## ----message=FALSE, include=FALSE, results="hide", setup, echo=FALSE---------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE, collapse = TRUE, tidy = FALSE, cache = FALSE, dev = "png", comment = "#>" ) library(rbioapi) rba_options(timeout = 30, skip_error = TRUE) ## ----rba_string_map_ids------------------------------------------------------- ## 1 We create a variable with our genes' NCBI IDs proteins <- c( "p53", "BRCA1", "cdk2", "Q99835", "CDC42","CDK1","KIF23", "PLK1","RAC2","RACGAP1","RHOA","RHOB", "PHF14", "RBM3" ) ## 2 Now we map our protein IDs proteins_mapped <- rba_string_map_ids(ids = proteins, species = 9606) ## 3 What we need and will use for the rest of this vignette is the `stringId` column ## ----rba_string_map_ids_results, echo=FALSE----------------------------------- if (is.data.frame(proteins_mapped)) { DT::datatable( data = proteins_mapped, options = list( scrollX = TRUE, paging = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE, keys = TRUE, pageLength = 5 ) ) } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_map_ids2, eval=is.data.frame(proteins_mapped) && hasName(proteins_mapped, "stringId")---- ## 3 What we need and will use for the rest of this vignette is the `stringId` column proteins_mapped <- proteins_mapped$stringId ## ----rba_string_interactions_network------------------------------------------ int_net <- rba_string_interactions_network( ids = proteins_mapped, species = 9606, required_score = 500 ) ## ----rba_string_interactions_network_results, echo=FALSE---------------------- if (is.data.frame(int_net)) { DT::datatable( data = int_net, options = list( scrollX = TRUE, paging = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE, keys = TRUE, pageLength = 5 ) ) } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_interaction_partners------------------------------------------ ## Although we supply only one protein ID here (CD40 protein), you can provide a vector of proteins as the input int_partners <- rba_string_interaction_partners( ids = "9606.ENSP00000361359", species = 9606, required_score = 900 ) ## ----rba_string_interaction_partners_restults, echo=FALSE--------------------- if (is.data.frame(int_partners)) { DT::datatable( data = int_partners, options = list( scrollX = TRUE, paging = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE, keys = TRUE, pageLength = 5 ) ) } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_network_image_ex1, fig.show='hide'---------------------------- ## Example 1: graph_ppi1 <- rba_string_network_image( ids = proteins_mapped, image_format = "image", species = 9606, save_image = FALSE, required_score = 500, network_flavor = "confidence" ) ## ----rba_string_network_image_ex1_image, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Network images - Example 1", fig.align='center', fig.width=7---- if (is.array(graph_ppi1)) { grid::grid.raster(graph_ppi1, just = "center") } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_network_image_ex2, fig.show='hide'---------------------------- ## Example 2: graph_ppi2 <- rba_string_network_image( ids = proteins_mapped, image_format = "image", species = 9606, save_image = FALSE, required_score = 500, add_color_nodes = 5, add_white_nodes = 5, network_flavor = "actions" ) ## ----rba_string_network_image_ex2_image, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Network images - Example 2", fig.align='center', fig.width=7---- if (is.array(graph_ppi2)) { grid::grid.raster(graph_ppi2, just = "center") } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_enrichment---------------------------------------------------- enriched <- rba_string_enrichment( ids = proteins_mapped, species = 9606 ) ## ----rba_string_enrichment_str------------------------------------------------ str(enriched, max.level = 1) ## ----rba_string_enrichment_restults, echo=FALSE------------------------------- if (utils::hasName(enriched, "KEGG") && is.data.frame(enriched$KEGG)) { DT::datatable( data = enriched$KEGG, options = list( scrollX = TRUE, paging = TRUE, fixedHeader = TRUE, keys = TRUE, pageLength = 5 ) ) } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_enrichment_plot, fig.show='hide'------------------------------ graph_enrich <- rba_string_enrichment_image( ids = proteins_mapped, species = 9606, category = "KEGG", image_format = "image", save_image = FALSE, group_by_similarity = 0.6 ) ## ----rba_string_enrichment_plot_image, echo=FALSE, fig.cap="Visualization of enrichment analysis results", fig.align='center', fig.width=7---- if (is.array(graph_enrich)) { grid::grid.raster(graph_enrich, just = "center") } else { print("Vignette building failed. It is probably because the web service was down during the building.") } ## ----rba_string_enrichment_ppi------------------------------------------------ rba_string_enrichment_ppi( ids = proteins_mapped, species = 9606 ) ## ----rba_string_annotations, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------- # annotations <- rba_string_annotations( # ids = "9606.ENSP00000269305", # species = 9606 # ) # # ## This function returns large results, so the results are not shown in this vignette. ## ----sessionInfo, echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()