if unknown ifi: string ifi; ifi:="~vicar~.mpx"; fi if unknown ofi: string ofi; ofi:="~vicar~.mpy"; fi selected_page:=1; write "if selected_page=1:" to ofi; forever: % re-declaration apparently cures problems with the string pool with % large DVI files, such as TeXbook.DVI (Oostrum's DOS implementation % swallows occasionally strings and issues "???" instead) string l_; l_:=readfrom ifi; exitif (l_=EOF); if (l_="mpxbreak"): l_:="elseif selected_page=" & decimal(incr(selected_page)) & ":"; fi write l_ to ofi; endfor write "errmessage " & ditto & "Non-existant page " & decimal(selected_page) & ditto & ";" to ofi; write "else:" to ofi; write "errmessage " & ditto & "Non-existant page " & ditto & " & decimal(selected_page);" to ofi; write "fi" to ofi; write "endinput" to ofi; end