RM=rm -f SHELL=sh VERSION=0.1 JUNKS=*.aux *.toc *.idx *.glo *.dvi *.log *.lof *.ist *.ilg *.ind *.gls *.out *.tmp *~ help: @echo '**********************************************' @echo ' The following targets exist: ' @echo ' - all: All targets below ' @echo ' - unpack: Unpacks the tpslifonts package ' @echo ' - pack: Packs the package ' @echo ' - doc: Builds tpslifonts documentation ' @echo ' - clean: Remove all generate/junk files ' @echo '**********************************************' unpack: latex tpslifonts.ins @echo '**********************************************' @echo ' To make tpslifonts package documentation ' @echo ' % make doc ' @echo '**********************************************' all: unpack doc doc: tpslifonts.dtx latex tpslifonts.dtx latex tpslifonts.dtx makeindex -s gglo.ist -o tpslifonts.gls tpslifonts.glo makeindex -s gind.ist -o tpslifonts.ind tpslifonts.idx latex tpslifonts.dtx pack: clean -(cd ..; cp -r tpslifonts tpslifonts-$(VERSION); \ tar cvfz tpslifonts-$(VERSION).tgz tpslifonts-$(VERSION)) clean: @$(RM) $(JUNKS) tpslifonts.sty @echo The current directory has been cleaned up.