% Save file as: ESLIDES.STY Source: FILESERV@SHSU.BITNET %----------------------(begin of file eslides.sty)----------------------------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % % An Easy Way Making Slides With LaTeX % % (TUGboat, vol. 11, No. 2 (1990), pp. 280-283) % % by Georg Denk, Mathematisches Institut, TU Muenchen % % % % This small style file makes it easy to produce slides for % % the presentation of an {article} document: % % % % * adjust the \logo definition for your purpose (see below) % % * add the style option eslides % % * initialize \magnification (e.g. \magnification{1440}) % % and \conference (e.g. \renewcommand{\conference}{\LaTeX course}) % * put some \begin{slide} and \end{slide} around the parts you % % want to present as seperate slides % % * comment out the rest % % * run LaTeX % % * print the DVI file with the option "magnify the output" % % (with the same magnification as above) % % % % NOTE: On some output devices it may be necessary to change the % % order of the \devide and \multiply sequences with the % % \addtolength{..}{-1in} block (e.g. for Textures on the % % Mac). This is due to a non-standard offset (upper-left % % corner of the page for printing and 1 inch below and right % % for LaTeX. % % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \typeout{***** eslides.sty created by G. Denk <5 Feb 1990>} % \setlength{\unitlength}{1.cm} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{1cm} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{1cm} \setlength{\topmargin}{2.0cm} \setlength{\headheight}{20pt} \setlength{\headsep}{10pt} \setlength{\footskip}{10pt} \setlength{\footheight}{1cm} \setlength{\textwidth}{19cm} % DIN A 4: width of the sheet - 2cm \setlength{\textheight}{20cm} % DIN A 4: \textwidth + 1cm \setlength{\parskip}{10pt} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % \newcommand{\magnification}[1]{ \gdef\mag{#1} % \gdef, because it may be used for % a \magnification-dependent \def % of \logo % \typeout{} \typeout{***** Don't forget: magnification = \mag} \typeout{} % \divide\unitlength by \mag \multiply\unitlength by 1000 % \divide\textwidth by \mag \multiply\textwidth by 1000 % \divide\textheight by \mag \multiply\textheight by 1000 % \divide\topmargin by \mag \multiply\topmargin by 1000 % \divide\evensidemargin by \mag % only for magnification \multiply\evensidemargin by 1000 % by the output device % \divide\oddsidemargin by \mag % only for magnification \multiply\oddsidemargin by 1000 % by the output device % % \newdimen\hilfsdim % only for magnification % \hilfsdim = 10.5cm % 1/2 of sheet width % by a photocopying % \advance\hilfsdim by -\oddsidemargin % machine % \divide\hilfsdim by \magnification % only for magnification % \multiply\hilfsdim by 1000 % by a photocopying % \oddsidemargin = 10.5cm % machine % \advance\oddsidemargin by -\hilfsdim % only for magnification % % % by a photocopying % \hilfsdim = 10.5cm % machine % \advance\hilfsdim by -\evensidemargin % only for magnification % \divide\hilfsdim by \magnification % by a photocopying % \multiply\hilfsdim by 1000 % machine % \evensidemargin = 10.5cm % only for magnification % \advance\evensidemargin by -\hilfsdim % by a photocopying % % machine } % end \newcommand % \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in} % used only, if voffset = 1in \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-1in} % hoffset = 1in \addtolength{\topmargin}{-1in} % skip, if voffset = 0, hoffset = 0 % \newenvironment{slide}% {\vspace*{\fill}}% {\vspace*{\fill}\clearpage} % \newenvironment{remark}% {\def\thepage{\rm Remark to \arabic{page}}% \addtocounter{page}{-1}% \vspace*{\fill}}% {\vspace*{\fill}\clearpage% \def\thepage{\arabic{page}}} % \newcommand{\conference}{ } % \def\logo{{\setlength{\unitlength}{1.00mm} \divide\unitlength by \mag \multiply\unitlength by 1000 % here you should put something like a \picture-d logo % of your university or company or anything you like }} % end def \logo % \def\ps@myslide{\let\@mkboth\markboth \def\@oddfoot{\parbox{\textwidth}% {\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[-3pt] \mbox{}\logo\hfill\scriptsize\conference\hfill\scriptsize\thepage}}% \def\@oddhead{\parbox{\textwidth}% {\hbox{}\hfill\small\rightmark\hfill\hbox{}\\[-5pt] \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}}}% \def\@evenfoot{\parbox{\textwidth}% {\rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}\\[-3pt] \mbox{}\logo\hfill\scriptsize\conference\hfill\scriptsize\thepage}}% \def\@evenhead{\parbox{\textwidth}% {\hbox{}\hfill\small\rightmark\hfill\hbox{}\\[-5pt] \rule{\textwidth}{0.4pt}}}% \def\sectionmark##1{}\def\subsectionmark##1{}} %------------------------(end of file)----------------------------------------