### R code from vignette source 'lmrob_simulation.Rnw' ################################################### ### code chunk number 1: initial-setup ################################################### ## set options options(width=60, warn=1) # see warnings where they happen (should eliminate) ## number of workers to start if(FALSE) {## good for pkg developers options(cores= max(1, parallel::detectCores() - 2)) } else { ## CRAN allows maximum of 2: options(cores= min(2, parallel::detectCores())) } ## Number of Repetitions: N <- 1000 ## get path (= ../inst/doc/ in source pkg) robustDoc <- system.file('doc', package='robustbase') robustDta <- robustDoc ## initialize (packages, data, ...): source(file.path(robustDoc, 'simulation.init.R')) # 'xtable' ## set the amount of trimming used in calculation of average results trim <- 0.1 ################################################### ### code chunk number 2: graphics-setup ################################################### ## load required packages for graphics stopifnot(require(ggplot2), require(GGally),# for ggpairs() which replaces ggplot2::plotmatrix() require(grid), require(reshape2)) source(file.path(robustDoc, 'graphics.functions.R')) if(getRversion() < "4.4.0") `%||%` <- function (x, orElse) if (!is.null(x)) x else orElse ## set ggplot theme theme <- theme_bw(base_size = 10) theme$legend.key.size <- unit(1, "lines")# was 0.9 in pre-v.3 ggplot2 theme$plot.margin <- unit(c(1/2, 1/8, 1/8, 1/8), "lines")# was (1/2, 0,0,0) theme_set(theme) ## old and new ggplot2: stopifnot(is.list(theme_G <- theme$panel.grid.major %||% theme$panel.grid)) ## set default sizes for lines and points update_geom_defaults("point", list(size = 4/3)) update_geom_defaults("line", list(size = 1/4)) update_geom_defaults("hline", list(size = 1/4)) update_geom_defaults("smooth", list(size = 1/4)) ## alpha value for plots with many points alpha.error <- 0.3 alpha.n <- 0.4 ## set truncation limits used by f.truncate() & g.truncate.*: trunc <- c(0.02, 0.14) trunc.plot <- c(0.0185, 0.155) f.truncate <- function(x, up = trunc.plot[2], low = trunc.plot[1]) { x[x > up] <- up x[x < low] <- low x } g.truncate.lines <- geom_hline(yintercept = trunc, color = theme$panel.border$colour) g.truncate.line <- geom_hline(yintercept = trunc[2], color = theme$panel.border$colour) g.truncate.areas <- annotate("rect", xmin=rep(-Inf,2), xmax=rep(Inf,2), ymin=c(0,Inf), ymax=trunc, fill = theme_G$colour) g.truncate.area <- annotate("rect", xmin=-Inf, xmax=Inf, ymin=trunc[2], ymax=Inf, fill = theme_G$colour) legend.mod <- list(`SMD.Wtau` = quote('SMD.W'~tau), `SMDM.Wtau` = quote('SMDM.W'~tau), `MM.Avar1` = quote('MM.'~Avar[1]), `MMqT` = quote('MM'~~q[T]), `MMqT.Wssc` = quote('MM'~~q[T]*'.Wssc'), `MMqE` = quote('MM'~~q[E]), `MMqE.Wssc` = quote('MM'~~q[E]*'.Wssc'), `sigma_S` = quote(hat(sigma)[S]), `sigma_D` = quote(hat(sigma)[D]), `sigma_S*qE` = quote(q[E]*hat(sigma)[S]), `sigma_S*qT` = quote(q[T]*hat(sigma)[S]), `sigma_robust` = quote(hat(sigma)[robust]), `sigma_OLS` = quote(hat(sigma)[OLS]), `t1` = quote(t[1]), `t3` = quote(t[3]), `t5` = quote(t[5]), `cskt(Inf,2)` = quote(cskt(infinity,2)) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 3: tab-psi-functions ################################################### ## get list of psi functions lst <- lapply(estlist$procedures, function(x) { if (is.null(x$args)) return(list(NULL, NULL, NULL)) if (!is.null(x$args$weight)) return(list(x$args$weight[2], round(f.psi2c.chi(x$args$weight[1]),3), round(f.eff2c.psi(x$args$efficiency, x$args$weight[2]),3))) return(list(x$args$psi, round(if (is.null(x$args$tuning.chi)) lmrob.control(psi=x$args$psi)$tuning.chi else x$args$tuning.chi,3), round(if (is.null(x$args$tuning.psi)) lmrob.control(psi=x$args$psi)$tuning.psi else x$args$tuning.psi,3))) }) lst <- unique(lst) ## because of rounding, down from 21 to 5 ! lst <- lst[sapply(lst, function(x) !is.null(x[[1]]))] # 5 --> 4 ## convert to table tbl <- do.call(rbind, lst) tbl[,2:3] <- apply(tbl[,2:3], 1:2, function(x) { gsub('\\$NA\\$', '\\\\texttt{NA}', paste('$', unlist(x), collapse=', ', '$', sep='')) }) tbl[,1] <- paste('\\texttt{', tbl[,1], '}', sep='') colnames(tbl) <- paste0('\\texttt{', c('psi', 'tuning.chi', 'tuning.psi'), '}') require("xtable") # need also print() method: print(xtable(tbl), sanitize.text.function=identity, include.rownames = FALSE, floating=FALSE) ################################################### ### code chunk number 4: fig-psi-functions ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() d.x_psi <- function(x, psi) { cc <- lmrob.control(psi = psi)$tuning.psi data.frame(x=x, value=Mpsi(x, cc, psi), psi = psi) } x <- seq(0, 10, length.out = 1000) tmp <- rbind(d.x_psi(x, 'optimal'), d.x_psi(x, 'bisquare'), d.x_psi(x, 'lqq'), d.x_psi(x, 'hampel')) print( ggplot(tmp, aes(x, value, color = psi)) + geom_line(lwd=1.25) + ylab(quote(psi(x))) + scale_color_discrete(name = quote(psi ~ '-function'))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 5: fgen ################################################### f.gen <- function(n, p, rep, err) { ## get function name and parameters lerrfun <- f.errname(err$err) lerrpar <- err$args ## generate random predictors ret <- replicate(rep, matrix(do.call(lerrfun, c(n = n*p, lerrpar)), n, p), simplify=FALSE) attr(ret[[1]], 'gen') <- f.gen ret } ratios <- c(1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/3, 1/2)## p/n lsit <- expand.grid(n = c(25, 50, 100, 400), p = ratios) lsit <- within(lsit, p <- as.integer(n*p)) .errs.normal.1 <- list(err = 'normal', args = list(mean = 0, sd = 1)) for (i in 1:NROW(lsit)) assign(paste('rand',lsit[i,1],lsit[i,2],sep='_'), f.gen(lsit[i,1], lsit[i,2], rep = 1, err = .errs.normal.1)[[1]]) ################################################### ### code chunk number 6: fig-example-design ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() require(GGally) colnames(rand_25_5) <- paste0("X", 1:5) # workaround new (2014-12) change in GGally ## and the 2016-11-* change needs data frames: df.r_25_5 <- as.data.frame(rand_25_5) try( ## fails with old GGally and new packageVersion("ggplot2") >= "" print(ggpairs(df.r_25_5, axisLabels="show", title = "rand_25_5: n=25, p=5")) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 7: lmrob_simulation.Rnw:371-372 ################################################### aggrResultsFile <- file.path(robustDta, "aggr_results.Rdata") ################################################### ### code chunk number 8: simulation-run ################################################### if (!file.exists(aggrResultsFile)) { ## load packages required only for simulation stopifnot(require(robust), require(skewt), require(foreach)) if (!is.null(getOption("cores"))) { if (getOption("cores") == 1) registerDoSEQ() ## no not use parallel processing else { stopifnot(require(doParallel)) if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") { cl <- makeCluster(getOption("cores")) clusterExport(cl, c("N", "robustDoc")) clusterEvalQ(cl, slave <- TRUE) clusterEvalQ(cl, source(file.path(robustDoc, 'simulation.init.R'))) registerDoParallel(cl) } else registerDoParallel() } } else registerDoSEQ() ## no not use parallel processing for (design in c("dd", ls(pattern = 'rand_\\d+_\\d+'))) { print(design) ## set design estlist$design <- get(design) estlist$use.intercept <- !grepl('^rand', design) ## add design.predict: pc estlist$design.predict <- if (is.null(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) f.prediction.points(estlist$design) else f.prediction.points(estlist$design, max.pc = 2) filename <- file.path(robustDta, sprintf('r.test.final.%s.Rdata',design)) if (!file.exists(filename)) { ## run print(system.time(r.test <- f.sim(estlist, silent = TRUE))) ## save save(r.test, file=filename) ## delete output rm(r.test) ## run garbage collection gc() } } } ################################################### ### code chunk number 9: str-estlist ################################################### str(estlist, 1) ################################################### ### code chunk number 10: estl-errs ################################################### estlist$errs[[1]] ################################################### ### code chunk number 11: show-errs (eval = FALSE) ################################################### ## set.seed(estlist$seed) ## errs <- c(sapply(1:nrep, function(x) do.call(fun, c(n = nobs, args)))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 12: lmrob_simulation.Rnw:449-450 ################################################### str(estlist$output[1:3], 2) ################################################### ### code chunk number 13: simulation-aggr ################################################### if (!file.exists(aggrResultsFile)) { files <- list.files(robustDta, pattern = 'r.test.final\\.') res <- foreach(file = files) %dopar% { ## get design, load r.test, initialize other stuff design <- substr(basename(file), 14, nchar(basename(file)) - 6) cat(design, ' ') load(file.path(robustDta, file)) estlist <- attr(r.test, 'estlist') use.intercept <- if (!is.null(estlist$use.intercept)) estlist$use.intercept else TRUE sel <- dimnames(r.test)[[3]] ## [dimnames(r.test)[[3]] != "estname=lm"] n.betas <- paste('beta',1:(NCOL(estlist$design)+use.intercept),sep='_') ## get design lX <- if (use.intercept) as.matrix(cbind(1, get(design))) else as.matrix(get(design)) n <- NROW(lX) p <- NCOL(lX) ## prepare arrays for variable designs and leverages if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) { lXs <- array(NA, c(n, NCOL(lX), dim(r.test)[c(1, 4)]), list(Obs = NULL, Pred = colnames(lX), Data = NULL, Errstr = dimnames(r.test)[[4]])) } ## generate errors lerrs <- array(NA, c(n, dim(r.test)[c(1,4)]) , list(Obs = NULL, Data = NULL, Errstr = dimnames(r.test)[[4]])) for (i in 1:dim(lerrs)[3]) { lerrstr <- f.list2str(estlist$errs[[i]]) lerr <- f.errs(estlist, estlist$errs[[i]], gen = attr(estlist$design, 'gen'), nobs = n, npar = NCOL(lX)) lerrs[,,lerrstr] <- lerr if (!is.null(attr(lerr, 'designs'))) { ## retrieve generated designs: this returns a list of designs lXs[,,,i] <- unlist(attr(lerr, 'designs')) if (use.intercept) stop('intercept not implemented for random desings') } rm(lerr) } if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) { ## calculate leverages lXlevs <- apply(lXs, 3:4, .lmrob.hat) } ## calculate fitted values from betas if (!is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) { ## fixed design case lfitted <- apply(r.test[,n.betas,sel,,drop=FALSE],c(3:4), function(bhat) { lX %*% t(bhat) } ) } else { ## variable design case lfitted <- array(NA, n*prod(dim(r.test)[c(1,4)])*length(sel)) lfitted <- .C('R_calc_fitted', as.double(lXs), ## designs as.double(r.test[,n.betas,sel,,drop=FALSE]), ## betas as.double(lfitted), ## result as.integer(n), ## n as.integer(p), ## p as.integer(dim(r.test)[1]), ## nrep as.integer(length(sel)), ## n procstr as.integer(dim(r.test)[4]), ## n errstr DUP=FALSE, NAOK=TRUE, PACKAGE="robustbase")[[3]] } tdim <- dim(lfitted) <- c(n, dim(r.test)[1], length(sel),dim(r.test)[4]) lfitted <- aperm(lfitted, c(1,2,4,3)) ## calculate residuals = y - fitted.values lfitted <- as.vector(lerrs) - as.vector(lfitted) dim(lfitted) <- tdim[c(1,2,4,3)] lfitted <- aperm(lfitted, c(1,2,4,3)) dimnames(lfitted) <- c(list(Obs = NULL), dimnames(r.test[,,sel,,drop=FALSE])[c(1,3,4)]) lresids <- lfitted rm(lfitted) ## calculate lm MSE and trim trimmed MSE of betas tf.MSE <- function(lbetas) { lnrm <- rowSums(lbetas^2) c(MSE=mean(lnrm,na.rm=TRUE),MSE.1=mean(lnrm,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)) } MSEs <- apply(r.test[,n.betas,,,drop=FALSE],3:4,tf.MSE) li <- 1 ## so we can reconstruct where we are lres <- apply(lresids,3:4,f.aggregate.results <- { function(lresid) { ## the counter li tells us, where we are ## we walk dimensions from left to right lcdn <- f.get.current.dimnames(li, dimnames(lresids), 3:4) lr <- r.test[,,lcdn[1],lcdn[2]] ## update counter li <<- li + 1 ## transpose and normalize residuals with sigma lresid <- t(lresid) / lr[,'sigma'] if (lcdn[1] != 'estname=lm') { ## convert procstr to proclst and get control list largs <- f.str2list(lcdn[1])[[1]]$args if (grepl('lm.robust', lcdn[1])) { lctrl <- list() lctrl$psi <- toupper(largs$weight2) lctrl$tuning.psi <- f.eff2c.psi(largs$efficiency, lctrl$psi) lctrl$method <- 'MM' } else { lctrl <- do.call('lmrob.control',largs) } ## calculate correction factors ## A lsp2 <- rowSums(Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi)^2) ## B lspp <- rowSums(lpp <- Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi,1)) ## calculate Huber\'s small sample correction factor lK <- 1 + rowSums((lpp - lspp/n)^2)*NCOL(lX)/lspp^2 ## 1/n cancels } else { lK <- lspp <- lsp2 <- NA } ## only calculate tau variants if possible if (grepl('args.method=\\w*(D|T)\\w*\\b', lcdn[1])) { ## SMD or SMDM ## calculate robustness weights lwgts <- Mwgt(lresid, lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi) ## function to calculate robustified leverages tfun <- if (is.function(attr(estlist$design, 'gen'))) function(i) { if (all(is.na(wi <- lwgts[i,]))) wi else .lmrob.hat(lXs[,,i,lcdn[2]],wi) } else function(i) { if (all(is.na(wi <- lwgts[i,]))) wi else .lmrob.hat(lX, wi) } llev <- sapply(1:dim(r.test)[1], tfun) ## calculate unique leverages lt <- robustbase:::lmrob.tau(list(),h=llev,control=lctrl) ## normalize residuals with tau (transpose lresid) lresid <- t(lresid) / lt ## A lsp2t <- colSums(Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi)^2) ## B lsppt <- colSums(Mpsi(lresid,lctrl$tuning.psi, lctrl$psi,1)) } else { lsp2t <- lsppt <- NA } ## calculate raw scales based on the errors lproc <- f.str2list(lcdn[1])[[1]] q <- NA M <- NA if (lproc$estname == 'lmrob.mar' && lproc$args$type == 'qE') { ## for lmrob_mar, qE variant lctrl <- lmrob.control(psi = 'bisquare', tuning.chi=uniroot(function(c) robustbase:::lmrob.bp('bisquare', c) - (1-p/n)/2, c(1, 3))$root) se <- apply(lerrs[,,lcdn[2]],2,lmrob.mscale,control=lctrl,p=p) ltmp <- se/lr[,'sigma'] q <- median(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) M <- mad(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) } else if (!is.null(lproc$args$method) && lproc$args$method == 'SMD') { ## for D-scales se <- apply(lerrs[,,lcdn[2]],2,lmrob.dscale,control=lctrl, kappa=robustbase:::lmrob.kappa(control=lctrl)) ltmp <- se/lr[,'sigma'] q <- median(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) M <- mad(ltmp, na.rm = TRUE) } ## calculate empirical correct test value (to yield 5% level) t.val_2 <- t.val_1 <- quantile(abs(lr[,'beta_1']/lr[,'se_1']), 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) if (p > 1) t.val_2 <- quantile(abs(lr[,'beta_2']/lr[,'se_2']), 0.95, na.rm = TRUE) ## return output: summary statistics: c(## gamma AdB2.1 = mean(lsp2/lspp^2,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)*n, K2AdB2.1 = mean(lK^2*lsp2/lspp^2,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)*n, AdB2t.1 = mean(lsp2t/lsppt^2,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE)*n, sdAdB2.1 = sd.trim(lsp2/lspp^2*n,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdK2AdB2.1 = sd.trim(lK^2*lsp2/lspp^2*n,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdAdB2t.1 = sd.trim(lsp2t/lsppt^2*n,trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), ## sigma medsigma = median(lr[,'sigma'],na.rm=TRUE), madsigma = mad(lr[,'sigma'],na.rm=TRUE), meansigma.1 = mean(lr[,'sigma'],trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdsigma.1 = sd.trim(lr[,'sigma'],trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), meanlogsigma = mean(log(lr[,'sigma']),na.rm=TRUE), meanlogsigma.1 = mean(log(lr[,'sigma']),trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), sdlogsigma = sd(log(lr[,'sigma']),na.rm=TRUE), sdlogsigma.1 = sd.trim(log(lr[,'sigma']),trim=trim,na.rm=TRUE), q = q, M = M, ## beta efficiency.1 = MSEs['MSE.1','estname=lm',lcdn[2]] / MSEs['MSE.1',lcdn[1],lcdn[2]], ## t-value: level emplev_1 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']/lr[,'se_1']) > qt(0.975, n - p), na.rm = TRUE), emplev_2 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']/lr[,'se_2']) > qt(0.975, n - p), na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, ## t-value: power power_1_0.2 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.2)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.2 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.2)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_0.4 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.4)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.4 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.4)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_0.6 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.6)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.6 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.6)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_0.8 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-0.8)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_0.8 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-0.8)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, power_1_1 = mean(abs(lr[,'beta_1']-1)/lr[,'se_1'] > t.val_1, na.rm = TRUE), power_2_1 = if (p>1) { mean(abs(lr[,'beta_2']-1)/lr[,'se_2'] > t.val_2, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, ## coverage probability: calculate empirically ## the evaluation points are constant, but the designs change ## therefore this makes only sense for fixed designs cpr_1 = mean(lr[,'upr_1'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_1'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_2 = mean(lr[,'upr_2'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_2'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_3 = mean(lr[,'upr_3'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_3'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_4 = mean(lr[,'upr_4'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_4'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE), cpr_5 = if (any(colnames(lr) == 'upr_5')) { mean(lr[,'upr_5'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_5'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, cpr_6 = if (any(colnames(lr) == 'upr_6')) { mean(lr[,'upr_6'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_6'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA, cpr_7 = if (any(colnames(lr) == 'upr_7')) { mean(lr[,'upr_7'] < 0 | lr[,'lwr_7'] > 0, na.rm = TRUE) } else NA ) }}) ## convert to data.frame lres <- f.a2df.2(lres, split = '___NO___') ## add additional info lres$n <- NROW(lX) lres$p <- NCOL(lX) lres$nmpdn <- with(lres, (n-p)/n) lres$Design <- design ## clean up rm(r.test, lXs, lXlevs, lresids, lerrs) gc() ## return lres lres } save(res, trim, file = aggrResultsFile) ## stop cluster if (exists("cl")) stopCluster(cl) } ################################################### ### code chunk number 14: simulation-aggr2 ################################################### load(aggrResultsFile) ## this will fail if the file is not found (for a reason) ## set eval to TRUE for chunks simulation-run and simulation-aggr ## if you really want to run the simulations again. ## (better fail with an error than run for weeks) ## combine list elements to data.frame test.1 <- do.call('rbind', res) test.1 <- within(test.1, { Method[Method == "SM"] <- "MM" Method <- Method[, drop = TRUE] Estimator <- interaction(Method, D.type, drop = TRUE) Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.S', 'MM') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'SMD.D', 'SMD') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'SMDM.D', 'SMDM') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.qT', 'MMqT') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.qE', 'MMqE') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM.rob', 'MMrobust') Estimator <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'lsq.lm', 'OLS') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Estimator, 'MM', 'sigma_S') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'MMrobust', 'sigma_robust') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'MMqE', 'sigma_S*qE') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'MMqT', 'sigma_S*qT') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'SMDM', 'sigma_D') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'SMD', 'sigma_D') Est.Scale <- f.rename.level(Est.Scale, 'OLS', 'sigma_OLS') Psi <- f.rename.level(Psi, 'hampel', 'Hampel') }) ## add interaction of Method and Cov test.1 <- within(test.1, { method.cov <- interaction(Estimator, Cov, drop=TRUE) levels(method.cov) <- sub('\\.+vcov\\.(a?)[wacrv1]*', '\\1', levels(method.cov)) method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMa", "MM.Avar1") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMrobust.Default", "MMrobust.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MM", "MM.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "SMD", "SMD.Wtau") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "SMDM", "SMDM.Wtau") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMqT", "MMqT.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "MMqE", "MMqE.Wssc") method.cov <- f.rename.level(method.cov, "OLS.Default", "OLS") ## ratio: the closest 'desired ratios' instead of exact p/n; ## needed in plots only for stat_*(): median over "close" p/n's: ratio <- ratios[apply(abs(as.matrix(1/ratios) %*% t(as.matrix(p / n)) - 1), 2, which.min)] }) ## calculate expected values of psi^2 and psi' test.1$Ep2 <- test.1$Epp <- NA for(Procstr in levels(test.1$Procstr)) { args <- f.str2list(Procstr)[[1]]$args if (is.null(args)) next lctrl <- do.call('lmrob.control',args) test.1$Ep2[test.1$Procstr == Procstr] <- robustbase:::lmrob.E(psi(r)^2, lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE) test.1$Epp[test.1$Procstr == Procstr] <- robustbase:::lmrob.E(psi(r,1), lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE) } ## drop some observations, separate fixed and random designs test.fixed <- droplevels(subset(test.1, n == 20)) ## n = 20 -- fixed design test.1 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, n != 20)) ## n !=20 -- random designs test.lm <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Function == 'lm')) # lm = OLS test.1 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Function != 'lm')) # Rob := all "robust" test.lm$Psi <- NULL test.lm.2 <- droplevels(subset(test.lm, Error == 'N(0,1)')) # OLS for N(*) test.2 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Error == 'N(0,1)' & Function != 'lm'))# Rob for N(*) ## subsets test.3 <- droplevels(subset(test.2, Method != 'SMDM'))# Rob, not SMDM for N(*) test.4 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Method != 'SMDM'))# Rob, not SMDM for all ################################################### ### code chunk number 15: fig-meanscale ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() ## ## exp(mean(log(sigma))): this looks almost identical to mean(sigma) print(ggplot(test.3, aes(p/n, exp(meanlogsigma.1), color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), # <- "rounded p/n": --> median over "neighborhood" fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + ylab(quote('geometric ' ~ mean(hat(sigma)))) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(test.3$Est.Scale))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 16: fig-sdscale-1 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(test.3, aes(p/n, sdlogsigma.1*sqrt(n), color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + ylab(quote(sd(log(hat(sigma)))*sqrt(n))) + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + geom_point (data=test.lm.2, alpha=alpha.n, aes(color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(data=test.lm.2, aes(x=ratio, color = Est.Scale), fun = median, geom='line') + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels= lab(test.3 $Est.Scale, test.lm.2$Est.Scale))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 17: fig-sdscale-all ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(test.4, aes(p/n, sdlogsigma.1*sqrt(n), color = Est.Scale)) + ylim(with(test.4, range(sdlogsigma.1*sqrt(n)))) + ylab(quote(sd(log(hat(sigma)))*sqrt(n))) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + geom_point (data=test.lm, aes(color = Est.Scale), alpha=alpha.n, na.rm = TRUE) + ##-> na.rm=T: avoid Warning: Removed 108 rows containing missing values (geom_point). stat_summary(data=test.lm, aes(x = ratio, color = Est.Scale), fun = median, geom='line', na.rm = TRUE) + ##-> na.rm=T: avoid Warning: Removed 108 rows containing non-finite values (stat_summary). g.scale_shape(labels=lab(test.4$Error)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(test.4 $Est.Scale, test.lm$Est.Scale))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 18: fig-qscale ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t3est2 <- droplevels(subset(test.3, Estimator %in% c("SMD", "MMqE"))) print(ggplot(t3est2, aes(p/n, q, color = Est.Scale)) + ylab(quote(q)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(t3est2$Est.Scale))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 19: fig-Mscale ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(t3est2, aes(p/n, M/q, color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + ylab(quote(M/q)) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(t3est2$Est.Scale))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 20: fig-qscale-all ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t1.bi <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Estimator %in% c("SMD", "MMqE") & Psi == 'bisquare')) print(ggplot(t1.bi, aes(p/n, q, color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + facet_wrap(~ Error) + ## labeller missing! ylab(quote(q)) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(tmp$Est.Scale)), legend.mod = legend.mod) ################################################### ### code chunk number 21: fig-Mscale-all ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(t1.bi, aes(p/n, M/q, color = Est.Scale)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + facet_wrap(~ Error) + ylab(quote(M/q)) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete("Scale Est.", labels=lab(tmp$Est.Scale)), legend.mod = legend.mod) ################################################### ### code chunk number 22: fig-efficiency ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(test.2, aes(p/n, efficiency.1, color = Estimator)) + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + ylab(quote('efficiency of' ~~ hat(beta))) + g.scale_shape(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels = lab(test.2$Estimator))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 23: fig-efficiency-all ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t.1xt1 <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Error != 't1')) print(ggplot(t.1xt1, aes(p/n, efficiency.1, color = Estimator)) + ylab(quote('efficiency of '~hat(beta))) + geom_point(aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.95) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + g.scale_shape(values=c(16,17,15,3,7,8,9,1,2,4)[-4], labels=lab(t.1xt1$Error)) + facet_wrap(~ Psi) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels = lab(t.1xt1$Estimator))) ################################################### ### code chunk number 24: fig-AdB2-1 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t.2o. <- droplevels(subset(test.2, !is.na(AdB2t.1))) print(ggplot(t.2o., aes(p/n, AdB2.1/(1-p/n), color = Estimator)) + geom_point(aes(shape=factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=K2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=AdB2t.1), alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=K2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), fun = median, geom='line', linetype=2) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=AdB2t.1), fun = median, geom='line', linetype=3) + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/0.95) + g.scale_y_log10_1() + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels = lab(t.2o.$Estimator)) + ylab(quote(mean(hat(gamma)))) + facet_wrap(~ Psi)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 25: fig-sdAdB2-1 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t.2ok <- droplevels(subset(test.2, !is.na(sdAdB2t.1))) print(ggplot(t.2ok, aes(p/n, sdAdB2.1/(1-p/n), color = Estimator)) + geom_point(aes(shape=factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=sdK2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), alpha = alpha.n) + geom_point(aes(y=sdAdB2t.1), alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=sdK2AdB2.1/(1-p/n)), fun = median, geom='line', linetype= 2) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio, y=sdAdB2t.1), fun = median, geom='line', linetype= 3) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels=lab(t.2ok$Estimator)) + ylab(quote(sd(hat(gamma)))) + facet_wrap(~ Psi)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 26: fig-emp-level ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t.2en0 <- droplevels(subset(test.2, emplev_1 != 0)) print(ggplot(t.2en0, aes(p/n, f.truncate(emplev_1), color = method.cov)) + g.truncate.line + g.truncate.area + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + scale_shape_discrete(quote(n)) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels=lab(t.2en0$method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical level "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0) )) + facet_wrap(~ Psi)) ################################################### ### code chunk number 27: fig-lqq-level ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() tmp <- droplevels(subset(test.1, Psi == 'lqq' & emplev_1 != 0)) print(ggplot(tmp, aes(p/n, f.truncate(emplev_1), color = method.cov)) + g.truncate.line + g.truncate.area + geom_point(aes(shape = factor(n)), alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(aes(x=ratio), fun = median, geom='line') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + g.scale_shape(quote(n)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator", labels=lab(tmp$method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical level "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0) )) + facet_wrap(~ Error) , legend.mod = legend.mod ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 28: fig-power-1-0_2 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() t2.25 <- droplevels(subset(test.2, n == 25))# <-- fixed n ==> no need for 'ratio' tL2.25 <- droplevels(subset(test.lm.2, n == 25)) scale_col_D2.25 <- scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator (Cov. Est.)", labels=lab(t2.25 $method.cov, tL2.25$method.cov)) print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.2, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.2) )) + geom_point(# aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + ## g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 29: fig-power-1-0_4 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.4, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.4) )) + geom_point(alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + ## g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 30: fig-power-1-0_6 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.6, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.6) )) + geom_point(# aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 31: fig-power-1-0_8 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_0.8, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 0.8) )) + geom_point(alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 32: fig-power-1-1 ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(t2.25, aes(p/n, power_1_1, color = method.cov)) + ylab(quote("empirical power "~ list (H[0] : beta[1] == 1) )) + geom_point(alpha = alpha.error) + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_point (data=tL2.25, alpha = alpha.n) + stat_summary(data=tL2.25, fun = median, geom='line') + ## g.scale_shape("Error", labels=lab(t2.25$Error)) + scale_col_D2.25 + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 33: fig-pred-points ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() pp <- f.prediction.points(dd)[1:7,] ## Worked in older ggplot2 -- now plotmatrix() is gone, to be replaced by GGally::ggpairs): ## tmp <- plotmatrix(pp)$data ## tmp$label <- as.character(1:7) ## print(plotmatrix(dd) + geom_text(data=tmp, color = 2, aes(label=label), size = 2.5)) if(FALSE) { tmp <- ggpairs(pp)$data tmp$label <- as.character(1:7) # and now? } ## ggpairs() + geom_text() does *NOT* work {ggpairs has own class} ## print(ggpairs(dd) + geom_text(data=tmp, color = 2, aes(label=label), size = 2.5)) try( ## fails with old GGally and new packageVersion("ggplot2") >= "" print( ggpairs(dd) )## now (2016-11) fine ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 34: fig-cpr ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() n.cprs <- names(test.fixed)[grep('cpr', names(test.fixed))] # test.fixed: n=20 => no 'x=ratio' test.5 <- melt(test.fixed[,c('method.cov', 'Error', 'Psi', n.cprs)]) test.5 <- within(test.5, { Point <- as.numeric(do.call('rbind', strsplit(levels(variable), '_'))[,2])[variable] }) print(ggplot(test.5, aes(Point, f.truncate(value), color = method.cov)) + geom_point(aes(shape = Error), alpha = alpha.error) + g.truncate.line + g.truncate.area + stat_summary(fun = median, geom='line') + geom_hline(yintercept = 0.05) + g.scale_y_log10_0.05() + g.scale_shape(labels=lab(test.5$Error)) + scale_colour_discrete(name = "Estimator (Cov. Est.)", labels=lab(test.5$method.cov)) + ylab("empirical level of confidence intervals") + facet_wrap(~ Psi) ) ################################################### ### code chunk number 35: maxbias-fn ################################################### ## Henning (1994) eq 33: g <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) rho <- function(x) Mchi(x, lctrl$tuning.chi, lctrl$psi, deriv = 0) integrate(function(x) rho(((1 + theta^2)/s^2*x)^2)*dchisq(x, 1, mu^2/(1 + theta^2)), -Inf, Inf)$value }) ## Martin et al 1989 Section 3.2: for mu = 0 g.2 <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) lctrl$tuning.psi <- lctrl$tuning.chi robustbase:::lmrob.E(chi(sqrt(1 + theta^2)/s*r), lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE)}) g.2.MM <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) robustbase:::lmrob.E(chi(sqrt(1 + theta^2)/s*r), lctrl, use.integrate = TRUE)}) ## Henning (1994) eq 30, one parameter case g.3 <- Vectorize(function(s, theta, mu, ...) { lctrl <- lmrob.control(...) rho <- function(x) Mchi(x, lctrl$tuning.chi, lctrl$psi, deriv = 0) int.x <- Vectorize(function(y) { integrate(function(x) rho((y - x*theta - mu)/s)*dnorm(x)*dnorm(y),-Inf, Inf)$value }) integrate(int.x,-Inf, Inf)$value }) inv.g1 <- function(value, theta, mu, ...) { g <- if (mu == 0) g.2 else g.3 uniroot(function(s) g(s, theta, mu, ...) - value, c(0.1, 100))$root } inv.g1.MM <- function(value, theta, mu, ...) { g <- if (mu == 0) g.2.MM else g.3.MM ret <- tryCatch(uniroot(function(s) g(s, theta, mu, ...) - value, c(0.01, 100)), error = function(e)e) if (inherits(ret, 'error')) { warning('inv.g1.MM: ', value, ' ', theta, ' ', mu,' -> Error: ', ret$message) NA } else { ret$root } } s.min <- function(epsilon, ...) inv.g1(0.5/(1 - epsilon), 0, 0, ...) s.max <- function(epsilon, ...) inv.g1((0.5-epsilon)/(1-epsilon), 0, 0, ...) BS <- Vectorize(function(epsilon, ...) { sqrt(s.max(epsilon, ...)/s.min(epsilon, ...)^2 - 1) }) l <- Vectorize(function(epsilon, ...) { sigma_be <- s.max(epsilon, ...) sqrt((sigma_be/inv.g1.MM(g.2.MM(sigma_be,0,0,...) + epsilon/(1-epsilon),0,0,...))^2 - 1) }) u <- Vectorize(function(epsilon, ...) { gamma_be <- s.min(epsilon, ...) max(l(epsilon, ...), sqrt((gamma_be/inv.g1.MM(g.2.MM(gamma_be,0,0,...) + epsilon/(1-epsilon),0,0,...))^2 - 1)) }) ################################################### ### code chunk number 36: max-asymptotic-bias ################################################### asymptMBFile <- file.path(robustDta, 'asymptotic.max.bias.Rdata') if (!file.exists(asymptMBFile)) { x <- seq(0, 0.35, length.out = 100) rmb <- rbind(data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'hampel'), u=u(x, psi = 'hampel'), psi = 'Hampel'), data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'lqq'), u=u(x, psi = 'lqq'), psi = 'lqq'), data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'bisquare'), u=u(x, psi = 'bisquare'), psi = 'bisquare'), data.frame(l=l(x, psi = 'optimal'), u=u(x, psi = 'optimal'), psi = 'optimal')) rmb$x <- x save(rmb, file=asymptMBFile) } else load(asymptMBFile) ################################################### ### code chunk number 37: fig-max-asymptotic-bias ################################################### getOption("SweaveHooks")[["fig"]]() print(ggplot(rmb, aes(x, l, color=psi)) + geom_line() + geom_line(aes(x, u, color=psi), linetype = 2) + xlab(quote("amount of contamination" ~~ epsilon)) + ylab("maximum asymptotic bias bounds") + coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0,10)) + scale_y_continuous(breaks = 1:10) + scale_colour_hue(quote(psi ~ '-function')))