The sdmTMB package as a whole is distributed under GPL-3 (GNU General Public License Version 3). The sdmTMB package includes other open source software components. The following is a list of these components. - VAST, - flexsurv, - glmmTMB, - SPDE barrier implementation, - mgcv, - brms, - TMB anisotropy R implementation, The following are licensed under GPL-3 as included for sdmTMB: 1. VAST for the general structure of the original TMB model code (heavily modified into src/sdmTMB.cpp), anisotropy plotting code (modified into R/plot.R plot_anisotropy() and plot_anisotropy2()), approach to bias correction (R/index.R get_generic()), and approach to optimization (modified into R/extra-optimization.R) 2. flexsurv for the cumulative distribution function for the generalised gamma distribution (modified into R/residuals.R pgengamma()) The following are licensed under AGPL-3: 1. glmmTMB for general approach to prediction (heavily modified into R/predict.R) selected parameterizations of the likelihood densities (src/sdmTMB.cpp 'family' section: truncated distributions, nbinom1, Beta) effects methods (R/methods.R Effect.sdmTMB()), and emmeans methods (emmeans.R). The following are licensed under GPL-2: 1. SPDE barrier implementation (src/utils.h spde_barrier_t and R/mesh.R make_barrier_spde()) 2. Function to aid prediction from smooths from mgcv documentation smooth2random() (R/smoothers.R s2rPred()) 3. brms code snippets used to construct penalized smoother matrices with mgcv tools (modified into R/smoothers.R parse_smoothers()) 4. TMB anisotropy R implementation from TMB examples folder (R/mesh.R make_anisotropy_spde()) and corresponding code in src/sdmTMB.cpp