2024-08-15 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.5-2 * * man/*.Rd - Correct Rd file(s) with Rd \link{} targets missing package anchors * 2024-02-05 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.5-1 * * man/*.Rd - Correct lost braces * 2023-06-22 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.5-0 * * tests/tseqimp.Rout.save: Follow up to changes in robustbase 0.99-0 * * man/*.Rd - URLs replaced by DOI to fix for the migration of the www.jstatsoft.org * to a new editorial system (see mail from Achim Zeileis from 06.10.2021) * * src/emncov.f: DFLOAT replaced by DBLE 2020-01-15 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-14 * * NAMESPACE - to fix an issue with an update of rrcov: remove 'exportPattern' * and define every exported function separately * R/CovRobust.R, NAMESPACE, DESCRIPTION - removed the dependence on * package 'cluster' - function ellipsoidPoints * 2019-10-22 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-13 * * src/fmcd.f, emncov.f: fixed warnings by a new FORTRAN compiler - * see mail from Prof. Ripley from 3.October 2019 * src/rrcovna_init.c: Registration of native routines * 2016-09-03 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-9 * * Shows differences (some platform?) after UNRELATED update of rrcov 1.4-1 * 2015-11-28 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-8 * * Fixed a bug related to rrcov update * Added deterministic S estimates to CovNASest * * 2014-12-02 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-7 * 2014-10-31 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-6 * * Fixed compatibility issues with robustbase and rrcov versions (imports) * 2013-09-15 Valentin Todorov * * DESCRIPTION (Version): 0.4-5 * * Use suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rrcov)) in the tests * 2013-08-19 Valentin Todorov * 0.4-4 * * Warnings fixed - see mail from Prof. Ripley from 9.August 2013 * 2012-04-11 Valentin Todorov * 0.4-03 * * errors and warnings fixed 2011-03-13 Valentin Todorov * 0.4-02 * * improved the plot functions for CovNA objects * * Fixed a problem with PcaNA and method = "cov" - the default * method changed to "cov". * 2011-03-13 Valentin Todorov * 0.4-00 * Fixed a problem with impMeth="seq" * Added function CovNARobust() * Added additional plots: which=c(..., "tolEllipse", "pairs", "xydistplot", "xyqqchi2") * 2010-07-20 Valentin Todorov * 0.3-00 * Added sequential and robust sequential imputation * Added all PM-methods: MCD, SDE, OGK, S * Adjusted the S4 class hierarchy * Some help added * 2009-09-25 Valentin Todorov * 0.2-01 * 2009-07-15 Valentin Todorov * 0.2-00 * * Prehistory *