% Copyright 2005 2015 Ovidiu Gheorghies % Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. if known _metauml_class_relations_mp: expandafter endinput fi; _metauml_class_relations_mp:=1; defaultRelationHeadWidth := 25; defaultRelationHeadHeight := 10; vardef AssociationInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = 0; @#heightB = 0; @#drawMethodB = "drawNothing"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef AssociationUniInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawArrow"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef InheritanceInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawTriangle"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef AggregationInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawDiamond"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef AggregationUniInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightA = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodA = "drawArrow"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawDiamond"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef CompositionInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawDiamondBlack"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef CompositionUniInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightA = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodA = "drawArrow"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawDiamondBlack"; @#drawMethod = "drawLine"; enddef; vardef DashedLinkInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = 0; @#heightB = 0; @#drawMethodB = "drawNothing"; @#drawMethod = "drawLineDashed"; enddef; vardef DependencyInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawArrow"; @#drawMethod = "drawLineDashed"; enddef; vardef RealizationInfo@# = LinkInfo@#; @#widthA = 0; @#heightA = 0; @#drawMethodA = "drawNothing"; @#widthB = defaultRelationHeadWidth; @#heightB = defaultRelationHeadHeight; @#drawMethodB = "drawTriangle"; @#drawMethod = "drawLineDashed"; enddef; AssociationInfo.association; AssociationUniInfo.associationUni; InheritanceInfo.inheritance; AggregationInfo.aggregation; AggregationUniInfo.aggregationUni; CompositionInfo.composition; CompositionUniInfo.compositionUni; DashedLinkInfo.dashedLink; DependencyInfo.dependency; RealizationInfo.realization; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Deprecated, kept to support code using the older API. % Using the generic formulation involving link, e.g. % link(association)(A.n--B.s) is preferable. % link and clink are defined in metauml_links % vardef drawRelation(text iLink)(expr myPath)= link(iLink)(myPath); enddef;