--[[ File l3build-manifest.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] --[[ L3BUILD MANIFEST ================ If desired this entire function can be replaced; if not, it uses a number of auxiliary functions which are included in this file. Additional setup can be performed by replacing the functions lists in the file `l3build-manifest-setup.lua`. --]] local ctanfiles local tdsfiles function manifest() -- build list of ctan files ctanfiles = {} for _,f in ipairs(filelist(ctandir.."/"..ctanpkg,"*.*")) do ctanfiles[f] = true end tdsfiles = {} for _,subdir in ipairs({"/doc/","/source/","/tex/"}) do for _,f in ipairs(filelist(tdsdir..subdir..moduledir,"*.*")) do tdsfiles[f] = true end end local manifest_entries = manifest_setup() for ii,_ in ipairs(manifest_entries) do manifest_entries[ii] = manifest_build_list(manifest_entries[ii]) end manifest_write(manifest_entries) local printline = "Manifest written to " .. manifestfile print((printline:gsub(".","*"))) print(printline) print((printline:gsub(".","*"))) return 0 end --[[ Internal Manifest functions: build_list --------------------------------------- --]] manifest_build_list = function(entry) if not(entry.subheading) then entry = manifest_build_init(entry) -- build list of excluded files for _,glob_list in ipairs(entry.exclude) do for _,this_glob in ipairs(glob_list) do for _,this_file in ipairs(filelist(maindir,this_glob)) do entry.excludes[this_file] = true end end end -- build list of matched files for _,glob_list in ipairs(entry.files) do for _,this_glob in ipairs(glob_list) do local these_files = filelist(entry.dir,this_glob) these_files = manifest_sort_within_match(these_files) for _,this_file in ipairs(these_files) do entry = manifest_build_file(entry,this_file) end entry.files_ordered = manifest_sort_within_group(entry.files_ordered) end end end return entry end manifest_build_init = function(entry) -- currently these aren't customisable; I guess they could be? local manifest_group_defaults = { skipfiledescription = false , rename = false , dir = maindir , exclude = {excludefiles} , flag = true , } -- internal data added to each group in the table that needs to be initialised local manifest_group_init = { N = 0 , -- # matched files ND = 0 , -- # descriptions matches = {} , excludes = {} , files_ordered = {} , descr = {} , Nchar_file = 4 , -- TODO: generalise Nchar_descr = 11 , -- TODO: generalise } -- copy default options to each group if necessary for kk,ll in pairs(manifest_group_defaults) do if entry[kk] == nil then entry[kk] = ll end -- can't use "entry[kk] = entry[kk] or ll" because false/nil are indistinguishable! end -- initialization for internal data for kk,ll in pairs(manifest_group_init) do entry[kk] = ll end -- allow nested tables by requiring two levels of nesting if type(entry.files[1])=="string" then entry.files = {entry.files} end if type(entry.exclude[1])=="string" then entry.exclude = {entry.exclude} end return entry end local open = io.open manifest_build_file = function(entry,this_file) if entry.rename then this_file = this_file:gsub(entry.rename[1],entry.rename[2]) end if not entry.excludes[this_file] then entry.N = entry.N+1 if not(entry.matches[this_file]) then entry.matches[this_file] = true -- store the file name entry.files_ordered[entry.N] = this_file -- store the file order entry.Nchar_file = math.max(entry.Nchar_file,this_file:len()) end if not(entry.skipfiledescription) then local ff = assert(open(entry.dir .. "/" .. this_file, "r")) this_descr = manifest_extract_filedesc(ff,this_file) ff:close() if this_descr and this_descr ~= "" then entry.descr[this_file] = this_descr entry.ND = entry.ND+1 entry.Nchar_descr = math.max(entry.Nchar_descr,this_descr:len()) end end end return entry end --[[ Internal Manifest functions: write ---------------------------------- --]] manifest_write = function(manifest_entries) local f = assert(open(manifestfile, "w")) manifest_write_opening(f) for ii,vv in ipairs(manifest_entries) do if manifest_entries[ii].subheading then manifest_write_subheading(f,manifest_entries[ii].subheading,manifest_entries[ii].description) elseif manifest_entries[ii].N > 0 then manifest_write_group(f,manifest_entries[ii]) end end f:close() end manifest_write_group = function(f,entry) manifest_write_group_heading(f,entry.name,entry.description) if entry.ND > 0 then for ii,file in ipairs(entry.files_ordered) do local descr = entry.descr[file] or "" local param = { dir = entry.dir , count = ii , filemaxchar = entry.Nchar_file , descmaxchar = entry.Nchar_descr , ctanfile = ctanfiles[file] , tdsfile = tdsfiles[file] , flag = false , } if entry.flag then param.flag = " " if tdsfiles[file] and not(ctanfiles[file]) then param.flag = "† " elseif ctanfiles[file] then param.flag = "‡ " end end if ii == 1 then -- header of table -- TODO: generalise local p = {} for k,v in pairs(param) do p[k] = v end p.count = -1 p.flag = p.flag and "Flag" manifest_write_group_file_descr(f,"File","Description",p) p.flag = p.flag and "--- " manifest_write_group_file_descr(f,"---","---",p) end manifest_write_group_file_descr(f,file,descr,param) end else for ii,file in ipairs(entry.files_ordered) do local param = { dir = entry.dir , count = ii , filemaxchar = entry.Nchar_file , ctanfile = ctanfiles[file] , tdsfile = tdsfiles[file] , } if entry.flag then param.flag = "" if tdsfiles[file] and not(ctanfiles[file]) then param.flag = "†" elseif ctanfiles[file] then param.flag = "‡" end end manifest_write_group_file(f,file,param) end end end