%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hefonts2.sty % ArabTeX % load Hebrew fonts for NFSS2 % 27.04.2003 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally and Bernd Raichle % Institut fuer Formale Methoden der Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \a@ident {hefonts2.sty} {3.11 define Hebrew fonts for NFSS2} {27.04.2003} % NEW FONT SELECTION -- Version 2 %\a@message {using NFSS2} \def \fdef #1#2#3#4{% define NFSS2 font command \pdef #1{\def \pheb {\fontencoding {U}\fontfamily {#2}% \fontseries {#3}\fontshape {#4}\selectfont }% \ifx \a@normalfont \a@default \gdef \a@normalfont {#1}\fi %\setarabfont \pheb \set@arabfont }% \setarabfont \pheb }% \all@wcmd #1} \def \hdef #1{\fdef #1{heb}}% define Hebrew font % commands for selecting the default Hebrew fonts: \hdef \sethebrm {m}{n} \hdef \sethebbf {bx}{n} %\let \hc \sethebrm \all@wcmd \hc %\let \hp \sethebbf \all@wcmd \hp \hdef \hc {m}{n} \hdef \hp {bx}{n} % commands for selecting the standard Hebrew fonts from CTAN: \hdef \Jm {m}{Jm} \hdef \jm {m}{jm} \hdef \ds {m}{ds} \hdef \oj {m}{oj} \hdef \ta {m}{ta} % commands for selecting the Shalom family of Hebrew fonts from CTAN: \hdef \shlmold {m}{so} \hdef \shlmscr {m}{sr} \hdef \shlmstk {m}{sk} % commands for selecting the Frank Ruehl family of Hebrew fonts from CTAN: \hdef \fr {m}{fr} \hdef \frbx {bx}{fr} \hdef \frsl {sl}{fr} % commands for selecting the Carmel family of Hebrew fonts from CTAN: \hdef \crml {m}{crml} \hdef \crmlsl {sl}{crml} % All other definitions are done in file `Uheb.fd', which is % loaded on demand. %\def \a@defaultfont {\hc } \hc \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% EOF %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%