The goal of revise is to support authors in responding to revise and resubmit requests. These functions are designed to work with crsh/papaja.
You can install the development version of {revise} from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
::install_github("conig/revise") remotes
We have included an addin so you can mark text as a reviewer comment. If a YAML header is not detected in document the addin will add it. Fields will automatically be filled in if there is a .rmd file in the working directory. Additionally, selected text will be marked as a reviewer comment by including it within an “asis” chunk. Text below this chunk will be tagged as an author response. A hotkey can be set for this addin (e.g. Ctrl+Shift+R).
You can use rmd or docx files with revise. To load either, simply call revise::read_manuscript(“your_file.rmd”)
For example. Here is an example docx where content has been tagged with comment boxes. E.g, Revise::hard
<- system.file("examples/word_test.docx", package = "revise")
<- read_manuscript(docx_path)
man#> <Manuscript>
#> [34m- 6 sections[39m
#> [31mNo PDF attached[39m
We can see all tagged sections by running
#> [1] "track_changes" "section" "multi_lines" "bullets" "hard" "numbered"
Then we can retrieve using a section name
<- get_revision("hard", man)
revision#> [1] ">Hard example\n>\n>This section has all features:\n>\n>* Bullet1\n>\n>* Bullet2\n>\n>* Bullet3\n>\n>Some more text is here."
This content can then be put directly into a response document using single backticks.