* Fixed bug in logistic.regression where autocovariance function did not recognize the specified variable
* Added an automatic all-neighbour minimum distance for autocovariance in logistic.regression function
* Added function "csi" for cosine similarity index and angular similarity index
* Added function "local.min.max" for finding local minimum and maximum values in a numeric vector
* Added function "outliers" for identifying outliers using modified z-score

* Added argument in "o.ring" for inhomogeneous (TRUE/FALSE) to account for different point processes
* Added function "kl.divergence" for the Kullback-Leibler divergence (relative entropy) metric
* Added function "loess.boot" for bootstraping a loess regression, with associated print and plot functions
* Added function "" for calculating a confidence interval for a loess regression, with associated print and plot functions
* Added function "raster.vol" for generating percent volume from a raster
* Added function "tpi" for calculating the topographic position index 
* Added function "concordance" that performs a concordance/ disconcordance (C-statistic) test on binomial models.

* Bug fix in "land.metrics" that addressed error when more than one class was present
* Bug fix in "land.metrics" that addressed trace error
* Enhancement to "land.metrics" function now accepts multiple classes
* Added function "gaussian.kernel" Creates a Gaussian Kernel of specified size and sigma   
* Added function "tri" Implementation of the Riley et al (1999) Terrain Ruggedness Index
* Added function "sample.poly" for creating samples for each polygon in a SpatialPolygons class object
* Added function "similarity" implementing row imputation to identify "k" ecological similar observations 
* Added function "dispersion" for calculating the dispersion ("rarity") of targets associated with ecological planning units 
* Added function "shannons" for calculating the Shannon's diversity index 
* Added function "insert.values" for inserting new values into a vector at specified positions

* Enhancement to that allows for removal of columns with NA's
* Added function to identify daymet tiles from sp, raster, extent or coordinates
* Added function for point download of DAYMET climate data
* Added function for distance lagged sampling

* Bug fix in "stratified.random" function.
* Added function "rasterCorrelation" for calculating "pearson" or "spearman" correlations or "covariance" between two rasters within a specified moving window.
* Added function "mwCorr" for calculating Dutilleul's modified t-test between two rasters within a specified moving window.  
* Added function "polyPerimeter" for calculating polygon perimeters 

* Enhancement to "raster.entropy" for recognizing continuous verses nominal data in deriving entropy. Also allows for global or local definition of entropy constant. 
* Added function "raster.mds" for calculating a focal multidimensional scaling 
* Added function  "rasterZscore" for calculating cell-level modified z-scores (not memory safe)
* Added function  "sobel" for calculating the Sobel-Feldman isotropic image gradient operator (intensity and direction)

* Bug fix in "download.daymet" function to account for change in HTML structure on the ORNL website
* Modified function "trig.trans" and changed to "sa.trans" for calculating slope, aspect transformations and interactions 
* Added function "hli" for calculating the Heat Load Index 
* Added function "sar" for calculating Surface Area Ratio 
* Added function "curvature" for calculating Surface Curvature 
* Added function "srr" for calculating Surface Relief Ratio
* Added function "dissection" for calculating the Dissection coefficient 
* Added function "raster.gaussian.smooth" for applying a Gaussian smoothing kernel to a raster 
* Added function "raster.transformation" for applying statistical transformations to a raster 
* Added function "raster.invert" for inverting the values in a raster 
* Added function "raster.moments" for calculating a variety of focal statistical moments on a raster 
* Added function "trasp" for calculating the Solar-radiation Aspect Index 

* Deprecated function "kde2D" and replaced with "sp.kde" which accepts weights
* Deprecated function "mwCorr" and replaced with "raster.modified.ttest"
* Changed the "" function so that it retains columns containing all NA's
* Added added optional argument to "" function so a specific column can be define from the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame object
* Added function "class.comparison" Compares two nominal rasters
* Added function "erase.points" Erases points inside or outside a polygon feature class  
* Added function "focal.lmetrics" Landscape metrics using a focal window 
* Added function "" Download Landsat 8 - OLI from AWS.   
* Added function "raster.downscale" Downscale raster to a higher resolution raster using robust regression 
* Added function "raster.modified.ttest" Bivariate moving window correlation using Dutilleul's modified t-test 
* Added function "sp.kde" A weighted or un-weighted kernel density estimate

* Fixed bug in "pseudo.absence" that was throwing an error when a raster class mask was defined 
* Fixed bug in "land.metrics" that was producing incorrect class enumeration
* Feature Enhancement and bug fix in "" function so that polygon attributes are added to the points, also added support for sf classes
* Added function "raster.kendall" Calculates Kendall's tau trend with continuity correction for raster time-series 
* Added function "optimized.sample.variance" Draws an optimal sample that minimizes or maximizes the sample variance 
* Added function "fuzzySum" Calculates the fuzzy sum of a vector
* Added function "remove.holes" Removes all holes (null geometry) in polygon sp class objects  
* Added function "winsorize" Removes extreme outliers using a winsorization transformation
* Added function "crossCorrelation" Calculates the partial spatial cross-correlation function 

* Fixed bug in raster.modified.ttest due to changes in output from SpatialPack
* Modified "crossCorrelation" function to be consistent with Chen (2015) GSCI metric 
* Modified function "raster.kendall" to return Z-value raster
* Added function "classBreaks" for finding class breaks in a distribution
* Added function "smooth.time.series" for imputing NA or smoothing time-series raster data. 
* Added function "hybrid.kmeans" for clustering using hierarchical clustering to define cluster-centers in k-means 
* Added function "morans.plot" for  Autocorrelation plot (Anselin 1996), following Chen (2015), aka, Moran's-I plot (univariate or bivariate) 
* Added function "optimized.sample.variance" for drawing an optimal sample that minimizes or maximizes the sample variance 
* Added function "swvi" for Senescence weighted MSAVI or MTVI
* Added function "smooth.time.series" for smoothing pixel-level data in raster time-series and imputing missing (NA) values using LOESS regression
* Added function "poly.regression" for smoothing data in time-series and imputing missing (NA) values using polynomial regression
* Added function "sg.smooth" for smoothing time-series data using a Savitzky-Golay filter 
* Added function "subsample.distance" - Minimum, and optional maximum, distance constrained sub-sampling 

* Modified function "curvature" to clarify output
* Fixed bug in "sp.kde" so that coordinates are parsed correctly
* Fixed introduced bug in "stratified.random" 
* Fixed bug in "bearing.distance"
* Added function "kendall" and modified raster.kendall to call it 
* Added function "raster.change" for change detection between two rasters
* Added function "topo.distance" for evaluating topographically correct distance
* Added function "focal.lmetrics" for calculating moving window landscape metrics
* Added function "sample.distance" for distance lagged sampling
* Added function "wt.centroids" Creates centroid of [x,y] coordinates based on a weights field

* Added function "parse.bits" for pulling value(s) for a bit(s) based on integer value 
* Added function "annulus.matrix" creates a [0,1] matrix based on defined annulus parameters.  
* Bug fix to "trasp" Missing parenthesis, thanks to Monika Anna Tomaszewska for reporting this mistake.
* Added function "knn" to find nearest neighbors between two spatial objects, with optional search radius

* Added function "" to perform a selection (subset) of a feature class based on a polygon(s) feature
* Added function "random.raster" for creating various random rasters or stacks
* Added function "shift" for shifting a vector by specified positive or negative lag
* Added function "explode" for exploding multipart to singlepart feature geometry 
* Added function "nth.values" for returning the Nth highest or lowest value(s) in a vector
* Added function "overlap" comparing the similarity of two niche estimates using Warren's-I
* Feature Enhancement "knn" expanded to accept "weights" or covariates for multivariate case
* Fixed bug "sp.ked" Error with defined extent in newdata
* Feature Enhancement "sp.ked" added row (nr) and column (nc) dimension arguments, replacing n. 
* Enhancement to "zonal.stats" leveraging velox extract speed
* Added function dependencies from orphaned CRAN package SDMTools (attributed to original author)
    Associated SDMTools functions include:
	  - connected.pixels
      - ClassStat
	  - PatchStat
	  - asc.from.raster
	  - spheroid.distance

* Due to package depreciation, changed velox dependency to exactextractr for raster 

* Depreciated two functions "land.metrics" and "focal.lmetrics" as there are now 
  better alternatives in the landscapemetrics package. This removed the need for a 
  C++ compile and also removed the associated SDMTools functions

* Depreciated "download.daymet" function due to the THREDDS server moving 
  to a NetCDF Markup Language (NcML) format

* Feature Enhancement "hli" added support for southern hemisphere
* Bug fix "raster.change" was not correctly evaluating raster in memory 

* Feature Enhancement "erase.points" changed the function to account for single 
  and multi geometry

* Feature Enhancement "hli" added support for southern hemisphere

* Added function "background" for generating background point samples often used in SDM's 

* Added function "" cross tabulation of two nominal rasters

* Added function "extract.vertices" for extracting (x,y) vertices coordinates from
  polygons and lines 

* Added function "geo.buffer" that buffers data in geographic projection 
* Added function "insert" that inserts a row or column into a data.frame

* Added function "is.empty" method that evaluates if a vector is empty

* Added function "is.whole" method that evaluates if a numeric vector is whole or float

* Added function "built.index" remote sensing built-up index

* Added function "chae" Canine-Human Age Equivalent (for fun)

* Added function "dahi" Diurnal Anisotropic Heat Index

* Added function "impute.loess" for imputing NA's or smoothing data

* Added function "max_extent" returns polygon representing maximum extent 
                  of defined rasters

* Added function "quadrats" for quadrat sampling or analysis

* Added function "rotate.polygon" rotates a polygon by specified angle 
                 (also used by quadrats function)

* Bug fix "smooth.time.series" was not accepting smoothing parameter 
          (thanks to Eileen Perry)

* Added function "rasterDistance" for calculating fast point to raster distances

* Bug fix in print method for crossCorrelation function 

* Fixed bug in crossCorrelation print method

* Addressed changes to spatstat package dependencies

* Added function "polygon_extract" for a fast method for extracting raster values to polygons  

* Added function "" returning the time (sum to position) to a specified value 

* Added function "cgls_urls" for returning download URL from CGLS query

* Fixed bug in insert associated with MARGIN argument

* Fixed bug in crossCorrelation where the I value was being erroneously
  corrected for population (thanks to GitHub user MarHer90). 
* Added zero covariance error check in collinear  
* Added support for terra class objects in rasterCorrelation  

* Added silhouettes to optimal.k output    


**** Jumped to major version release

* Converted all functions that historically relied on sp, raster, rgeos, rgdal 
  and maptools packages to sf and terra and optimized code structure in many 

* Function enhancement raster.downscale to expand to multivariate model with
  optional output for confidence/prediction intervals and MSE rasters.  

* Added function "remove_duplicates" for removing duplicate duplicate feature geometries 

* Added function "all_pairwise" creates a list of all pairwise combinations of a vector 

* Added function "sieve" that creates a MMU for an integer raster 

* Added function "bbox_extent" creates a bounding box polygon representing the extent 
  of a feature or raster                                                   

* depreciated a few functions in lue of efficient alternatives in sf and terra


* Fixed bug in sf.kde (thanks to Dirk Pflugmacher for pointing out rotation issue)  

* Added function sf_dissolve for dissolving polygon features

* Added function squareBuffer for creating square buffers

* Fixed bug in raster.downsample where plot returned error when scatter=TRUE with one covariate  

* Added function aspline.downscale for downscaling rasters using multivariate adaptive 
  regression splines (thanks to discussion with Felipe Benavides)

* Fixed a bug in breeding.density (thanks to Eric Newkirk) where st_distance was resulting 
  in a units class object and crashing the function. 
* Feature request (Alessandro Mondanaro), added an argument/option in sf_kde for using ks or the modified MASS kde2d function that
  facilitates weights. The MASS kde2d was the KDE function in the sp.kde function.   
* Fixed a bug in curvature (thanks to Rachel Wright) where type="mcnab" was returning source raster values 

* Updated knn function to use sf class objects  

* Fixed bug in wt.centroid when sf object is tibble (thanks to Andrew Gustar for drawing my attention to the bug) 

* Added new function for deriving Leaf Area Index (LAI)

* Fixed bug in stratified.random where if there are no replicates with replace = FALSE no results returned

* Enhancement added support for prewhiting of autocorrelated time-series in kendall function


* Added suggest for the lwgeom package after sf dropped as dependency

* Added function to derive LAI (leaf area index) from NDVI

* Fixed bug in where bandwidth was not being reconized as argument

* Reverted sf.kde to use modification of MASS 2dkde as, ks methods are somewhat
  questionable with spatial data.