sdapslayout package

This package provides a set of more complex layouting options on top of the sdapsarray package. The following environments are provided:

The rangearray is not quite as powerful, as it does not expose some of the sdapsarray options to the user. Note that much more complex custom layouts can be created directly with sdapsarray.


The documentation here is currently incomplete! Pleases refer to the sdapsclassic choicegroup and markgroup documentation!

\begin{choicearray} [kwargs]


The following optional keyword parameters can be passed to the environment. These keyword parameters default to the values provided in the SDAPS context and can for example be modified globally for the document.

Keyword Arguments
  • align – named alignment group, set to a common name to align multiple environments to each other

  • noalign – disable alignment (same as setting align to an empty value)

  • horizontal – set horizontal mode where each question is one row (default)

  • layouter – set the sdapsarray layouter (e.g. rotated for rotated column headers)

  • angle – set the angle of the column headers when in rotated mode

  • vertical – set vertical mode where each question is one column

  • type – the question type “multichoice” or “singlechoice”

  • multichoice – switch to multichoice “Choice” question mode

  • singlechoice – switch to singlechoice “Option” question mode

The choicearray environment represents a tabular layout for a set of multiple choice questions which have the same possible answers. A new header is created in the metadata to group the questions.


The header is currently not shown in the PDF and it cannot contain fragile content due to implementation constraints! This is an issue with the class which will be fixed. The exact final behaviour is not yet specified.

  \choice{Choice 1}
  \choice{Choice 2}
  \question{Question one}
  \question{Question two}

  \choice{Choice 1}
  \choice{Choice 2}
  \question{Question one}
  \question{Question two}

Example of a choicearray environment

  \choice{Choice 1}
  \choice{Choice 2}
  \question{Question one}
  \question{Question two}

  \choice{Choice 1}
  \choice{Choice 2}
  \question{Question one}
  \question{Question two}

Example of a vertical choicearray environment


Right now all arguments can be overriden, this should not be the case. It would be correct if the variable name is loaded from the kwargs, and then the defaults for align and horizontal/vertical should be applied

Inside the environment you need to first define all possible answers with choice macro and each question using the question macro.

\begin{optionarray} []



Uh, document this.

\begin{rangearray} []



Uh, document this.