \def\ftype@figure{1} \def\ext@figure{lof} \def\fnum@figure{Figure \thefigure} \def\figure{\@float{figure}} \let\endfigure\end@float \@namedef{figure*}{\@dblfloat{figure}} \@namedef{endfigure*}{\end@dblfloat} \newcounter{table} \def\thetable{\@arabic\c@table} \def\fps@table{tbp} \def\ftype@table{2} \def\ext@table{lot} \def\fnum@table{Table \thetable} \def\table{\@float{table}} \let\endtable\end@float \@namedef{table*}{\@dblfloat{table}} \@namedef{endtable*}{\end@dblfloat} \def\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\day, \number\year} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SHSULET Style specific % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Page layouts \textwidth 6.5in \textheight 8.8in \topmargin .15in \topsep .4em \oddsidemargin 0in \headheight 9pt \headsep 12pt \parskip .7em \parindent 0pt \partopsep 0pt \itemsep .4em \raggedbottom % Penalties \@lowpenalty 51 \@medpenalty 151 \@highpenalty 301 \@beginparpenalty -\@lowpenalty \@endparpenalty -\@lowpenalty \@itempenalty -\@lowpenalty \brokenpenalty=10000 % No broken words across columns/pages \widowpenalty=10000 % No widows at bottom of page \clubpenalty=10000 % No orphans at top of page \widowpenalty=10000 % No widows at bottom of page \clubpenalty=10000 % No orphans at top of page \newdimen\headlinenames \headlinenames=\textwidth \advance \headlinenames-5mm % Information to be included -- % Legend for notes: f.p.=for personalization, f.l.=for letterhead, % f.t.=for text, f.c.=for closing \def\instname#1{\gdef\@instname{#1}} % Institution name (f.l.) \gdef\@instname{Sam Houston State University} %--Default institution SHSU \def\sender#1{\def\sender{#1}\gdef\@sender{#1}} % Sender's name (f.p.) \gdef\@sender{} \def\title#1{\gdef\@title{, #1}} % Sender's title (f.p.) \gdef\@title{} %--Default title empty \def\dept#1{\edef\dept{#1}} % Sender's department (f.l.) \def\deptphone#1{\edef\deptphone{#1}} % Sender's phone (f.l.) \def\deptaddress#1{\def\deptaddress{#1}} % Sender's address (f.l.) \def\toname#1{\gdef\@toname{To: #1} \def\toname{#1}} % Recipient's name (f.t.) \gdef\@toname{} %--Default recipient empty \def\toaddress#1{\gdef\@toaddress{#1} \def\toaddress{#1}} % Recipients address (f.t.) \gdef\@toaddress{} %--Default address empty \def\closingtext#1{\gdef\@closingtext{#1}} % Closing phrase (f.t.) \gdef\@closingtext{Sincerely,} %--Default closing is Sincerely, \def\date#1{\gdef\@date{#1}} % Date of letter (f.t.) \gdef\@date{\today} %--Default date is \today \def\nodate{\gdef\@date{ }} % Don't date letter \def\re#1{\gdef\@re{\vspace*{.1in}\ \\ RE: #1 }\gdef\topic{#1}} % Subject of letter (f.t.) \gdef\@re{} \gdef\topic{} %--Default subject is empty \def\signature#1{\gdef\@signature{#1}} % Sender's signature (f.c.) \gdef\@signature{\sender} %--Default signature is \sender \def\runhead#1{\gdef\@runhead{#1}} % User specified left heading \gdef\@runhead{} %--No specialized heading \def\downshift#1{\gdef\@downshift{#1}} \gdef\@downshift{0} \def\headertext{\ifx\@empty \@toname \let\@toname\@runhead \fi \ifx\@empty \@toname {\@date} \else {\ignorespaces\@toname \hfil \@date } \fi} \def\personalline{\ifx\@empty\@sender {} \else {\vspace*{1mm} \ \\ \hspace*{-12mm} {\sf \sender\@title} \\ } \fi} % \vspace*{.1in}\ \\ \def\prepare#1{\gdef\@prepare{\ \\ #1\ \\}} \gdef\@prepare{} \def\cc#1{\gdef\@cc{cc: \begin{tabular}[t]{l} #1 \\ \end{tabular}\ \\}} \gdef\@cc{} \def\attach#1#2{\def\attcount{#1} \def\attlist{#2} \gdef\@attach{\ \\ Attached \ifx\@empty \attcount {} %#1 {} \else {(#1)} \fi \ifx\@empty #2 {} \else {\begin{tabular}[t]{l} #2 \\ \end{tabular}\ \\} \fi }} \gdef\@attach{} \def\encl#1#2{\def\enccount{#1} \def\enclist{#2} \gdef\@encl{\ \\ Enclosed \ifx\@empty \enccount {} %#1 {} \else {(#1)} \fi \ifx\@empty #2 {} \else {\begin{tabular}[t]{l} #2 \\ \end{tabular}\ \\} \fi }} \gdef\@encl{} \def\ps@headings{\def\@oddhead{\sl \headertext \hfil Page \thepage}\def\@oddfoot{}} \def\ps@empty{\def\@oddhead{}\def\@oddfoot{}\def\@evenhead{}\def\@evenfoot{}} \pagestyle{headings} \thispagestyle{empty} \pagenumbering{arabic} \def\letterhead{\begin{document} \vspace*{-.8in} \begin{center} {\Huge\bf \@instname}\\ \end{center} {\large \sc \begin{tabular}[t]{p{\headlinenames}} \dept \hfill \deptphone \\ \deptaddress \\ \end{tabular}}\newline \rule[.7ex]{6.5in}{.4mm}\\ \ifx\@empty \personalline \vspace*{-.5in}\\ \else \personalline \\ \fi \rule{0pt}{\@downshift in}\\ \@date\\ \ifx\@empty \@toname {} \else {\vspace*{.1in}\ \\ \hspace*{-2mm}\begin{tabular}{l} \toname \\ \end{tabular}\ \\ }\fi \ifx\@empty \@toaddress {} \else {\hspace*{-2mm}\begin{tabular}{l} \toaddress \\ \end{tabular}\ \\} \fi \@re } \def\memo{\begin{document} \vspace*{-.8in} \begin{center} {\Huge\bf \@instname}\\ \end{center} {\large \sc \begin{tabular}[t]{p{\headlinenames}} \dept \hfill \deptphone \\ \deptaddress \\ \end{tabular}}\newline \rule[.7ex]{6.5in}{.4mm}\\ \ifx\@empty \personalline \vspace*{-.5in}\\ \else \personalline \fi \vspace*{-3mm} \begin{center} {\large\bf MEMORANDUM} \end{center} {%\vspace*{.1in}\ \\ \hspace*{-2mm}\begin{tabular}{ll} To: & \toname \\ %\\ From: \rule{0pt}{5mm} & \@signature \\ %\\ Date: \rule{0pt}{5mm} & \@date \\ %@re RE: \rule{0pt}{5mm} & \topic \\ \end{tabular}\ \\ } \closingtext{} \signature{\vspace*{-.8in}} } \def\closing{\vspace*{\parskip} \begin{minipage}{6in} \@closingtext\ \\ \vspace*{.4in} \ \\ \@signature\ \\ \ifx\@empty \@prepare {} \else {\@prepare} \fi \ifx\@empty \@cc {} \else {\@cc} \fi \ifx\@empty \@attach {} \else {\@attach} \fi \ifx\@empty \@encl {} \else {\@encl} \fi \end{minipage} \end{document} } \def\letterheadcopy{\begin{document} \vspace*{-.8in} \begin{center} {\Huge\bf \@instname}\\ \end{center} {\large \sc \begin{tabular}[t]{p{\headlinenames}} \dept \hfill \deptphone \\ \deptaddress \\ \end{tabular}}\newline \rule[.7ex]{6.5in}{.4mm}\\ \ifx\@empty \personalline \vspace*{-.5in}\\ \else \personalline \\ \fi \rule{0pt}{\@downshift in}\\ \@date \rule{4in}{0pt}{\huge\bf COPY}\\ \ifx\@empty \@toname {} \else {\vspace*{.1in}\ \\ \hspace*{-2mm}\begin{tabular}{l} \toname \\ \end{tabular}\ \\ }\fi \ifx\@empty \@toaddress {} \else {\hspace*{-2mm}\begin{tabular}{l} \toaddress \\ \end{tabular}\ \\} \fi \@re }