%% Begin of file `tgpagella.sty'. % This file belongs to the TeX Gyre collection of fonts. The work is released % under the GUST Font License. See the MANIFEST-TeX-Gyre-Pagella.txt % and README-TeX-Gyre-Pagella.txt files for the details. % For the most recent version of this license see % http://www.gust.org.pl/fonts/licenses/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt or % http://tug.org/fonts/licenses/GUST-FONT-LICENSE.txt %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %% [EN] LaTeX2e support for Tex Gyre Pagella fonts %% The declaration `\usepackage{tgpagella}' in the LaTeX preamble %% will set TeX Gyre Pagella as the default (serif) font for the document. %% %% [PL] Wspomaga stosowanie w LaTeXu kroju Tex Gyre Pagella %% Umieszczenie linijki `\usepackage{tgpagella}' w preambule spowoduje %% ustawienie TeX Gyre Pagella jako podstawowego szeryfowego kroju %% dokumenu, czyli kroju skojarzonego z poleceniem \rmfamily. %% W dokumenach po polsku konieczne jest uaktywnienie kodowania %% T1, QX lub OT4 (najlepiej przy pomocy pakietu 'polski'). Np.: %% %% \usepackage{tgpagella} %% \usepackage[T1]{polski} %% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{tgpagella} [2009/09/27 v1.2 TeX Gyre Pagella as default roman family] \def\tg@scale@to@rm#1#2{% \begingroup \fontsize{10}{0}\usefont{\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{m}{n}% #1% \xdef\qpl@scale{% \strip@pt \dimexpr 1pt * \@tempdima / \dimexpr#2pt\relax \relax}% \PackageInfo{tgpagella}{The qpl family is scaled by \qpl@scale} \endgroup } \RequirePackage{kvoptions} \SetupKeyvalOptions{prefix=qpl@} \DeclareStringOption{scale}[1] \define@key{tgpagella}{matchlowercase}[1]{% \tg@scale@to@rm{\@tempdima#1\fontdimen5\font}{4.48999}} \define@key{tgpagella}{matchuppercase}[1]{% \tg@scale@to@rm{\setbox0\hbox{XWYZH}\@tempdima#1\ht0}{6.77998}} \DeclareVoidOption{oldspacing}{% \def\qpl@set@spacing{% \fontdimen2\font=.333em \fontdimen3\font=.222em \fontdimen4\font=.111em }% } \ProcessKeyvalOptions* \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{qpl} \fontfamily{\familydefault} \renewcommand\bfdefault{b} \endinput %% %% End of file `tgpagella.sty'.