The quantile slice sampler of Heiner et al. (2024+), as well as other
popular slice samplers, are implemented in the qslice
package. Several utility functions for specifying pseudo-target
distributions, for diagnostics and for tuning, are also included.
Other implemented methods include the generalized elliptical (Nishihara et al., 2014), latent (Li and Walker, 2023), and stepping-out (Neal, 2003) slice samplers, and independence Metropolis-Hastings sampler.
All sampling functions in the qslice
package perform a
single scan that can be iteratively called as part of an MCMC
Let g(x) represent an unnormalized target density. Augment the target with a latent random variable V∣X=x∼Uniform(0,g(x)), yielding a joint density for X and V that is proportional to a constant.
Simple slice samplers first draw from the conditional distribution of V given above, and then from the conditional of X∣V=v, which is uniform on the set A={x:v<g(x)} known as the slice region. If A is available analytically, a custom slice sampler can be implemented. The slice samplers available in this package repeatedly sample until a draw on the slice region is found. All use the shrinking method in Neal (2003), which we demonstrate below.
A Gibbs sampler drawing Vt∣Xt−1 followed by Xt∣Vt produces a sequence of draws {Xt} whose distribution converges to the marginal density proportional to g(x).
Each sampling method requires a function to evaluate the natural logarithm of a (typically unnormalized) target density. For the sake of illustration, we use a target that is proportional to a gamma density (with shape α and rate 1):
## Target is a Gamma(shape = alpha, rate = 1) distribution
<- 2.5
alpha <- function(x) ifelse(x > 0.0, (alpha - 1.0) * log(x) - x, -Inf) ltarget
Note that log-target functions in qslice
rely on lexical
scoping. For example, the parameter alpha
not passed as an argument to function
. If the target represents a full conditional
distribution that changes at each iteration of an MCMC algorithm, the
user must either: 1. change the value of α within the environment in which
is defined or 2. redefine the ltarget
We first demonstrate the stepping-out-and-shrinkage sampler of Neal
(2003), a general tool that is robust to the choice of its tuning
parameter w
. The sampling function
performs a single draw, so we embed it
within an MCMC algorithm.
## Set up MCMC
<- 1e3
n_iter <- numeric(n_iter + 1)
x_sample 1] <- 0.5 # initialize
x_sample[<- 0 # count target evaluations
## Run step-and-shrink slice sampler
for (i in 2:(n_iter+1)) {
<- slice_stepping_out(x = x_sample[i-1],
state log_target = ltarget,
w = 2.0)
<- n_eval + state$nEvaluations
n_eval <- state$x
## Check samples
/ n_iter # target evaluations per MCMC iteration
n_eval #> [1] 6.679
hist(x_sample, freq = FALSE, n = 30)
curve(dgamma(x, shape = alpha), col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
## Null hypothesis: Samples are iid Gamma(alpha, 1)
ks.test(x_sample[seq(1, n_iter, by = 5)], pgamma, shape = alpha)
#> Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
#> data: x_sample[seq(1, n_iter, by = 5)]
#> D = 0.076299, p-value = 0.1947
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The quantile slice sampler uses an approximation to the target density, called a pseudo-target. Let ˆG(⋅) represent the distribution function (CDF) of the pseudo-target with inverse (i.e., quantile) function ˆG−1(⋅) and density ˆg(⋅). We use the probability integral transform to define a new random variable ψ=ˆG(X)∈[0,1]. The original target can be written as g(x)=g(x)ˆg(x)ˆg(x), which after transformation becomes h(ψ)=g(ˆG−1(ψ))ˆg(ˆG−1(ψ))1(0≤ψ≤1). If the pseudo-target approximates the target well, h(ψ) will be close to a constant function, yielding an efficient slice sampler. The quantile slice sampler uses target h(ψ) and adaptively shrinks (around the previously sampled value of ψ) to draw a sample belonging the slice region Aψ⊆[0,1].
The quantile slice sampler requires a pseudo-target. This is
specified in the qslice
package with a list containing two
functions: the log-density ld
and inverse-CDF (quantile)
functions. qslice
offers pseudo-target
constructor functions with options for several distribution families.
See help(pseudo_list)
. Here we use a truncated t distribution:
<- pseudo_list(family = "t",
pseu params = list(loc = 0, sc = 3, degf = 1),
lb = 0)
When specifying a pseudo-target, please keep in mind that:
lb = 0
to set the
pseudo-target’s lower bound in the call to
.We visualize g(x), ˆg(x) and h(ψ) below.
utility_pseudo(pseudo = pseu, log_target = ltarget,
type = "function",
utility_type = "AUC", plot = TRUE)
#> [1] 0.4907685
The function utility_pseudo
measures how close h(⋅) is to a constant function. Here
we use AUC ∈(0,1], defined as
the area under the curve h(ψ)/max.
The function slice_quantile
performs a single draw using
the quantile slice sampler. It also outputs draws of \psi (called u
in the
output), which can be used as a diagnostic for pseudo-target
## Set up MCMC
<- 1e3
n_iter <- psi_sample <- numeric(n_iter + 1)
x_sample 1] <- psi_sample[1] <- 0.5 # initialize
x_sample[<- 0 # count target evaluations
## Run step-and-shrink slice sampler
for (i in 2:(n_iter+1)) {
<- slice_quantile(x = x_sample[i-1],
state log_target = ltarget,
pseudo = pseu)
<- n_eval + state$nEvaluations
n_eval <- state$x
x_sample[i] <- state$u
## Check samples
/ n_iter # target evaluations per iteration of MCMC
n_eval #> [1] 2.669
hist(x_sample, freq = FALSE, n = 30)
curve(dgamma(x, shape = alpha), col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
hist(psi_sample, freq = FALSE, n = 30)
auc(u = psi_sample) # calculate AUC from transformed samples
#> [1] 0.4634259
## Null hypothesis: Samples are iid Gamma(alpha, 1)
ks.test(x_sample[seq(1, n_iter, by = 10)], pgamma, shape = alpha)
#> Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
#> data: x_sample[seq(1, n_iter, by = 10)]
#> D = 0.085335, p-value = 0.4602
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided
The quantile slice sampler is effective even with crude approximations to the target. We can also find a pseudo-target within the Student-t family that maximizes AUC.
<- pseudo_opt(log_target = ltarget,
pseu_opt type = "function",
family = "t", degf = c(1, 5, 20),
lb = 0,
utility_type = "AUC", plot = TRUE)
Alternatively, we can use initial samples from the target to specify a pseudo-target. This gives a simple procedure for “tuning” the sampler.
<- pseudo_opt(samples = x_sample,
pseu_opt type = "samples",
family = "t", degf = c(1, 5, 20),
lb = 0,
utility_type = "AUC", plot = TRUE, nbins = 20)
#> [1] "pseudo" "utility" "utility_type" "opt" "nbins"
#> [6] "tol_int" "tol_opt"
#> [1] "d" "ld" "q" "p" "txt" "params" "lb" "ub"
#> [9] "family"
pseu_opt#> [1] "t(loc = 1.51, sc = 1.94, degf = 20) I(0 < x < Inf)"
We conclude by running the quantile slice sampler again with an optimized pseudo-target.
## Set up MCMC
<- 1e3
n_iter <- psi_sample <- numeric(n_iter + 1)
x_sample 1] <- psi_sample[1] <- 0.5 # initialize
x_sample[<- 0 # count target evaluations
## Run step-and-shrink slice sampler
for (i in 2:(n_iter+1)) {
<- slice_quantile(x = x_sample[i-1],
state log_target = ltarget,
pseudo = pseu_opt$pseudo)
<- n_eval + state$nEvaluations
n_eval <- state$x
x_sample[i] <- state$u
## Check samples
/ n_iter # target evaluations per iteration of MCMC
n_eval #> [1] 2.254
hist(x_sample, freq = FALSE, n = 30)
curve(dgamma(x, shape = alpha), col = "blue", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
hist(psi_sample, freq = FALSE, n = 30)
auc(u = psi_sample) # calculate AUC from transformed samples
#> [1] 0.5853801
## Null hypothesis: Samples are iid Gamma(alpha, 1)
ks.test(x_sample[seq(1, n_iter, by = 10)], pgamma, shape = alpha)
#> Asymptotic one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
#> data: x_sample[seq(1, n_iter, by = 10)]
#> D = 0.073568, p-value = 0.6513
#> alternative hypothesis: two-sided
Heiner, M. J., Johnson, S. B., Christensen, J. R., and Dahl, D. B. (2024+), “Quantile Slice Sampling,” arXiv preprint arXiv:###.
Li, Y. and Walker, S. G. (2023), “A latent slice sampling algorithm,” Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 179, 107652.
Neal, R. M. (2003), “Slice sampling,” The Annals of Statistics, 31, 705-767.
Nishihara, R., Murray, I., and Adams, R. P. (2014), “Parallel MCMC with Generalized Elliptical Slice Sampling,” Journal of Machine Learning Research, 15, 2087-2112.