%% Except where otherwise indicated this code was originally written %% by, and continues to be maintained by, Marcel Oliver. It is released %% into the public domain. %% Where otherwise indicated, code is covered by the licensing terms of %% the original packages. %% The above statement was added 2009/01/05 by Clea F. Rees on behalf %% of the author. %% %% Installation file for UA Classes %% %% by Marcel Oliver, 1996/05/09 %% \def\batchfile{ua-classes.ins} \input docstrip.tex \preamble %% Except where otherwise indicated this code was originally written %% by, and continues to be maintained by, Marcel Oliver. It is released %% into the public domain. %% Where otherwise indicated, code is covered by the licensing terms of %% the original packages. %% The above statement was added 2009/01/05 by Clea F. Rees on behalf %% of the author. \endpreamble \keepsilent \generateFile{ua-thesis.cls}{t}{% \from{ua-classes.dtx}{ua-thesis}} \generateFile{my-thesis.cls}{t}{% \from{ua-classes.dtx}{my-thesis}} \generateFile{ua-title.sty}{t}{% \from{ua-classes.dtx}{ua-title}} \generateFile{my-title.sty}{t}{% \from{ua-classes.dtx}{my-title}}