% Article sub-style JBS.STY % Usage: \documentstyle[jbs]{article} % REQUIRED COMMANDS LISTED BELOW % optional commands listed below % \setcounter{page}{foo} --`foo' is first page number for article % \begin{document} % \leadpagelayout % blank line % Text as usual % \typeout { } \typeout{Article document style `jbs' for the Journal of Business Strategies} \typeout { } % Basic layouts for Journal of Business Strategies--released July 3, 1988 % % Copyright (c) 1988 by George D. Greenwade (BED_GDG@SHSU.BITNET) % Center for Business and Economic Research % Sam Houston State University % Huntsville, Texas 77341-2056 % % Must include the following definitions in the preamble of the document: %% \vol{foo} -- `foo' is Volume number for the article %% \no{foo} -- `foo' is Number in the Volume %% \issue{foo} -- `foo' is issue (i.e., Spring or Fall) %% \yr{foo} -- `foo' is year of publication %% \runhead{foo} -- `foo' is running head for odd-numbered (right-hand) pages %% \title{foo} -- `foo' is titlepage title (insert breaks with \cr) %% \author{foo} -- `foo' is lead author's name %% \affil{foo} -- `foo' is lead author's affiliation (insert breaks with \cr) %% Defaults intentionally not specified as each article is %% unique in these aspects. Failure to specify any of these %% results in "command not specified" error. % Optional entries in preamble: %% Present design allows for up to two additional co-authors with unique %% affiliations (total of three authors and affiliations). %% \authorii{foo} -- `foo' is first co-author (second author) %% \affilii{foo} -- `foo' is authorii's affiliation %% \authoriii{foo} -- `foo' is second co-author (third author) %% \affiliii{foo} -- `foo' is authoriii's affiliation % BASIC SETUPS AND LAYOUTS \ds@twoside % First, we use two-sided layout for the JBS. \input{art12.sty} % To generate photo-ready copy for reduction to a \textwidth6in % finished 6X9 book, we print in 12 point using a \textheight9in % 6X9 text definition. This reduces nicely. We \topmargin-12pt % have found that virtually all stray toner marks \oddsidemargin.75in % are essentially erased out in the reduction process. \evensidemargin.75in \headheight11pt \headsep7mm \pagestyle{empty} \thispagestyle{plain} % CREATE BOXES \newbox\topheadlinebox % These are the boxes which are utilized in \newbox\titlebox % the various centering processes defined below. \newbox\bottomheadlinebox \newbox\authorbox \newbox\affilbox % DEFINE VARIOUS ARTICLE SPECIFIC VARIABLES \def\vol#1{\edef\vol{#1}} % Volume number \def\no#1{\edef\no{#1}} % Number within the Volume \def\issue#1{\edef\issue{#1}} % Issue (Fall or Spring) \def\yr#1{\edef\yr{#1}} % Year of publication \def\runhead#1{\edef\runhead{#1}} % Running header (Author: Title) % DEFINE PAGE HEADERS \evenpageheader and \oddpageheader % A variation from HEADERFOOTER.STY, copyright (c) 1987 by Stephen Gildea \newcommand\evenpageheader[3]{\def\@evenhead {\rlap{#1}\hss{#2}\hss\llap{#3}}} \newcommand\oddpageheader[3]{\def\@oddhead {\rlap{#1}\hss{#2}\hss\llap{#3}}} % PAGE HEADERS AND LEAD FOOTNOTE \evenpageheader{\bf \thepage}{\large\em Journal of Business Strategies} {\bf Vol.~\vol, No.~\no} \oddpageheader{\bf \issue\ \yr}{\large\em \runhead}{\bf \thepage} \long\def\leadfn{\footnotetext[0]{\hspace*{-6mm}\small {\em Journal of Business Strategies}, Volume \vol, Number \no\ (\issue\ \yr)}} % CENTERING COMMAND \CenterBox % A variation from VERTEX.TEX, copyright (c) 1987 by Hal R. Varian %% #1 - name of box %% #2 - font used in box %% #3 - baselineskip for box %% #4 - text of box, separated by \cr \def\CenterBox#1#2#3#4{% \global\setbox#1=\vbox{\baselineskip=#3\halign{#2\hfil##\hfil\cr#4\crcr}}} % SPECIAL FONT DEFINITIONS USED IN CENTERING OF LEAD PAGE ELEMENTS \def\titlefont{\Large\sc} \def\authorfont{\large\sl} \def\affilfont{\twlrm} % MAKE NEEDED CENTERED ELEMENTS FOR LEAD PAGE \def\CenteredTitle#1{ \CenterBox \titlebox \titlefont {20pt} {#1}} \def\CenteredAuthor#1{ \CenterBox \authorbox \authorfont \normalbaselineskip {#1}} \def\CenteredAffil#1{ \CenterBox \affilbox \affilfont {14pt}%\normalbaselineskip {#1}} % MAKE CENTERED RULES FOR ABOVE AND BELOW TITLEBOX %% Upper rule \global\setbox\topheadlinebox\vbox{\baselineskip\normalbaselineskip \halign{\titlefont\hfil#\hfil\cr{\vrule width6in height.7mm}\crcr}} %% Lower rule \global\setbox\bottomheadlinebox\vbox{\baselineskip\normalbaselineskip \halign{\titlefont\hfil#\hfil\cr{\vrule width6in height.7mm}\crcr}} % IF MULTIPLE AUTHORS \newif\ifauthorii \global\authoriifalse \newif\ifauthoriii \global\authoriiifalse \def\CenteredAuthorII#1{ \global\authoriitrue \newbox\authoriibox \CenterBox \authoriibox \authorfont \normalbaselineskip {#1}} \def\CenteredAffilII#1{ \newbox\affiliibox \CenterBox \affiliibox \affilfont {14pt}%\normalbaselineskip {#1}} \def\CenteredAuthorIII#1{ \global\authoriiitrue \newbox\authoriiibox \CenterBox \authoriiibox \authorfont \normalbaselineskip {#1}} \def\CenteredAffilIII#1{ \newbox\affiliiibox \CenterBox \affiliiibox \affilfont {14pt}%\normalbaselineskip {#1}} % DEFINE AND PLACE IN BOXES: TITLE, AUTHOR, AND AFFILIATION \long\def\title#1{\CenteredTitle{#1}} \def\author#1{\CenteredAuthor{#1}} \long\def\affil#1{\CenteredAffil{#1}} \def\authorii#1{\CenteredAuthorII{#1}} \long\def\affilii#1{\CenteredAffilII{#1}} \def\authoriii#1{\CenteredAuthorIII{#1}} \long\def\affiliii#1{\CenteredAffilIII{#1}} % DEFINE \leadpagelayout TO INVOKE THE LEAD PAGE LAYOUT \def\leadpagelayout{{\vbox{ \@@line{\hfil\box\topheadlinebox\hfil} % Centered line \vskip.3pc \@@line{\hfil\box\titlebox\hfil} % Centered title \vskip-.2pc \@@line{\hfil\box\bottomheadlinebox\hfil} % Centered line \vskip.8pc \@@line{\hfil\box\authorbox\hfil} % Author's name (centered) \vskip.2pc \@@line{\hfil\box\affilbox\hfil} % Author's affiliation (centered) \ifauthorii {\vskip.6pc \@@line{\hfil\box\authoriibox\hfil} % 2nd Author's name (centered) \vskip.2pc \@@line{\hfil\box\affiliibox\hfil}} % 2nd Author's affiliation (centered) \fi \ifauthoriii {\vskip.6pc \@@line{\hfil\box\authoriiibox\hfil} % 3rd Author's name (centered) \vskip.2pc \@@line{\hfil\box\affiliiibox\hfil}} % 3rd Author's affiliation (centered) \fi \vskip1pc}} \leadfn} % Generate lead-page footnote