%/u/sy/beebe/tex/bib/bibnames.sty, Tue Jul 10 14:19:57 1990 %Edit by Nelson H.F. Beebe %% %% @texfile{ %% author = "Nelson H. F. Beebe", %% version = "1.03", %% date = "01 August 1991", %% filename = "bibnames.sty", %% address = "Center for Scientific Computing %% and Department of Mathematics %% South Physics Building %% University of Utah %% Salt Lake City, UT 84112 %% USA %% Tel: (801) 581-5254", %% checksum = "143 393 4284", %% email = "beebe@science.utah.edu (Internet)", %% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %% supported = "yes", %% docstring = "This file provides standard definitions of %% proper names needed in TeX-related %% bibliographies. The definitions are a %% significant extension of those in Rick %% Futura's texnames.sty; the latter is not %% used directly here, because not all sites %% have it. %% The checksum field above contains the %% standard UNIX wc (word count) utility %% output of lines, words, and characters; %% eventually, a better checksum scheme should %% be developed." %% } % %======================================================================= % The TeX-related program names that are not defined already in LaTeX % % Richard Furuta % Department of Computer Science % University of Maryland % College Park, MD 20742 % % furuta@mimsy.umd.edu % seismo!umcp-cs!furuta % % October 22, 1986, first release % % April 1, 1987: modified by William LeFebvre, Rice University % Now includes definitions for BibTeX and SLiTeX, as they appear in the % LaTeX Local User's Guide. % % April 10, 1989: modified by NHFB: added use of \ifundefined so as to % preserve any existing definitions. %======================================================================= % TeXbook, p. 308: \def\ifundefined#1{\expandafter\ifx\csname#1\endcsname\relax} % % The following comes from Mike Spivak \ifundefined{AMSTEX} \newcommand{\AMSTEX}{$\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$} \kern-.125em$\cal S$-\TeX} \fi % Letter case variants: \ifundefined{AmSTeX} \newcommand{\AmSTeX}{\AMSTEX{}} \fi % \ifundefined{AMSTeX} \newcommand{\AMSTeX}{\AMSTEX{}} \fi % % \BibTeX and \SLiTeX, taken from the top of the local user's guide (--wnl) \ifundefined{BibTeX} \newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \fi % \ifundefined{CMR} \newcommand{\CMR}{{Computer Modern}} \fi % \ifundefined{CWEB} \newcommand{\CWEB}{{\tt CWEB}} \fi % \ifundefined{emdash} \newcommand{\emdash}{\penalty\exhyphenpenalty---\penalty\exhyphenpenalty} \fi % \ifundefined{LAMSTeX} \newcommand{\LAMSTeX}{L\raise.42ex\hbox{\kern-.3em\the\scriptfont2 A}% \kern-.2em\lower.376ex\hbox{\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em {\the\textfont2 S}-\\Tex{}} \fi % \ifundefined{FWEB} \newcommand{\FWEB}{{\tt FWEB}} \fi % \ifundefined{METAFONT} \font\mf=logo10 % \hyphenchar\mf=-1 \newcommand{\METAFONT}{{\mf META{\rm{}\-{}}FONT}} \fi % \ifundefined{MF} \newcommand{\MF}{\METAFONT} \fi % \ifundefined{ndash} \newcommand{\ndash}{\penalty\exhyphenpenalty--\penalty\exhyphenpenalty} \fi % \ifundefined{noopsort} \newcommand{\noopsort}[1]{} \fi % \ifundefined{PLOT} \newcommand{\PLOT}{{\mbox{\raise.2ex\hbox{$<$}\kern-.06em\hbox{PLOT79} \kern-.3em\hbox{\raise.2ex\hbox{$>$}}}}} \fi % \ifundefined{POSTSCRIPT} \newcommand{\POSTSCRIPT}{{\sc Post\-Script}} \fi % \ifundefined{PS} \newcommand{\PS}{\POSTSCRIPT} \fi % \ifundefined{singleletter} \newcommand{\singleletter}[1]{#1} \fi % \ifundefined{SLiTeX} \newcommand{\SLiTeX}{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em T\kern -.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \fi % \ifundefined{tubissue} \newcommand{\tubissue}[2]{\TUB~#1, no.~#2} \fi % \ifundefined{TUB} \newcommand{\TUB}{{\em TUG\-boat\/}} \fi % \ifundefined{WEB} \newcommand{\WEB}{{\tt WEB}} \fi