/* * Copyright (c) 1987 University of Maryland Department of Computer Science. * All rights reserved. Permission to copy for any purpose is hereby granted * so long as this copyright notice remains intact. */ /* Definitions for ScanPostAmble */ /* * ScanPostAmble reads the postamble of a DVI file from the (stdio) * file specified in its first argument. It is handed two pointers to * functions. The first (ScanPostAmble's second argument) is called * after the header information has been read, and given a pointer to a * PostAmbleInfo structure. It is the job of this function to extract the * required information from this structure (which is deallocated when * ScanPostAmble returns). * * The second function is called once for each font definition occurring in * the postamble, and is given a pointer to a PostAmbleFont structure. This * function should do whatever the device needs to read the actual font. * * If the DVI file appears malformed, ScanPostAmble will print an error * message and exit. (Drastic, perhaps, but effective.) */ struct PostAmbleInfo { i32 pai_PrevPagePointer; /* previous page pointer */ i32 pai_Numerator; /* numerator from dvi file */ i32 pai_Denominator; /* denominator from dvi file*/ i32 pai_DVIMag; /* \magnification */ i32 pai_TallestPageHeight; /* height of tallest page */ i32 pai_WidestPageWidth; /* width of widest page */ int pai_DVIStackSize; /* DVI stack size required */ int pai_NumberOfPages; /* total number of pages in DVI file */ }; struct PostAmbleFont { char *paf_name; /* name of font (null terminated) */ int paf_n1; /* length of first part of name */ int paf_n2; /* length of second part of name */ i32 paf_DVIFontIndex; /* font index number */ i32 paf_DVIChecksum; /* checksum from DVI file */ i32 paf_DVIMag; /* "at size" */ i32 paf_DVIDesignSize; /* design size of font */ };