/* * xtoq - TeX82 font to QMS font. * * xtoq infile > outfile */ #include #include #include #define MIN(x,y) ((x)<(y)? (x): (y)) #define MAX(x,y) ((x)>(y)? (x): (y)) #define RND(x) ((int)((x)+0.5)) #define MAGIC 1001 #define HIGH 0x80000000 char *progname; char *filename; short x_height, x_width; short x_voffset, x_hoffset; long x_pointer; long x_spacing; long dirbuf[4]; int File; int maxheight; unsigned char thischar; struct q_header qh; struct q_glyph qg; char * unctrl(c) unsigned char c; { static char hold[3]; if (c == '\177') return "^?"; if (c<' ') sprintf(hold,"^%c", c^0100); else sprintf(hold,"%c",c); return hold; } main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { int k, vert; int i, j, raslen, outraslen; long *buf, *bp; long trailer[5]; progname = *argv; while (--argc) { if ('-'==**++argv) switch (*++*argv) { default: bomb(); } else break; } if (!argc) bomb(); filename = *argv; if (--argc>0) bomb(); File = open(filename,0); if (0>File) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: cannot read %s\n", progname,filename); exit(1); } lseek(File,-5L*sizeof(long),2); read(File,trailer,5*sizeof(long)); if (MAGIC != trailer[4]) { fprintf(stderr,"%s: %s not a pxl file\n", progname,filename); exit(1); } /* * comb the directory to determine the QMS font height. */ maxheight = 0; lseek(File, trailer[3]*sizeof(long), 0); for (thischar=0; thischar<128; thischar++) { read(File, (char *)dirbuf, 4*sizeof(long)); x_height = dirbuf[0] & 0xffff; x_pointer = dirbuf[2]; if (x_pointer) maxheight=MAX(maxheight, x_height); } /* * write the QMS header. */ qh.q_number = 0; qh.q_orientation = 'P'; qh.q_version = '1'; strncpy(qh.q_name,filename,4); qh.q_fheight = maxheight; qh.q_baseline = 0; qh.q_format = Q_FORMAT2; qwriteh(stdout, &qh); /* * now convert the glyphs. */ for (thischar=0; thischar<128; thischar++) { lseek(File, (-5+(-128L + thischar)*4)*sizeof(long), 2); read(File, (char *)dirbuf, 4*sizeof(long)); x_height = dirbuf[0] & 0xffff; x_width = (dirbuf[0]>>16) & 0xffff; x_voffset = dirbuf[1] & 0xffff; x_hoffset = (dirbuf[1]>>16) & 0xffff; x_pointer = dirbuf[2]; x_spacing = dirbuf[3]; if (!x_pointer && !x_spacing) continue; raslen = (x_width+31) / 32; if (!x_pointer) continue; /* DON'T CONVERT SPACES */ /* * allocate buffers. */ qg.q_char = thischar; qg.q_spacing =RND(300.*x_spacing*trailer[1]/(1000.*trailer[2])); qg.q_width = x_width; /* * set the height to the glyph height. * the output file will have to be filtered through 'newheight'. */ qg.q_height = x_height; qg.q_hoffset = -x_hoffset; qg.q_voffset = 37 + x_voffset - x_height; outraslen = (qg.q_height + 7) / 8; qg.q_bitmap = (unsigned char *)malloc(outraslen*qg.q_width); for (k=0; k=qg.q_width) break; if (HIGH & dots) qg.q_bitmap[(vert-i)/8+ outraslen*(32*j+k)] |= 1<<(7-(vert-i)%8); dots<<=1; } } } qwrite(stdout,&qh,&qg); free(buf); free(qg.q_bitmap); } qend(stdout); exit(0); } bomb() { fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s file\n",progname); exit(1); } -- Col. G. L. Sicherman ...{rocksvax|decvax}!sunybcs!colonel