% This is ESPERANT.TEX or ESPERANT.DOC or ESPERANT.STY, % Vers. 1.1.a 10-DEC-1991, % % (c) 1991 J"org Knappen % knappen@vkpmzd.kph.uni-mainz.de % % Usage conditions: GNU-licence, Version 1.0 % This includes the right to copy this file free and distribute the % copies, as long as no money is taken for it and as long as this file % remains unchanged. % % by J. Knappen, Uni Mainz, using GERMAN.STY 2.3d, collected by % H. Partl, TU Wien, deutsch.sty by J. Schrod, Darmstadt, % and espo.sty (anonymous). % Contributers to these files are included by reference. % % Thanks to Derk Ederveen and E. T. Grimley-Evans for correcting the terms % in \captionsesperanto % % DOCUMENT STYLE OPTION for writing esperanto texts % with TeX version 2.x (Plain TeX) or with LaTeX version 2.09. % % It can be called via % \input esperant % or (with LaTeX) via % \documentstyle[esperant]{anystyle} % % The name ``esperant.sty'' (without o) is choosen purposefully, because % there are a lot of computers out there, which cannot handle filenames % consisting of more than 8 letters. % % This file is different from ``esperanto.sty'' by J. L. Braams, to be used % with the babel system % % Commands to be used by the end users: % % ^c, ^g, ^h, ^j, ^s create the esperanto circumflexed consonants % ^C, ^G, ^H, ^J, ^S ditto, uppercase versions % ^u, ^U create the esperanto u-breve (\u{u}) % if you need an u-circumflex, write \^u % ^| Morpheme boundary to assist correct hyphenation % % \captionsesperanto switches the captions to esperanto % \dateesperanto switches \today to produce the date in e-o % \hodiau produces the current date in esperanto % \hodiaun produces the current date in esperanto, accusative % % \captionsenglish switches the captions back to english % \dateUSenglish does the same for the date % \dateenglish switches to british english date % % You can change each caption if you want. E. g. if you prefer % ``vd. anka^u'' instead of ``vidu anka^u'', say % \renewcommand{\seealsoname}{vd.~anka\u{u}} % % \Esper, \esper allow you to count by the letters of the esperanto % alphabet (A, B, C, ^C, D, ...). You can redefine % \Alph into \Esper by % \let\Alph=\Esper % I leave this purposefully to % you as the end user and don't turn it on as default % % Notes: % % This file can be used both with Plain TeX and with LaTeX and other % macro packages, and with the original TeX and LaTeX fonts. Usage % of esperanto hyphenation patterns is recommended to accompany this % style file when writing esperanto texts. % % Derk Ederveen (D.Ederveen@pttrl.nl) has prepared esperanto hyphenation % patterns, supporting the ``cx''-notation. Obviously, these ones are not % optimal, but a good try. Alternatively, you might try % italian or portugese hyphenation patterns. (Both are available on several % servers.) % % The file should be read in vertical mode only (usually at the % beginning of the document) to avoid spurious spaces. % % \undefined must be an undefined control sequence. % % Multiple calls of this file (e.g. at the beginning of each subfile) % will do no harm. Only the first call (i.e., if \EsperantoOn is undefined) % performs all the definitions and settings. Later calls only switch % to \EsperantoOn. % % The catcode of @ remains unchanged after processing of this file. % All definitions are global, the switching on of the esperanto options % is local. % % The commands \EsperantoOn, \EsperantoOff, \modifiedhaton, modifiedhatoff and % \selectlanguage are ``fragile'' with LaTeX and should not be used % within arguments of macro calls. % % In Plain TeX, `\protect' should be \let to `\relax' normally and to % something like `\string' inside the arguments of `\write' or `\message' % (see LaTeX.TEX for all the details). % % The current version has been designed for TeX versions 1 and 2. % When used with TeX version 3 or with MLTeX by M.Ferguson, the % setting of the \language counter and/or calls of \setlanugage % have to be inserted into the definition of the \selectlanguage % command, with values that are appropriate for the hyphenation patterns % loaded into the FMT file by IniTeX. % % Since ^ has a different catcode (\active) and a different meaning % than in original TeX, special care has to be taken if ^ is to be % used in its original meaning. % % WARNINGS: % % If you want to use `verbatim.sty' by R. Schoepf, this must be read before % you read in `esperant.sty'. The same is true for every style option which % makes use of the ^^-Notation. % % If you use `endnotes.sty' by J. Lavigno, you should read it before % esperant.sty. Otherwise, it will overwrite \notesname again. % % \ifundefined{EsperantoOn} or \EsperantoOn=\relax \expandafter\ifx\csname EsperantoOn\endcsname\relax % \then go ahead \else do nothing \else \endinput \fi \message{Document Style Option `esperant' Version 1.1a of 10-OKT-1991} % \ifundefined{protect} (plain TeX) \ifx\protect\undefined % \then define it \let\protect=\relax \fi {% begin a group ... \catcode`\@=11 % \makeatletter % Part one: % Define the \allowhyphens hack \gdef\allowhyphens{\penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip} % {\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 0pt\relax} % % Part two % add the ^ to the definitions of dospecials and sanitize: % Don't ask me on the meaning of this! (JK) % \begingroup \def\do{\noexpand\do\noexpand}% % note that "\xdef" means "\global\edef" \xdef\dospecials{\dospecials\do\^}% % not ( \ifundefined{@sanitize} or \@sanitize=\relax ) = if LaTeX \expandafter\ifx\csname @sanitize\endcsname\relax \else \def\@makeother{\noexpand\@makeother\noexpand}% \xdef\@sanitize{\@sanitize\@makeother\^}% \fi \endgroup % Part three: % define all the funny things the hat does \gdef\modifiedhaton{\catcode`\^\active} \gdef\modifiedhatoff{\catcode`\^7 } {\modifiedhaton \gdef^{\protect\ph@t} \gdef\ph@t#1{\ifmmode\sp{#1} \else\ifx#1u\u u\allowhyphens% ^u gives breve on u \else\ifx#1U\u U\allowhyphens% and ^U gives one on U (rare) \else\ifx#1h{h\llap{\^{}}}\allowhyphens% ^h mustn't be too tall \else\ifx#1j{\^\j}\allowhyphens% ^j requires undotted j \else\ifx#1|\discretionary{-}{}{}\allowhyphens% morpheme boundary \else{\^{#1}}\allowhyphens% Normal circumflexing \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi} } % end of \modifiedhaton % Part four: % Define the date and the captions of LaTeX \gdef\dateesperanto{\def\today{la \number\day a de \ifcase\month\or januaro\or februaro\or marto\or aprilo\or majo\or junio\or julio\or a\u{u}gusto\or septembro\or oktobro\or novembro\or decembro\fi,\space \number\year}% \global\let\hodiau=\today} \gdef\hodiaun{la \number\day an de \ifcase\month\or januaro\or februaro\or marto\or aprilo\or majo\or junio\or julio\or a\u{u}gusto\or septembro\or oktobro\or novembro\or decembro\fi,\space \number\year} \gdef\dateUSenglish{\def\today{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space\number\day, \number\year}} \gdef\dateenglish{\def\today{\ifcase\day\or 1st\or 2nd\or 3rd\or 4th\or 5th\or 6th\or 7th\or 8th\or 9th\or 10th\or 11th\or 12th\or 13th\or 14th\or 15th\or 16th\or 17th\or 18th\or 19th\or 20th\or 21st\or 22nd\or 23rd\or 24th\or 25th\or 26th\or 27th\or 28th\or 29th\or 30th\or 31st\fi ~\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi \space \number\year}} % Skip this block, if you allready have LaTeX 2.09 from 1-DEC-1991 or % any newer version. If not, read it carefully. % % Here is, how you can modify the LaTeX document style files and option % files, to benefit from the following \captionsxxxxx commands. Def's like % \def\tableofcontents{\section*{Contents\markboth{CONTENTS}{CONTENTS}} % \@starttoc{toc}} % should be redefined by def's like % \def\contentsname{Contents} % <--- % \def\tableofcontents{\section*{\contentsname % \markboth{\uppercase{\contentsname}}{\uppercase{\contentsname}}} % \@starttoc{toc}} % % (it's best to put all these new lines to the end of the original files), % and of course, you should modify the change date in the file header and % in the \typeout command. % You need not do this yourself - rather, retrieve "International LaTeX" % (e.g. from the DANTE server LISTSERV@DHDURZ1 on Bitnet) ! % Or via ftp from (Stuttgart) or any other of the well-known % TeXservers. % % If your LaTeX dates from 1-Dec-1991 or later, you don't need ILateX % any longer -- and if not, update your LaTeX. % % The list of names is based on the proposal of H. Partl, but is enlarged % by the following ones % \seename, \seealsoname, and prefacename (J. Schrod, deutsch.sty) % \subjectname, % and \notesname. % \gdef\captionsesperanto{% \def\contentsname{Enhavo}% \def\listfigurename{Listo de figuroj}% \def\listtablename{Listo de tabeloj}% \def\abstractname{Resumo}% \def\partname{Parto}% \def\chaptername{\^Capitro}% \def\prefacename{Anta\u{u}parolo}% \def\appendixname{Apendico}% \def\refname{Cita\^joj}% \def\bibname{Bibliografio}% \def\indexname{Indekso}% \def\figurename{Figuro}% \def\tablename{Tabelo}% \def\pagename{Pa\^go}% \def\seename{vidu}% a^u: vd. \def\alsoname{vidu anka\u{u}}% a^u: vd. anka\u{u} \def\notesname{Rimarkoj}% endnotes.sty \def\enclname{Aldono(j)}% \def\ccname{Kopie al}% \def\headtoname{Al}% \def\subjectname{Temo}% } \gdef\captionsenglish{% \def\prefacename{Preface}% \def\refname{References}% \def\abstractname{Abstract}% \def\bibname{Bibliography}% \def\chaptername{Chapter}% \def\appendixname{Appendix}% \def\contentsname{Contents}% \def\listfigurename{List of Figures}% \def\listtablename{List of Tables}% \def\indexname{Index}% \def\figurename{Figure}% \def\tablename{Table}% \def\partname{Part}% \def\enclname{encl}% \def\ccname{cc}% \def\headtoname{To}% \def\pagename{Page}% \def\seename{see}% \def\alsoname{see also}% \def\notesname{Notes}% \def\subjectname{Subject}% } % Part four a: % Define \Esper and \esper \gdef\esper#1{\@esper{\@nameuse{c@#1}}} \gdef\Esper#1{\@Esper{\@nameuse{c@#1}}} \gdef\@esper#1{\ifcase#1\or a\or b\or c\or \^c\or d\else\@iesper{#1}\fi} \gdef\@iesper#1{\ifcase#1\or \or \or \or \or \or \or e\or f\or g\or \^g\or h\or h\llap\^{}\or i\or j\or \^\j\or k% \or l\or m\or n\or o\or p\or r\or s\or \^s\or t\or u\or \u{u}\or v% \or z\else\@ctrerr\fi} \gdef\@Esper#1{\ifcase#1\or A\or B\or C\or \^C\or D\else\@Iesper{#1}\fi} \gdef\@Iesper#1{\ifcase#1\or \or \or \or \or \or E\or F\or G\or \^G\or H% \or \^H\or I\or J\or \^J\or K\or L\or M\or N\or O\or P\or R\or S\or \^S\or T% \or U\or \u{U}\or V\or Z\else\@ctrerr\fi} % Part five: % Define the new counter language to switch date and captions \newcount\l@nguage % % This will be re-declared as \language if the latter has not yet been % declared neither by Ferguson's ``Multilingual T^eX'' nor by TeX 3: % \ifundefined{language} \expandafter\ifx\csname language\endcsname\relax \global\let\language=\l@nguage \fi % \newcount\USenglish \global\USenglish=0 \newcount\esperanto \global\esperanto=1 \newcount\english \global\english=2 % \gdef\selectlanguage#1{% \expandafter\ifcase #1\relax \dateUSenglish \captionsenglish \or \dateesperanto \captionsesperanto \or \dateenglish \captionsenglish \fi} % Note: If used with TeX version 3 or with multi-lingual TeX by M.Ferguson, % commands like % \language=#1\relax % and/or % \setlanguage{...} % should be inserted into the above definition in order to switch on the % correct hyphenation patterns. % % \ifundefined{setlanguage} (= TeX version < 3 ) \expandafter\ifx\csname setlanguage\endcsname\relax \global\let\setlanguage=\selectlanguage \fi % % Part six: % Define the switches between esperanto and original TeX \gdef\EsperantoOff{\modifiedhatoff} \gdef\EsperantoOn{\modifiedhaton} } % ... return to previous catcodes % % Now, switch on what is appropriate for esperanto: % \EsperantoOn \selectlanguage{\esperanto} % This is the end of ESPERANTO.STY/DOC/TEX. \endinput