;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; This file provides an example of xindy configuration file to use with eledmac. ;; To complete the eledmac Handbook, one can read the French online article on ;; http://geekographie.maieul.net/174 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Mandatory lines for eledmac ;; The following lines are mandatory. ;; they let eledmac understand the references ;; in the form of: ;; pagenumber-linenumber ;; which are provided by \edtext. (define-location-class "eledmac" ("arabic-numbers" :sep"-" "arabic-numbers") :hierdepth 2 ) ;; The following lines require the file ;; eledmac-markup-attr.xdy which is automatically generated by the ;; xindy option. ;; This file defines some markup attributes that are required ;; for building the index with both footnote and xindy+hyperref options. (require "eledmac-markup-attr.xdy") ;; The following lines are to print ;; the line number in parenthesis ;; after the page number, with a comma between line numbers if there is more than ;; one line number. ;; ;; This setting is strongly recommended, in order to make a distinction ;; between page ranges which are marked with a dash and ;; line numbers, which are by default also marked with a dash. ;; ;; Of course, you can use your own settings (markup-locref-list :open " (" :sep ", " :close ")" :depth 1 :class "eledmac") ;;;; The following lines should be uncommented if you use xindy + hyperref package ;; This group is not directly linked to eledmac, ;; but is required to have internal hyperlinking in the index ;; if you used the hyperindex=false option of hyperref. ;; Generally, this option and these lines are recommended ;; to provide the best possible compatibility between hyperref and xindy. ;; Read http://geekographie.maieul.net/172 for further explanations. ;; The first line of the first group is just to allow |emph markup in indexing, ;; and is not directly related to eledmac nor to hyperref. ;(define-attributes ("emph")) ;(markup-locref :open "\hyperpage{" :close "}" :attr "default") ;(markup-locref :open "\textbf{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "textbf") ;(markup-locref :open "\textit{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "textit") ;(markup-locref :open "\emph{\hyperpage{" :close "}}" :attr "emph")