% Copyright 2005 2015 Ovidiu Gheorghies % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. if known _util_shade_mp: expandafter endinput fi; _util_shade_mp:=1; % Sadly, this copy of the macro is needed to prevent multiple file loads being shown by MetaPost. % The guard values (such as _metauml_mp) do ensure that the file isn't loaded multiple times, % but this macro makes sure that MetaPost won't try to load the file and display a message for that. def inputonce text libraryFile= if not known scantokens ("_" & str libraryFile & "_mp"): %includeonce% show "Loading " & str libraryFile; scantokens ("input " & str libraryFile); else: %includeonce% show str libraryFile & " already loaded."; fi; enddef; inputonce util_log; vardef ShadeInfo@#= _n_ := str @#; generic_declare(numeric) _n.shift; generic_declare(color) _n.background; @#shift := 1; @#background := .7white; enddef; vardef ShadeInfoCopy@#(text src)= ShadeInfo.@#; ShadeInfo_copy@#(src); enddef; vardef ShadeInfo_copy@#(text src)= @#shift := src.shift; @#background := src.background; enddef; vardef ShadeInfo_toString@#= save @#ret; string @#ret; @#ret := "Shade (shift: " & (decimal @#shift) & " back: (" & (decimal redpart @#background) & ", " & (decimal greenpart @#background) & ", " & (decimal bluepart @#background) & ")"; @#ret enddef;