% (c) 1999-2002 by Jose Luis Dias and Javier Bezos. % All Rights Reserved. % % This file is part of the gloss distribution release 1.5.2 % ----------------------------------------------------------- % % This file can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms % of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN % archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either % version 1 of the License, or any later version. @string{alphasort = "01"} @string{betasort = "02"} @string{gammasort = "03"} @string{deltasort = "04"} @string{epsilonsort = "05"} @string{zetasort = "06"} @string{etasort = "07"} @string{thetasort = "08"} @string{iotasort = "09"} @string{kappasort = "10"} @string{lambdasort = "11"} @string{musort = "12"} @string{nusort = "13"} @string{xisort = "14"} @string{omicronsort = "15"} @string{pisort = "16"} @string{rhosort = "17"} @string{sigmasort = "18"} @string{tausort = "19"} @string{upsilonsort = "20"} @string{phisort = "21"} @string{chisort = "22"} @string{psisort = "23"} @string{omegasort = "24"}