#!/usr/bin/env texlua --[[ File l3build.lua Copyright (C) 2014-2024 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] -- Version information release_date = "2024-10-08" -- File operations are aided by the LuaFileSystem module local lfs = require("lfs") -- Local access to functions local ipairs = ipairs local insert = table.insert local lookup = kpse.lookup local match = string.match local gsub = string.gsub local next = next local print = print local exit = os.exit local open = io.open -- l3build setup and functions kpse.set_program_name("kpsewhich") build_kpse_path = match(lookup("l3build.lua"),"(.*[/])") local function build_require(s) require(lookup("l3build-"..s..".lua", { path = build_kpse_path } ) ) end -- Minimal code to do basic checks build_require("arguments") build_require("help") build_require("file-functions") build_require("typesetting") build_require("aux") build_require("clean") build_require("check") build_require("ctan") build_require("install") build_require("unpack") build_require("manifest") build_require("manifest-setup") build_require("tagging") build_require("upload") build_require("stdmain") -- This has to come after stdmain(), -- and that has to come after the functions are defined if options["target"] == "help" then help() exit(0) elseif options["target"] == "version" then version() exit(0) end -- Look for some configuration details if fileexists("build.lua") then dofile("build.lua") else print("Error: Cannot find configuration build.lua") exit(1) end -- Load standard settings for variables: -- comes after any user versions build_require("variables") -- Ensure that directories are 'space safe' maindir = escapepath(maindir) docfiledir = escapepath(docfiledir) sourcefiledir = escapepath(sourcefiledir) supportdir = escapepath(supportdir) testfiledir = escapepath(testfiledir) testsuppdir = escapepath(testsuppdir) builddir = escapepath(builddir) distribdir = escapepath(distribdir) localdir = escapepath(localdir) resultdir = escapepath(resultdir) testdir = escapepath(testdir) typesetdir = escapepath(typesetdir) unpackdir = escapepath(unpackdir) -- Tidy up the epoch setting -- Force an epoch if set at the command line -- Must be done after loading variables, etc. if options["epoch"] then epoch = options["epoch"] forcecheckepoch = true forcedocepoch = true end epoch = normalise_epoch(epoch) -- LuaTeX needs the `-utc` option if forcecheckepoch then if next(specialformats) and next(specialformats.latex) and next (specialformats.latex.luatex) then local options = specialformats.latex.luatex.options specialformats.latex.luatex.options = (options and (options .. " ") or "") .. "-utc" end if next(specialformats) and next(specialformats["latex-dev"]) and next (specialformats["latex-dev"].luatex) then local options = specialformats["latex-dev"].luatex.options specialformats["latex-dev"].luatex.options = (options and (options .. " ") or "") .. "-utc" end end if forcedocepoch then if match(typesetexe,"luatex") or match(typesetexe,"lualatex") then typesetopts = typesetopts .. " -utc" end end -- -- Deal with multiple configs for tests -- -- When we have specific files to deal with, only use explicit configs -- (or just the default one) if options["names"] then checkconfigs = options["config"] or {"build"} else checkconfigs = options["config"] or checkconfigs end if #checkconfigs > 1 then if options["target"] == "check" or options["target"] == "bundlecheck" then local errorlevel = 0 local failed = { } for i = 1, #checkconfigs do options["config"] = {checkconfigs[i]} errorlevel = call({"."}, "check", options) if errorlevel ~= 0 then if options["halt-on-error"] then exit(1) else insert(failed,checkconfigs[i]) end end end if next(failed) then for _,config in ipairs(failed) do checkdiff(config) end if options["show-saves"] then local savecmds, recheckcmds = "", "" for _,config in ipairs(failed) do local testdir = testdir if config ~= "build" then testdir = testdir .. "-" .. config end local f = open(testdir .. "/.savecommands") if not f then print("Error: Cannot find save commands for configuration \"" .. config .. "\"") exit(2) end for line in f:lines() do if line == "" then break end savecmds = savecmds .. " " .. line .. "\n" end for line in f:lines() do recheckcmds = recheckcmds .. " " .. line .. "\n" end f:close() end print"To regenerate the test files, run\n" print(savecmds) if recheckcmds ~= "" and #checkengines ~= 1 then print"To detect engine-specific differences, run after that\n" print(recheckcmds) end end exit(1) else -- Avoid running the 'main' set of tests twice exit(0) end elseif options["target"] == "clean" then local failure for i = 1, #checkconfigs do options["config"] = {checkconfigs[i]} failure = 0 ~= call({"."}, "clean", options) or failure end exit(failure and 1 or 0) end end if #checkconfigs == 1 and (options["target"] == "check" or options["target"] == "save" or options["target"] == "clean") then if checkconfigs[1] == "build" then -- Sanity check for default config check_engines("build.lua") else local configname = gsub(checkconfigs[1], "%.lua$", "") local config = "./" .. configname .. ".lua" if fileexists(config) then local savedtestfiledir = testfiledir dofile(config) -- Sanity check for non-default config check_engines(configname .. ".lua") testdir = testdir .. "-" .. configname -- Reset testsuppdir if required if savedtestfiledir ~= testfiledir and testsuppdir == savedtestfiledir .. "/support" then testsuppdir = testfiledir .. "/support" end else print("Error: Cannot find configuration \"" .. configname .. ".lua\"") exit(1) end end end -- Call the main function main(options["target"], options["names"])