m3D package -------------------- Last modification: december 14, 2005 ------------------------------------ Summary ------- The m3D package is an extension to plain MetaPost designed for 3 dimensional graphics. Licence ------- Standard LaTeX licence even if I also like the ``Feel-free-to-send-me-a-postcard'' one. Brief description of the files ------------------------------ * mpinputs: MetaPost input files. o m3Dplain.mp (the very core of m3D, reading it is better than read any manual) o m3Dlib01.mp (a small library where one cand find some common mathematical objects) o One may add here new libraries. * manual: a draft for a manual. o m3Dmanual.pdf (to be read directly) o m3Dmanual.ps (to be read directly) o m3Dmanual.tex (the text [plain-TeX]), o m3Dmanual.mp (illustrations, this helps also to understand how to use m3D), o m3Dmanmac.tex (personal plain-TeX format) * trials: various things using m3D. Try them. * gallery: a small gallery of still or animated images. Suggested TDS location for the contents of mpinputs: ---------------------------------------------------- $TEXMF/metapost/misc/m3D Suggested TDS location for other files: --------------------------------------- /dev/null Brief commentary: Happy MetaPosting. ----------------- Anthony Phan.