--[[ File l3build-ctan.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2024 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] local pairs = pairs local print = print local attributes = lfs.attributes local lower = string.lower local match = string.match local newzip = require"l3build-zip" -- Copy files to the main CTAN release directory function copyctan() local pkgdir = ctandir .. "/" .. ctanpkg mkdir(pkgdir) -- Handle pre-formed sources: do two passes to avoid any cleandir() issues for _,dest in pairs(tdsdirs) do mkdir(pkgdir .. "/" .. dest) end for src,dest in pairs(tdsdirs) do cp("*",src,pkgdir .. "/" .. dest) end -- Now deal with the one-at-a-time files local function copyfiles(files,source) if source == currentdir or flatten then for _,filetype in pairs(files) do cp(filetype,source,pkgdir) end else for _,filetype in pairs(files) do for _,p in ipairs(tree(source,filetype)) do local path = dirname(p.src) local ctantarget = pkgdir .. "/" .. source .. "/" .. path mkdir(ctantarget) cp(p.src,source,ctantarget) end end end end for _,tab in pairs( {bibfiles,demofiles,docfiles,pdffiles,scriptmanfiles,typesetlist}) do copyfiles(tab,docfiledir) end copyfiles(sourcefiles,sourcefiledir) for _,file in pairs(textfiles) do cp(file, textfiledir, pkgdir) end end function bundlectan() local errorlevel = install_files(tdsdir,true) if errorlevel ~=0 then return errorlevel end copyctan() return 0 end function ctan() -- Always run tests for all engines options["engine"] = nil local function dirzip(dir, zipname) zipname = zipname .. ".zip" local zip = assert(newzip(dir .. '/' .. zipname)) local function tab_to_check(table) local patterns = {} for n,i in ipairs(table) do patterns[n] = glob_to_pattern(i) end return function(name) for n, patt in ipairs(patterns) do if name:match"([^/]*)$":match(patt) then return true end end return false end end -- Convert the tables of files to quoted strings local binfile = tab_to_check(binaryfiles) local exclude = tab_to_check(excludefiles) local exefile = tab_to_check(exefiles) -- First, zip up all of the text files for _, p in ipairs(tree(dir, "**")) do local src = p.src:sub(3) -- Strip ./ if not (attributes(p.cwd, "mode") == "directory" or exclude(src) or src == zipname) then zip:add(p.cwd, src, binfile(src), exefile(src)) end end return zip:close() end local errorlevel local standalone = false if bundle == "" then standalone = true end if standalone then errorlevel = call({"."},"check") bundle = module else errorlevel = call(modules, "bundlecheck") end if errorlevel == 0 then rmdir(ctandir) mkdir(ctandir .. "/" .. ctanpkg) rmdir(tdsdir) mkdir(tdsdir) if standalone then errorlevel = install_files(tdsdir,true) if errorlevel ~=0 then return errorlevel end copyctan() else errorlevel = call(modules, "bundlectan") end else print("\n====================") print("Tests failed, zip stage skipped!") print("====================\n") return errorlevel end if errorlevel == 0 then for _,i in ipairs(textfiles) do for _,j in pairs({unpackdir, textfiledir}) do cp(i, j, ctandir .. "/" .. ctanpkg) cp(i, j, tdsdir .. "/doc/" .. tdsroot .. "/" .. bundle) end end -- Rename README if necessary if ctanreadme ~= "" and not match(lower(ctanreadme),"^readme%.%w+") then local newfile = "README." .. match(ctanreadme,"%.(%w+)$") for _,dir in pairs({ctandir .. "/" .. ctanpkg, tdsdir .. "/doc/" .. tdsroot .. "/" .. bundle}) do if fileexists(dir .. "/" .. ctanreadme) then rm(dir,newfile) ren(dir,ctanreadme,newfile) end end end dirzip(tdsdir, ctanpkg .. ".tds") if packtdszip then cp(ctanpkg .. ".tds.zip", tdsdir, ctandir) cp(ctanpkg .. ".tds.zip", tdsdir, currentdir) end dirzip(ctandir, ctanzip) cp(ctanzip .. ".zip", ctandir, currentdir) else print("\n====================") print("Typesetting failed, zip stage skipped!") print("====================\n") end return errorlevel end