% Envelopes % Latex option file to print addresses onto a business envelope fed through the % manual paper feed on an Apple LaserWriter II NT % SAMPLE FILE : % %\documentstyle[12pt,envelope]{article} %\begin{document} %\from{name\\ address\\ city/state} %define return address %\to{name\\ address\\ city/state} %define destination address %\envelope %actually create envelope %\end{document} % %Create postscript file with DVIOUT/LANDSCAPE {\it filename}}. % %Feed envelope into printer through manual feed rack with printing side up and %with the left edge of the envelope the edge with the flap. % % Heather Sherman, March 10, 1989 \pagestyle{empty} \textheight=7.0in \textwidth=7.5in \topmargin=-1.5in \oddsidemargin=0.75in \def\from#1{\def\@from{#1}} \def\to#1{\def\@to{#1}} \def\@from{\mbox{}} \def\@to{\mbox{}} \def\envelope{ \clearpage \vspace*{2.1in} \parbox[t]{3.5in}{ \begin{flushleft} \@from \end{flushleft} } \parbox[t]{3.5in}{ \vspace*{1.5in} \begin{flushleft} \@to \end{flushleft} } }